Controls whether the DllImportAttribute.CharSet field causes the common language runtime to search an unmanaged DLL for entry-point names other than the one specified.
If false, the entry point name appended with the letter A is invoked when the DllImportAttribute.CharSet field is set to CharSet.Ansi, and the entry-point name appended with the letter W is invoked when the DllImportAttribute.CharSet field is set to the CharSet.Unicode. Typically, managed compilers set this field.
The following table shows the relationship between the DllImportAttribute.CharSet and DllImportAttribute.ExactSpelling fields, based on default values imposed by the programming language. You can override the default setting, but do so with caution.
Visual Basic |
ExactSpelling:=True |
ExactSpelling:=True |
ExactSpelling:=False |
C# |
ExactSpelling=false |
ExactSpelling=false |
ExactSpelling=false |
C++ |
ExactSpelling=false |
ExactSpelling=false |
ExactSpelling=false |