Android.Views.Keycode Enumeration
Enumerates values returned by several types and taken as a parameter of several types.


public enum Keycode


Enumerates values returned by the following: and taken as a parameter of the following: .


Member NameDescription
AKey code constant: 'A' key.
AltLeftKey code constant: Left Alt modifier key.
AltRightKey code constant: Right Alt modifier key.
ApostropheKey code constant: ''' (apostrophe) key.
AppSwitchKey code constant: App switch key. Should bring up the application switcher dialog.
AssistKey code constant: Assist key. Launches the global assist activity. Not delivered to applications.
AtKey code constant: '@' key.
AvrInputKey code constant: A/V Receiver input key. On TV remotes, switches the input mode on an external A/V Receiver.
AvrPowerKey code constant: A/V Receiver power key. On TV remotes, toggles the power on an external A/V Receiver.
BKey code constant: 'B' key.
BackKey code constant: Back key.
BackslashKey code constant: '\' key.
BookmarkKey code constant: Bookmark key. On some TV remotes, bookmarks content or web pages.
BreakKey code constant: Break / Pause key.
BrightnessDownKey code constant: Brightness Down key. Adjusts the screen brightness down.
BrightnessUpKey code constant: Brightness Up key. Adjusts the screen brightness up.
Button1Key code constant: Generic Game Pad Button #1.
Button10Key code constant: Generic Game Pad Button #10.
Button11Key code constant: Generic Game Pad Button #11.
Button12Key code constant: Generic Game Pad Button #12.
Button13Key code constant: Generic Game Pad Button #13.
Button14Key code constant: Generic Game Pad Button #14.
Button15Key code constant: Generic Game Pad Button #15.
Button16Key code constant: Generic Game Pad Button #16.
Button2Key code constant: Generic Game Pad Button #2.
Button3Key code constant: Generic Game Pad Button #3.
Button4Key code constant: Generic Game Pad Button #4.
Button5Key code constant: Generic Game Pad Button #5.
Button6Key code constant: Generic Game Pad Button #6.
Button7Key code constant: Generic Game Pad Button #7.
Button8Key code constant: Generic Game Pad Button #8.
Button9Key code constant: Generic Game Pad Button #9.
ButtonAKey code constant: A Button key. On a game controller, the A button should be either the button labeled A or the first button on the bottom row of controller buttons.
ButtonBKey code constant: B Button key. On a game controller, the B button should be either the button labeled B or the second button on the bottom row of controller buttons.
ButtonCKey code constant: C Button key. On a game controller, the C button should be either the button labeled C or the third button on the bottom row of controller buttons.
ButtonL1Key code constant: L1 Button key. On a game controller, the L1 button should be either the button labeled L1 (or L) or the top left trigger button.
ButtonL2Key code constant: L2 Button key. On a game controller, the L2 button should be either the button labeled L2 or the bottom left trigger button.
ButtonModeKey code constant: Mode Button key. On a game controller, the button labeled Mode.
ButtonR1Key code constant: R1 Button key. On a game controller, the R1 button should be either the button labeled R1 (or R) or the top right trigger button.
ButtonR2Key code constant: R2 Button key. On a game controller, the R2 button should be either the button labeled R2 or the bottom right trigger button.
ButtonSelectKey code constant: Select Button key. On a game controller, the button labeled Select.
ButtonStartKey code constant: Start Button key. On a game controller, the button labeled Start.
ButtonThumblKey code constant: Left Thumb Button key. On a game controller, the left thumb button indicates that the left (or only) joystick is pressed.
ButtonThumbrKey code constant: Right Thumb Button key. On a game controller, the right thumb button indicates that the right joystick is pressed.
ButtonXKey code constant: X Button key. On a game controller, the X button should be either the button labeled X or the first button on the upper row of controller buttons.
ButtonYKey code constant: Y Button key. On a game controller, the Y button should be either the button labeled Y or the second button on the upper row of controller buttons.
