System.Windows.Forms.ListView.LargeImageList Property

Gets or sets the System.Windows.Forms.ImageList to use when displaying items as large icons in the control.


public ImageList LargeImageList { set; get; }


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The ListView.LargeImageList property allows you to specify an System.Windows.Forms.ImageList object that contains icons to use when displaying items with large icons (when the ListView.View property is set to View.LargeIcon). The System.Windows.Forms.ListView control can accept any graphics format that the System.Windows.Forms.ImageList control supports when displaying icons. The System.Windows.Forms.ListView control is not limited to .ico files. Once an System.Windows.Forms.ImageList is assigned to the ListView.LargeImageList property, you can set the ListViewItem.ImageIndex property of each System.Windows.Forms.ListViewItem in the System.Windows.Forms.ListView control to the index position of the appropriate image in the System.Windows.Forms.ImageList. The size of the icons for the ListView.LargeImageList is specified by the ImageList.ImageSize.

Because only one index can be specified for the ListViewItem.ImageIndex property, the System.Windows.Forms.ImageList objects specified in the ListView.LargeImageList and ListView.SmallImageList properties should have the same index positions for the images to display. For example, if the ListViewItem.ImageIndex property of a System.Windows.Forms.ListViewItem is set to 0, the images to use for both small and large icons should be at the same index position in the System.Windows.Forms.ImageList objects specified in the ListView.LargeImageList and ListView.SmallImageList properties.


When the images are specified with keys, you still need to place small and large versions of the image at the same index location in their respective image lists. When switching between views, the index location of the image in one list is used to locate the image in the other list, regardless of the key value specified.

To set the System.Windows.Forms.ImageList to use when displaying items with small icons (all view modes other than View.LargeIcon), use the ListView.SmallImageList property. If you want to use images to display item state, use the ListView.StateImageList property.


Namespace: System.Windows.Forms
Assembly: System.Windows.Forms (in System.Windows.Forms.dll)
Assembly Versions: 1.0.5000.0,