ButtonZKey code constant: Z Button key. On a game controller, the Z button should be either the button labeled Z or the third button on the upper row of controller buttons.
CKey code constant: 'C' key.
CalculatorKey code constant: Calculator special function key. Used to launch a calculator application.
CalendarKey code constant: Calendar special function key. Used to launch a calendar application.
CallKey code constant: Call key.
CameraKey code constant: Camera key. Used to launch a camera application or take pictures.
CapsLockKey code constant: Caps Lock key.
CaptionsKey code constant: Toggle captions key. Switches the mode for closed-captioning text, for example during television shows.
ChannelDownKey code constant: Channel down key. On TV remotes, decrements the television channel.
ChannelUpKey code constant: Channel up key. On TV remotes, increments the television channel.
ClearKey code constant: Clear key.
CommaKey code constant: ',' key.
ContactsKey code constant: Contacts special function key. Used to launch an address book application.
CtrlLeftKey code constant: Left Control modifier key.
CtrlRightKey code constant: Right Control modifier key.
DKey code constant: 'D' key.
DelKey code constant: Backspace key. Deletes characters before the insertion point, unlike Keycode.ForwardDel.
DpadCenterKey code constant: Directional Pad Center key. May also be synthesized from trackball motions.
DpadDownKey code constant: Directional Pad Down key. May also be synthesized from trackball motions.
DpadLeftKey code constant: Directional Pad Left key. May also be synthesized from trackball motions.
DpadRightKey code constant: Directional Pad Right key. May also be synthesized from trackball motions.
DpadUpKey code constant: Directional Pad Up key. May also be synthesized from trackball motions.
DvrKey code constant: DVR key. On some TV remotes, switches to a DVR mode for recorded shows.
EKey code constant: 'E' key.
EisuKey code constant: Japanese alphanumeric key.
EndcallKey code constant: End Call key.
EnterKey code constant: Enter key.
EnvelopeKey code constant: Envelope special function key. Used to launch a mail application.
EqualsKey code constant: '=' key.
EscapeKey code constant: Escape key.
ExplorerKey code constant: Explorer special function key. Used to launch a browser application.
FKey code constant: 'F' key.
F1Key code constant: F1 key.
F10Key code constant: F10 key.
F11Key code constant: F11 key.
F12Key code constant: F12 key.
F2Key code constant: F2 key.
F3Key code constant: F3 key.
F4Key code constant: F4 key.
F5Key code constant: F5 key.
F6Key code constant: F6 key.
F7Key code constant: F7 key.
F8Key code constant: F8 key.
F9Key code constant: F9 key.
FocusKey code constant: Camera Focus key. Used to focus the camera.
ForwardKey code constant: Forward key. Navigates forward in the history stack. Complement of Keycode.Back.
ForwardDelKey code constant: Forward Delete key. Deletes characters ahead of the insertion point, unlike Keycode.Del.
FunctionKey code constant: Function modifier key.
GKey code constant: 'G' key.
GraveKey code constant: '`' (backtick) key.
GuideKey code constant: Guide key. On TV remotes, shows a programming guide.
HKey code constant: 'H' key.
HeadsethookKey code constant: Headset Hook key. Used to hang up calls and stop media.
HelpDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
HenkanKey code constant: Japanese conversion key.
HomeKey code constant: Home key. This key is handled by the framework and is never delivered to applications.
IKey code constant: 'I' key.
InfoKey code constant: Info key. Common on TV remotes to show additional information related to what is currently being viewed.
InsertKey code constant: Insert key. Toggles insert / overwrite edit mode.
JKey code constant: 'J' key.
KKey code constant: 'K' key.
K11Documentation for this section has not yet been entered.
K12Documentation for this section has not yet been entered.
KanaKey code constant: Japanese kana key.
KatakanaHiraganaKey code constant: Japanese katakana / hiragana key.
LKey code constant: 'L' key.
LanguageSwitchKey code constant: Language Switch key. Toggles the current input language such as switching between English and Japanese on a QWERTY keyboard. On some devices, the same function may be performed by pressing Shift+Spacebar.
LastChannelDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
LeftBracketKey code constant: '[' key.
MKey code constant: 'M' key.
MannerModeKey code constant: Manner Mode key. Toggles silent or vibrate mode on and off to make the device behave more politely in certain settings such as on a crowded train. On some devices, the key may only operate when long-pressed.
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MediaCloseKey code constant: Close media key. May be used to close a CD tray, for example.
MediaEjectKey code constant: Eject media key. May be used to eject a CD tray, for example.
MediaFastForwardKey code constant: Fast Forward media key.
MediaNextKey code constant: Play Next media key.
MediaPauseKey code constant: Pause media key.
MediaPlayKey code constant: Play media key.
MediaPlayPauseKey code constant: Play/Pause media key.
MediaPreviousKey code constant: Play Previous media key.
MediaRecordKey code constant: Record media key.
MediaRewindKey code constant: Rewind media key.
MediaStopKey code constant: Stop media key.
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MenuKey code constant: Menu key.
MetaLeftKey code constant: Left Meta modifier key.
MetaRightKey code constant: Right Meta modifier key.
MinusKey code constant: '-'.
MoveEndKey code constant: End Movement key. Used for scrolling or moving the cursor around to the end of a line or to the bottom of a list.
MoveHomeKey code constant: Home Movement key. Used for scrolling or moving the cursor around to the start of a line or to the top of a list.
MuhenkanKey code constant: Japanese non-conversion key.
MusicKey code constant: Music special function key. Used to launch a music player application.
MuteKey code constant: Mute key. Mutes the microphone, unlike Keycode.VolumeMute.
NKey code constant: 'N' key.
NotificationKey code constant: Notification key.
NumKey code constant: Number modifier key. Used to enter numeric symbols. This key is not Num Lock; it is more like Keycode.AltLeft and is interpreted as an ALT key by Android.Text.Method.MetaKeyKeyListener.
Num0Key code constant: '0' key.
Num1Key code constant: '1' key.
Num2Key code constant: '2' key.
Num3Key code constant: '3' key.
Num4Key code constant: '4' key.
Num5Key code constant: '5' key.
Num6Key code constant: '6' key.
Num7Key code constant: '7' key.
Num8Key code constant: '8' key.
Num9Key code constant: '9' key.
NumLockKey code constant: Num Lock key. This is the Num Lock key; it is different from Keycode.Num. This key alters the behavior of other keys on the numeric keypad.
Numpad0Key code constant: Numeric keypad '0' key.
Numpad1Key code constant: Numeric keypad '1' key.
Numpad2Key code constant: Numeric keypad '2' key.
Numpad3Key code constant: Numeric keypad '3' key.
Numpad4Key code constant: Numeric keypad '4' key.
Numpad5Key code constant: Numeric keypad '5' key.
Numpad6Key code constant: Numeric keypad '6' key.
Numpad7Key code constant: Numeric keypad '7' key.
Numpad8Key code constant: Numeric keypad '8' key.
Numpad9Key code constant: Numeric keypad '9' key.
NumpadAddKey code constant: Numeric keypad '+' key (for addition).
NumpadCommaKey code constant: Numeric keypad ',' key (for decimals or digit grouping).
NumpadDivideKey code constant: Numeric keypad '/' key (for division).
NumpadDotKey code constant: Numeric keypad '.' key (for decimals or digit grouping).
NumpadEnterKey code constant: Numeric keypad Enter key.
NumpadEqualsKey code constant: Numeric keypad '=' key.
NumpadLeftParenKey code constant: Numeric keypad '(' key.
NumpadMultiplyKey code constant: Numeric keypad '*' key (for multiplication).
NumpadRightParenKey code constant: Numeric keypad ')' key.
NumpadSubtractKey code constant: Numeric keypad '-' key (for subtraction).
OKey code constant: 'O' key.
PKey code constant: 'P' key.
PageDownKey code constant: Page Down key.
PageUpKey code constant: Page Up key.
PairingDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
PeriodKey code constant: '.' key.
PictsymbolsKey code constant: Picture Symbols modifier key. Used to switch symbol sets (Emoji, Kao-moji).
PlusKey code constant: '+' key.
PoundKey code constant: '#' key.
PowerKey code constant: Power key.
ProgBlueKey code constant: Blue "programmable" key. On TV remotes, acts as a contextual/programmable key.
ProgGreenKey code constant: Green "programmable" key. On TV remotes, actsas a contextual/programmable key.
ProgRedKey code constant: Red "programmable" key. On TV remotes, acts as a contextual/programmable key.
ProgYellowKey code constant: Yellow "programmable" key. On TV remotes, acts as a contextual/programmable key.
QKey code constant: 'Q' key.
RKey code constant: 'R' key.
RightBracketKey code constant: ']' key.
RoKey code constant: Japanese Ro key.
SKey code constant: 'S' key.
ScrollLockKey code constant: Scroll Lock key.
SearchKey code constant: Search key.
SemicolonKey code constant: ';' key.
SettingsKey code constant: Settings key. Starts the system settings activity.
ShiftLeftKey code constant: Left Shift modifier key.
ShiftRightKey code constant: Right Shift modifier key.
SlashKey code constant: '/' key.
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SoftLeftKey code constant: Soft Left key. Usually situated below the display on phones and used as a multi-function feature key for selecting a software defined function shown on the bottom left of the display.
SoftRightKey code constant: Soft Right key. Usually situated below the display on phones and used as a multi-function feature key for selecting a software defined function shown on the bottom right of the display.
SpaceKey code constant: Space key.
StarKey code constant: '*' key.
StbInputKey code constant: Set-top-box input key. On TV remotes, switches the input mode on an external Set-top-box.
StbPowerKey code constant: Set-top-box power key. On TV remotes, toggles the power on an external Set-top-box.
SwitchCharsetKey code constant: Switch Charset modifier key. Used to switch character sets (Kanji, Katakana).
SymKey code constant: Symbol modifier key. Used to enter alternate symbols.
SysrqKey code constant: System Request / Print Screen key.
TKey code constant: 'T' key.
TabKey code constant: Tab key.
ThreeDModeKey code constant: 3D Mode key. Toggles the display between 2D and 3D mode.
TvKey code constant: TV key. On TV remotes, switches to viewing live TV.
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TvInputKey code constant: TV input key. On TV remotes, switches the input on a television screen.
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TvInputHdmi1Documentation for this section has not yet been entered.
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TvInputVga1Documentation for this section has not yet been entered.
TvMediaContextMenuDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
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TvPowerKey code constant: TV power key. On TV remotes, toggles the power on a television screen.
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TvZoomModeDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
UKey code constant: 'U' key.
UnknownKey code constant: Unknown key code.
VKey code constant: 'V' key.
VoiceAssistDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
VolumeDownKey code constant: Volume Down key. Adjusts the speaker volume down.
VolumeMuteKey code constant: Volume Mute key. Mutes the speaker, unlike Keycode.Mute. This key should normally be implemented as a toggle such that the first press mutes the speaker and the second press restores the original volume.
VolumeUpKey code constant: Volume Up key. Adjusts the speaker volume up.
WKey code constant: 'W' key.
WakeupDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
WindowKey code constant: Window key. On TV remotes, toggles picture-in-picture mode or other windowing functions.
XKey code constant: 'X' key.
YKey code constant: 'Y' key.
YenKey code constant: Japanese Yen key.
ZKey code constant: 'Z' key.
ZenkakuHankakuKey code constant: Japanese full-width / half-width key.
ZoomInKey code constant: Zoom in key.
ZoomOutKey code constant: Zoom out key.


Namespace: Android.Views
Assembly: Mono.Android (in Mono.Android.dll)
Assembly Versions: