MonoTouch.Foundation Namespace

Binding to the Foundation Framework.


MonoTouch bindings are largely built on the Objective-C extension to the Mono runtime that allows seamless integration between Objective-C and C# objects. This namespace provides bindings to Apple's Foundation framework.


ActionAttributeFlags a method to respond to an Objective-C action
AdviceAttributeAn attribute that can be used to give programming advice to a user of a function or class.
ConnectAttributeExposes a property as an Interface Builder Outlet.
DictionaryContainerConvenience base class used by strongly-typed classes that wrap NSDictionary-based settings.
EncodingDetectionOptionsA MonoTouch.Foundation.DictionaryContainer containing hints for detecting the encoding of an MonoTouch.Foundation.NSString.
EnumerateDatesCallbackCompletion handler for the MonoTouch.Foundation.NSCalendar.EnumerateDatesStartingAfterDate method.
EnumerateIndexSetCallbackDefines the enumerator callback in calls to MonoTouch.Foundation.NSIndexSet.EnumerateIndexes.
ExportAttributeExports a method or property to the Objective-C world.
FieldAttributeThis attribute is present on properties to indicate that they reflect an underlying unmanaged global variable.
INSCacheDelegateInterface representing the required methods (if any) of the protocol MonoTouch.Foundation.NSCacheDelegate.
INSCodingThis interface is used to flag objects that implement the Objective-C NSCoding protocol.
INSCopyingThis interface is used to flag objects that implement the Objective-C NSCopying protocol.
INSExtensionRequestHandlingInterface representing the required methods (if any) of the protocol MonoTouch.Foundation.NSExtensionRequestHandling.
INSFileManagerDelegateInterface representing the required methods (if any) of the protocol MonoTouch.Foundation.NSFileManagerDelegate.
INSFilePresenterInterface representing the required methods (if any) of the protocol MonoTouch.Foundation.NSFilePresenter.
INSKeyedArchiverDelegateInterface representing the required methods (if any) of the protocol MonoTouch.Foundation.NSKeyedArchiverDelegate.
INSKeyedUnarchiverDelegateInterface representing the required methods (if any) of the protocol MonoTouch.Foundation.NSKeyedUnarchiverDelegate.
INSMachPortDelegateInterface representing the required methods (if any) of the protocol MonoTouch.Foundation.NSMachPortDelegate.
INSMetadataQueryDelegateInterface representing the required methods (if any) of the protocol MonoTouch.Foundation.NSMetadataQueryDelegate.
INSMutableCopyingDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
INSNetServiceBrowserDelegateInterface representing the required methods (if any) of the protocol MonoTouch.Foundation.NSNetServiceBrowserDelegate.
INSNetServiceDelegateInterface representing the required methods (if any) of the protocol MonoTouch.Foundation.NSNetServiceDelegate.
INSPortDelegateInterface representing the required methods (if any) of the protocol MonoTouch.Foundation.NSPortDelegate.
INSSecureCodingDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
INSStreamDelegateInterface representing the required methods (if any) of the protocol MonoTouch.Foundation.NSStreamDelegate.
INSUrlConnectionDelegateInterface representing the required methods (if any) of the protocol MonoTouch.Foundation.NSUrlConnectionDelegate.
INSUrlConnectionDownloadDelegateInterface representing the required methods (if any) of the protocol MonoTouch.Foundation.NSUrlConnectionDownloadDelegate.
INSUrlProtocolClientDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
INSUrlSessionDataDelegateInterface representing the required methods (if any) of the protocol MonoTouch.Foundation.NSUrlSessionDataDelegate.
INSUrlSessionDelegateInterface representing the required methods (if any) of the protocol MonoTouch.Foundation.NSUrlSessionDelegate.
INSUrlSessionDownloadDelegateInterface representing the required methods (if any) of the protocol MonoTouch.Foundation.NSUrlSessionDownloadDelegate.
INSUrlSessionTaskDelegateInterface representing the required methods (if any) of the protocol MonoTouch.Foundation.NSUrlSessionTaskDelegate.
INSUserActivityDelegateInterface representing the required methods (if any) of the protocol MonoTouch.Foundation.NSUserActivityDelegate.
LinkerSafeAttributeAssembly-level attributed used to inform MonoTouch's linker that this assembly can be safely linked, regardless of the system linker settings.
ModelAttributeFlag a class as a model.
ModelNotImplementedExceptionAn convenience exception used in Model method implementations.
MonoTouchExceptionException throw to wrap NSExceptions.
NSActivityOptionsA flagging enumeration whose values can be used with MonoTouch.NSFoundation.NSProcessInfo.BeginActivity.
NSAlignmentOptionsAn enumeration of values used by alignment functions.
NSArchiveReplaceEventArgsProvides data for the MonoTouch.Foundation.NSArchiveReplaceEventArgs.ReplacingObject and MonoTouch.Foundation.NSArchiveReplaceEventArgs.ReplacingObject events.
NSArrayAn untyped Objective-C array.
NSAttributedRangeCallbackA delegate that specifies the callback for the MonoTouch.Foundation.NSAttributedString.EnumerateAttributes method.
NSAttributedStringStrings that can be annotated with a set of attributes.
NSAttributedStringCallbackA delegate that specifies the callback for the MonoTouch.Foundation.NSAttributedString.EnumerateAttribute method.
NSAttributedStringDocumentAttributesA MonoTouch.Foundation.DictionaryContainer that provides document attributes for MonoTouch.Foundation.NSAttributedStrings.
NSAttributedStringEnumerationAn enumeration whose values specify the options to be used in the MonoTouch.Foundation.NSAttributedString.EnumerateAttribute and MonoTouch.Foundation.NSAttributedString.EnumerateAttributes methods.
NSAutoreleasePoolA class used to keep track of objects to be released at a later time.
NSBlockOperationA subtype of MonoTouch.Foundation.NSOperation that concurrently executes multiple blocks.
NSBundleApplication bundle support; Introspection services.
NSBundleExecutableArchitectureThe bundle's architecture.
NSByteCountFormatterA class that can format a string for displaying a count of bytes.
NSByteCountFormatterCountStyleAn enumeration whose values specify how byte units are calculated (e.g., if "KB" indicates 1000 or 1024 bytes).
NSByteCountFormatterUnitsAn enumeration whose values specify the units to be displayed by a MonoTouch.Foundation.NSByteCountFormatter.
NSCacheA collection of key-value pairs, often containing values of type MonoTouch.Foundation.NSDiscardableContent, intended to hold transient, but expensive-to-calculate, data.
NSCacheDelegateWhen overridden, allows the application developer fine-grained control over the eviction or removal of elements from an MonoTouch.Foundation.NSCache.
NSCacheDelegate_ExtensionsExtension methods to the MonoTouch.Foundation.INSCacheDelegate interface to support all the methods from the MonoTouch.Foundation.NSCacheDelegate protocol.
NSCachedUrlResponseAn object that can be stored and retrieved by instances of MonoTouch.Foundation.NSURLCache, combining objects representing the response, data, and application-specific information.
NSCalculationErrorAn enumeration whose values indicate a specific calculation error (e.g., underflow, division by zero, loss of precision).
NSCalendarCalendar reprensetation.
NSCalendar+NotificationsNotification posted by the MonoTouch.Foundation.NSCalendar class.
NSCalendarOptionsA flagging enumeration whose values specify options in calls to MonoTouch.NSFoundation.NSCalendar.Components and MonoTouch.NSFoundation.NSCalendar.DateByAddingComponents.
NSCalendarTypeCalendar types that can be used with the NSCalendar constructor.
NSCalendarUnitAn enumeration whose values specify calendrical units (e.g., seconds, months, eras).
NSCharacterSetA class that encapsulates an immutable set of Unicode characters.
NSCocoaErrorEnumeration of various errors relating to Cocoa development.
NSCoderSerialization framework for NSObjects.
NSCodingDefines the methods that must be implemented for serializing and deserializing objects using Cocoa's serialization technology.
NSComparatorA delegate that defines the comparison function to be used with functins such as MonoTouch.Foundation.NSArray.Sort.
NSComparisonPredicateA subtype of MonoTouch.Foundation.NSPredicate that is used to compare MonoTouch.Foundation.NSExpressions.
NSComparisonPredicateModifierAn enumeration whose values specify how a MonoTouch.Foundation.NSComparisonPredicate should apply to an n-to-many relationship.
NSComparisonPredicateOptionsAn enumeration whose values specify the type of string comparison to be used in a MonoTouch.Foundation.NSComparisonPredicate.
NSComparisonResultComparison result in the Foundation Framework.
NSCompoundPredicateA subtype of MonoTouch.Foundation.NSPredicate that is used to calculate Boolean logical operations.
NSCompoundPredicateTypeAn enumeration whose values specify the Boolean logical operator to be applied to a MonoTouch.Foundation.NSCompoundPredicate.
NSCopyingConcrete implementation of the INSCopying interface.
NSDataByte buffer manipulation.
NSDataBase64DecodingOptionsA flagging enumeration that can be used with the MonoTouch.Foundation.NSData() constructor.
NSDataBase64EncodingOptionsA flagging enumeration that can be used to specify options for MonoTouch.Foundation.NSData.GetBase64EncodedData and MonoTouch.Foundation.NSData.GetBase64EncodedString.
NSDataByteRangeEnumeratorThe delegate used to enumerate in calls to MonoTouch.Foundation.NSData.EnumerateByRange.
NSDataReadingOptionsFlags that determine how NSData loads files.
NSDataSearchOptionsFlags controling the search in NSData's Find method.
NSDataWritingOptionsAn enumeration of options to be used when writing MonoTouch.Foundation.NSData objects.
NSDateDate operations.
NSDateComponentsRepresents a date in a specific MonoTouch.Foundation.NSCalendar.
NSDateComponentsFormatterFormats MonoTouch.Foundation.NSDateComponents objects as localized strings. Can represent, for instance, hours and minutes as "2h 20m".
NSDateComponentsFormatterUnitsStyleEnumerates MonoTouch.Foundation.NSDateComponentsFormatter output styles.
NSDateComponentsFormatterZeroFormattingBehaviorEnumerates how zero values should be dealt with by a MonoTouch.Foundation.NSDateComponentsFormatter.
NSDateComponentsWrappingBehaviorAn enumeration that allows the application developer to specify whether calendar components should be wrapped.
NSDateFormatterUsed to parse and render dates in various forms.
NSDateFormatterBehaviorAn enumeration that can specify whether the MonoTouch.Foundation.NSDateFormatter should behave as it did prior to OS x v10.4
NSDateFormatterStyleAn enumeration of values that specify different date-format styles.
NSDateIntervalFormatterOutputs date ranges in localized format (for instance, "Tuesday, Sept 2, 2014 - Thursday, Sept 4, 2014").
NSDateIntervalFormatterStyleEnumerates the output styles of a MonoTouch.Foundation.NSDateIntervalFormatter.
NSDecimalRepresents an immutable value that can range from mantissa*10^exponent where mantissa is a decimal integer of up to 38 digits length, and the exponent is an integer that can range from -128 through 127.
NSDecimalNumberObjective-C Decimal number.
NSDecoderCallbackA delegate that specifies the callback function for the MonoTouch.Foundation.NSKeyedUnarchiver.DecodedObject property.
NSDecoderHandlerA delegate that specifies the callback function for the MonoTouch.Foundation.NSKeyedUnarchiver.CannotDecodeClass property.
NSDictionaryDictionary that provides mapping from keys to values.
NSDirectoryEnumerationOptionsAn enumeration of options for use with MonoTouch.Foundation.NSDirectoryEnumerator.
NSDirectoryEnumeratorEnumerates the contents of a directory.
NSDistributedNotificationCenterAllows notifications to be sent to objects in other tasks.
NSDocumentTypeAn enumeration of known document types. Used with the MonoTouch.Foundation.NSAttributedStringDocumentAttributes.DocumentType property.
NSDocumentViewModeAn enumeration that specifies how a document is being viewed. Used with the MonoTouch.NSFoundation.NSAttributedStringDocumentAttributes.ViewMode property.
NSEncodeHookA delegate that specifies the function to be called by the MonoTouch.Foundation.NSKeyedArchiver.WillEncode method.
NSEnergyFormatterFormats Joule and Calorie data as a localized string.
NSEnergyFormatterUnitThe unit to be used by a MonoTouch.Foundation.NSEnergyFormatter.
NSEnumerateErrorHandlerA delegate that specifies the error handler for use in MonoTouch.Foundation.NSFileManager.GetEnumerator.
NSEnumerationOptionsAn enumeration of valid options for use when enumerating over Blocks.
NSEnumeratorAbstract class used to enumerate certain MonoTouch.Foundation classes.
NSErrorEncapsulates an error.
NSErrorEventArgsProvides data for the MonoTouch.Foundation.NSErrorEventArgs.DiscoveredService and MonoTouch.Foundation.NSErrorEventArgs.RssiUpdated, MonoTouch.Foundation.NSErrorEventArgs.DeferredUpdatesFinished and MonoTouch.Foundation.NSErrorEventArgs.Failed, MonoTouch.Foundation.NSErrorEventArgs.DidFailToLocateUser and MonoTouch.Foundation.NSErrorEventArgs.LoadingMapFailed and MonoTouch.Foundation.NSErrorEventArgs.AdvertisingStarted and MonoTouch.Foundation.NSErrorEventArgs.Failed events.
NSErrorExceptionException that wraps an Objective-C NSError.
NSExceptionObjective-C Exception.
NSExpressionEncapsulates an expression to be used with a MonoTouch.Foundation.NSComparisonPredicates.
NSExpressionHandlerA delegate that specifies the target of the MonoTouch.Foundation.NSExpression.FromFunction method.
NSExpressionTypeAn enumeration of valid types for a MonoTouch.Foundation.NSExpression.
NSExtensionContextThe context in which an extension is running.
NSExtensionItemAn immutable collection of data regarding the object which the extension is manipulating.
NSExtensionRequestHandlingDefines the MonoTouch.Foundation.NSExtensionRequestHandling.BeginRequestWithExtensionContext lifecycle hook.
NSFileAccessIntentHolds the details of asynchronous read and write operations being coordinated by a MonoTouch.Foundation.NSFileCoordinator.
NSFileAttributesEncapsulates file attributes for use with MonoTouch.Foundation.NSFileManager.
NSFileCoordinatorA class that helps coordinate simultaneous reading and writing to files among multiple processes and multiple objects.
NSFileCoordinatorReadingOptionsAn enumeration of options relating to reading the contents or attributes of a file or directory.
NSFileCoordinatorWorkerRWA delegate that used with a number of coordinated read-and-write functions in MonoTouch.Foundation.NSFileCoordinator.
NSFileCoordinatorWritingOptionsAn enumeration of options valid when changing the contents or attributes of a file or directory.
NSFileHandleEncapsulates a file descriptor.
NSFileHandle+NotificationsNotification posted by the MonoTouch.Foundation.NSFileHandle class.
NSFileHandleConnectionAcceptedEventArgsProvides data for the event.
NSFileHandleReadEventArgsProvides data for the event.
NSFileManagerAn abstraction over the underlying file system that allows for common file discovery and manipulation actions.
NSFileManager+NotificationsNotification posted by the MonoTouch.Foundation.NSFileManager class.
NSFileManagerDelegateA delegate that, when overridden, allows the application developer fine-grained control over events relating to common file discovery and manipulation actions.
NSFileManagerDelegate_ExtensionsExtension methods to the MonoTouch.Foundation.INSFileManagerDelegate interface to support all the methods from the MonoTouch.Foundation.NSFileManagerDelegate protocol.
NSFileManagerItemReplacementOptionsAn enumeration of options for use with MonoTouch.Foundation.NSFileManager.Replace.
NSFilePresenterIn conjunction with a MonoTouch.Foundation.NSFileCoordinator, allows the application developer to respond to events relating to the presentation of a file.
NSFilePresenter_ExtensionsExtension methods to the MonoTouch.Foundation.INSFilePresenter interface to support all the methods from the MonoTouch.Foundation.NSFilePresenter protocol.
NSFileSystemAttributesFile system attributes (size, blocks and free information).
NSFileTypeFile kind enumeration.
NSFileVersionA snapshot of a file at a specific point in time.
NSFileVersionAddingOptionsAllows the application developer to specify that a new file version should be created by moving the source file.
NSFileVersionReplacingOptionsAllows the application developer to specify that the old version of the file should be removed from the version store.
NSFileWrapperEncapsulates the attributes and contents of file-system nodes, which include files, directories, and symbolic links.
NSFileWrapperReadingOptionsAn enumeration of options to be used when reading a file-system node.
NSFileWrapperWritingOptionsAn enumeration of options to be used when writing a file-system node.
NSFormatterBase class for NSDateFormatter, provides methods for parsing and rendering types.
NSFormattingContextEnumerates the position of the data being formatted. Used with MonoTouch.Foundation.NSByteCountFormatter and MonoTouch.Foundation.NSDateComponentsFormatter.
NSFormattingUnitStyleEnumerates the style (desired length) of an MonoTouch.Foundation.NSLengthFormatter, MonoTouch.Foundation.NSEnergyFormatter, or MonoTouch.Foundation.NSMassFormatter.
NSHttpCookieHTTP Cookie
NSHttpCookieAcceptPolicyAn enumeration whose values specify valid strategies for accepting MonoTouch.Foundation.NSHttpCookies.
NSHttpCookieStorageA singleton object that manages a collection of MonoTouch.Foundation.NSHttpCookies.
NSHttpUrlResponseRepresents the response from an HTTP request.
NSIndexPathRepresents the path to a node in a tree. In iOS this class is most commonly used to identify a row in a MonoTouch.UIKit.UITableView.
NSIndexSetAn immutable collection of unique unsigned integers that are stored as a collection of sorted ranges (and thus is unsuitable as a general collection class).
NSInputStreamA read-only input NSStream.
NSInvocationRepresents an Objective-C message (method call) that can be serialized, stored, etc. primarily by <see cref=T:MonoTouch.Foundation.NSTimer/> objects.
NSItemProviderCoordinates the data used by an MonoTouch.Foundation.NSExtensionItem and its MonoTouch.Foundation.NSExtensionItem.Properties.
NSItemProviderCompletionHandlerThe completion handler used with MonoTouch.Foundation.NSItemProviderLoadHandler delegates.
NSItemProviderErrorCodeEnumerates errors relating to MonoTouch.Foundation.NSItemProvider methods.
NSItemProviderLoadHandlerDefines the load handler for use with the MonoTouch.Foundation.NSItemProvider.RegisterItemForTypeIdentifier and MonoTouch.Foundation.NSItemProvider.SetPreviewImageHandler methods.
NSJsonReadingOptionsOptions for use when converting JSON data to instances of Foundation types.
NSJsonSerializationAllows conversion of a limited set of Foundation types to and from JSON.
NSJsonWritingOptionsAn enumeration specifying printing options (compact vs. pretty-printed) for JSON data.
NSKeyedArchiverA concrete implementation of NSCoder that serializes to files.
NSKeyedArchiverDelegateMethods that can be invoked by the NSKeyedArchiver during serialization.
NSKeyedArchiverDelegate_ExtensionsExtension methods to the MonoTouch.Foundation.INSKeyedArchiverDelegate interface to support all the methods from the MonoTouch.Foundation.NSKeyedArchiverDelegate protocol.
NSKeyedUnarchiverA concrete sublcass of NSCoder used to deserialize state from files.
NSKeyedUnarchiverDelegateMethods that can be invoked by the NSKeyedUnarchiver during serialization.
NSKeyedUnarchiverDelegate_ExtensionsExtension methods to the MonoTouch.Foundation.INSKeyedUnarchiverDelegate interface to support all the methods from the MonoTouch.Foundation.NSKeyedUnarchiverDelegate protocol.
NSKeyValueChangeAn enumeration indicating the type of change occurring in the MonoTouch.Foundation.NSObject.WillChange and MonoTouch.Foundation.NSObject.DidChange methods.
NSKeyValueObservingOptionsAn enumeration of values specifying options to be used with the MonoTouch.Foundation.NSObject.AddObserver method.
NSKeyValueSetMutationKindAn enumeration of values indicating the operation being performed on a mutable key-value store.
NSKeyValueSorting_NSMutableOrderedSetDefines an extension method for MonoTouch.NSMutableOrderedSet objects, allowing them to be sorted using MonoTouch.Foundation.NSSortDescriptor objects.
NSKeyValueSorting_NSOrderedSetDefines an extension method for MonoTouch.Foundation.NSOrderedSet objects, allowing sorting by MonoTouch.Foundation.NSSortDescriptor objects.
NSLengthFormatterFormats distances as localized strings.
NSLengthFormatterUnitEnumerates units of length (foot, meter, etc.) for use with MonoTouch.Foundation.NSLengthFormatter.
NSLigatureTypeAn enumeration that defines the valid ligature types of an MonoTouch.Foundation.NSAttributedString.
NSLinguisticTagContains read-only static properties corresponding to the parts of speech recognized by a MonoTouch.Foundation.NSLinguisticTagger.
NSLinguisticTaggerAutomatically segments text into parts of speech (e.g., nouns, verbs, numbers, etc.).
NSLinguisticTaggerOptionsAn enumeration of options for use with MonoTouch.Foundation.NSLinguisticTagger.
NSLingusticEnumeratorA delegate that enumerates values for MonoTouch.Foundation.NSLinguisticTagger.EnumerateTagsInRange.
NSLocaleEncapsulates parameters about user language, cultural and technical conventions.
NSLocale+NotificationsNotification posted by the MonoTouch.Foundation.NSLocale class.
NSLocaleLanguageDirectionAn enumeration of values that specify the direction of text for a language.
NSMachPortAn MonoTouch.Foundation.NSPort that represents a Mach port. Only can be used for local-machine communication (see MonoTouch.Foundation.NSSocketPort).
NSMachPortDelegateThe delegate object for MonoTouch.Foundation.NSMachPort objects. Provides events for received messages.
NSMachPortDelegate_ExtensionsExtension methods to the MonoTouch.Foundation.INSMachPortDelegate interface to support all the methods from the MonoTouch.Foundation.NSMachPortDelegate protocol.
NSMachPortRightsA flagging enumeration whose values specify options in calls to MonoTouch.NSFoundation.NSMachPort.FromMachPort.
NSMassFormatterFormats masses as localized strings.
NSMassFormatterUnitEnumerates mass units (lb, kg, stone).
NSMetadataItemThe metadata associated with a file.
NSMetadataQueryA query of Spotlight metadata.
NSMetadataQuery+NotificationsNotification posted by the MonoTouch.Foundation.NSMetadataQuery class.
NSMetadataQueryAttributeValueTupleTuples that encapsulate an attribute, a value, and the count of times that value occurs for the attribute.
NSMetadataQueryDelegateDefines optional methods relating to the lifecycle of MonoTouch.Foundation.NSMetadataQuerys.
NSMetadataQueryDelegate_ExtensionsExtension methods to the MonoTouch.Foundation.INSMetadataQueryDelegate interface to support all the methods from the MonoTouch.Foundation.NSMetadataQueryDelegate protocol.
NSMetadataQueryEnumerationCallbackThe delegate used as the callback in calls to MonoTouch.NSFoundation.NSMetadataQuery.EnumerateResultsUsingBlock and MonoTouch.NSFoundation.NSMetadataQuery.EnumerateResultsWithOptions.
NSMetadataQueryObjectA delegate that defines the value for MonoTouch.Foundation.NSMetadataQuery.ReplacementObjectForResultObject.
NSMetadataQueryResultGroupA collection of grouped results returned by a MonoTouch.Foundation.NSMetadataQuery.
NSMetadataQueryValueA delegate that defines the value for MonoTouch.Foundation.NSMetadataQuery.ReplacementValueForAttributeValue.
NSMethodSignatureRepresents a function signature. Returned by the MonoTouch.NSFoundation.NSInvocation.MethodSignature property.
NSMutableArrayAn ordered, changeable collection of objects.
NSMutableAttributedStringMutable strings that can be annotated with a set of attributes.
NSMutableCharacterSetA mutable MonoTouch.NSFoundation.NSCharacterSet: a set of Unicode characters.
NSMutableCopyingImplementors of the MonoTouch.Foundation.INSMutableCopying interface produce mutable copies of an object. Types that do not have mutable and immutable subtypes should instead implement MonoTouch.Foundation.NSCopying.
NSMutableDataDynamic byte buffer manipulation.
NSMutableDictionaryA changeable collection of key-value pairs, with unique keys.
NSMutableIndexSetRepresents a mutable collection of unique, unsigned integers (uint). These integers are also known as indexes.
NSMutableOrderedSetA mutable MonoTouch.NSFoundation.NSOrderedSet.
NSMutableSetAn unordered, changeable collection of unique objects.
NSMutableStringThe Foundation framework mutable string class.
NSMutableUrlRequestEncapsulates a URL request, can be modified after creation.
NSNetDomainEventArgsProvides data for the MonoTouch.Foundation.NSNetDomainEventArgs.DomainRemoved and MonoTouch.Foundation.NSNetDomainEventArgs.FoundDomain events.
NSNetServiceUsed to expose network services using multicast DNS (ZeroConf).
NSNetServiceBrowserNetwork service browser for ZeroConf-provided services.
NSNetServiceBrowserDelegateDelegate class for NSNetService.
NSNetServiceBrowserDelegate_ExtensionsExtension methods to the MonoTouch.Foundation.INSNetServiceBrowserDelegate interface to support all the methods from the MonoTouch.Foundation.NSNetServiceBrowserDelegate protocol.
NSNetServiceConnectionEventArgsProvides data for the MonoTouch.Foundation.NSNetServiceConnectionEventArgs.DidAcceptConnection event.
NSNetServiceDataEventArgsProvides data for the MonoTouch.Foundation.NSNetServiceDataEventArgs.UpdatedTxtRecordData event.
NSNetServiceDelegateDelegate class for NSNetService.
NSNetServiceDelegate_ExtensionsExtension methods to the MonoTouch.Foundation.INSNetServiceDelegate interface to support all the methods from the MonoTouch.Foundation.NSNetServiceDelegate protocol.
NSNetServiceErrorEventArgsProvides data for the MonoTouch.Foundation.NSNetServiceErrorEventArgs.PublishFailure and MonoTouch.Foundation.NSNetServiceErrorEventArgs.ResolveFailure and MonoTouch.Foundation.NSNetServiceErrorEventArgs.NotSearched events.
NSNetServiceEventArgsProvides data for the MonoTouch.Foundation.NSNetServiceEventArgs.FoundService and MonoTouch.Foundation.NSNetServiceEventArgs.ServiceRemoved events.
NSNetServiceOptionsNSNetService options.
NSNetServicesStatusStatus codes for the NSNetService.
NSNotificationInter-application messages that are broadcast on the NSNotificationCenter.
NSNotificationCenterA notification hub for the application.
NSNotificationCoalescingAn enumeration of ways in which MonoTouch.Foundation.NSNotifications can be coalesced.
NSNotificationEventArgsProvides data for the event.
NSNotificationQueueA class that represents a buffer for instances of MonoTouch.Foundation.NSNotificationCenter, allowing notifications to be buffered and coalesced.
NSNullEncapsulates a singleton object that can be used to represent a null value. Note that this singleton will not evaluate as equal to null.
NSNumberBinding to Objective-C API to box numbers (value types).
NSNumberFormatterRepresents numbers as strings, with a variety of formatting options.
NSNumberFormatterBehaviorAn enumeration whose values specify whether the number formatter should behave as it did before OS X v10.4
NSNumberFormatterPadPositionAn enumeration whose values indicates where padding should be applied to numbers.
NSNumberFormatterRoundingModeAn enumeration of rounding modes that can be applied to numbers.
NSNumberFormatterStyleAn enumeration of formats that can be used with numbers.
NSObjectBase class for all bound objects that map to Objective-C objects.
NSObjectEventArgsProvides data for the MonoTouch.Foundation.NSObjectEventArgs.EncodedObject and MonoTouch.Foundation.NSObjectEventArgs.WillEvictObject events.
NSObjectFlagSentinel class used by the MonoTouch framework.
NSObservedChangeChanges that ocurred to an object being observed by Key-Value-Observing
NSOperatingSystemVersionDefines the operating system version. Particularly for use with the MonoTouch.Foundation.NSProcessInfo.IsOperatingSystemAtLeastVersion method.
NSOperationA class that encapsulates the code and data necessary to perform a task that can be executed on a thread. Application developers should either inherit from this class or use a predefined subclass such as MonoTouch.Foundation.NSInvocationOperation or MonoTouch.Foundation.NSBlockOperation.
NSOperationQueueA class that coordinates and manages the execution of a sequence of MonoTouch.Foundation.NSOperation objects.
NSOperationQueuePriorityAn enumeration of values that specify the priority of an operation, relative to others, in a MonoTouch.Foundation.NSOperationQueue.
NSOrderedSetAn immutable collection of objects, that are sorted and unique.
NSOrthographyA class that associates a dominant language and script with a piece of text. It is used primarily for purposes such as spell- and grammar-checking.
NSOutputStreamA write-only NSStream.
NSPipeA class that encapsulates an operating system pipe.
NSPortA communications port on the device.
NSPortDelegateThe delegate object for MonoTouch.NSFoundation.NSPort objects. Provides an event for message received.
NSPortDelegate_ExtensionsExtension methods to the MonoTouch.Foundation.INSPortDelegate interface to support all the methods from the MonoTouch.Foundation.NSPortDelegate protocol.
NSPortMessageHolds a message received by a MonoTouch.NSFoundation.NSPort.
NSPostingStyleAn enumeration of values that specify when a notification shouldbe posted.
NSPredicateA class that represents an expression that, when evaluated, returns a boolean result.
NSPredicateEvaluatorA delegate that represents the expression to use with MonoTouch.Foundation.NSPredicate.FromExpression.
NSPredicateOperatorTypeAn enumeration of values that specify comparison types for use with MonoTouch.Foundation.NSComparisonPredicate.
NSPredicateSupport_NSMutableOrderedSetDefines an extension method for MonoTouch.Foundation.NSMutableOrderedSet objects allowing them to be filtered using a MonoTouch.Foundation.NSPredicate.
NSPredicateSupport_NSOrderedSetDefines an extension method for MonoTouch.Foundation.NSOrderedSet objects allowing them to be filtered via an MonoTouch.Foundation.NSPredicate.
NSProcessInfoA class that provides information such as arguments, environment variables, and names about the current process.
NSProgressUsed with long-running processes to report progress to the end-user.
NSPropertyListFormatThe format to use during serialization using NSKeyedArchiver.
NSPropertyListMutabilityOptionsAn enumeration of values specifying mutability options for property lists.
NSPropertyListReadOptionsApple states that functionality related to this class is not implemented.
NSPropertyListSerializationA class that provides methods for serializing and deserializing property lists.
NSPropertyListWriteOptionsAn enumeration of mutability options for use with property lists.
NSPurgeableDataA type of MonoTouch.Foundation.NSMutableData whose data's memory can be freed by the system as required.
NSQualityOfServiceEnumerates QoS values for use with MonoTouch.Foundation.NSOperation objects and MonoTouch.Foundation.NSOperationQueue objects.
NSRangeRepresents a range given by a location and length.
NSRangeIteratorA delegate used to specify the iterator used by MonoTouch.Foundation.NSIndexSet.EnumerateRanges.
NSRoundingModeAn enumeration of values that specify rounding behaviors for MonoTouch.Foundation.NSDecimals.
NSRunLoopMessage and event dispatching loop.
NSRunLoopModeRun loop modes for MonoTouch.Foundation.NSRunLoop.
NSSearchPathSearch paths utilities.
NSSearchPathDirectoryAn enumeration of special directories for use with MonoTouch.Foundation.NSFileManager.GetURLs.
NSSearchPathDomainAn enumeration of values specifying search path domain constants for use with MonoTouch.Foundation.NSSearchPathDirectory.
NSSecureCodingImplementors handle encoding and decoding in a manner robust against object-substitution attacks.
NSSetAn unordered collection of distinct items.
NSSetEnumeratorA delegate that specifies the enumerator used by MonoTouch.Foundation.NSSet.Enumerate.
NSSortDescriptorProvides a comparison operator that can be used with Core Data and objects such as NSArray.
NSSortDescriptorSorting_NSMutableArrayDefines a static method for sorting MonoTouch.Foundation.NSMutableArray objects using MonoTouch.Foundation.NSSortDescriptor objects.
NSSortOptionsA flagging enumeration that specifies sorting options in calls to MonoTouch.NSFoundation.NSMutableOrderedSet.Sort.
NSStreamAbstract class for Foundation Streams.
NSStreamDelegateWhen overridden, allows the applicatin developer to respond to events releated to maniplating an MonoTouch.Foundation.NSStream.
NSStreamDelegate_ExtensionsExtension methods to the MonoTouch.Foundation.INSStreamDelegate interface to support all the methods from the MonoTouch.Foundation.NSStreamDelegate protocol.
NSStreamEventAn enumeration of values that may be sent to MonoTouch.Foundation.NSStreamDelegate.HandleEvent.
NSStreamEventArgsProvides data for the MonoTouch.Foundation.NSStreamEventArgs.OnEvent event.
NSStreamServiceTypePossible values for the service type for an NSStream.
NSStreamSocketSecurityLevelThe security protocol to use for an NSStream.
NSStreamSocksOptionsConfiguration options for SOCKS proxy servers.
NSStreamStatusThe current status of an NSStream.
NSStringThe Foundation String class.
NSStringCompareOptionsAn enumeration of options available to NSString search and comparison methods.
NSStringDrawingContextConfigures and track the scale factor and tracking adjustements used when drawing attributed strings.
NSStringDrawingOptionsAn enumeration of options for use when drawing strings.
NSStringEncodingEncodings supported by NSString.Encode.
NSTextWritingDirectionEnumerates writing directions for use with MonoTouch.Foundation.NSWritingDirection.
NSThreadNSThread support.
NSTimerThe timer can trigger actions at certain time intervals.
NSTimeZoneEncapsulates a time zone.
NSTimeZoneNameStyleSpecifies styles for time-zone names.
NSUbiquitousKeyValueStoreAn iCloud-based key-value store intended for the storage of configuration and state-preservation data.
NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore+NotificationsNotification posted by the MonoTouch.Foundation.NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore class.
NSUbiquitousKeyValueStoreChangeEventArgsProvides data for the event.
NSUbiquitousKeyValueStoreChangeReasonAn enumeration of valid reasons for modifying the iCloud ubiquitous key store.
NSUnderlineStyleAn enumeration of valid styles for underlines or strikethroughs.
NSUndoManagerUndo manager class.
NSUndoManager+NotificationsNotification posted by the MonoTouch.Foundation.NSUndoManager class.
NSUndoManagerCloseUndoGroupEventArgsProvides data for the event.
NSUrlRepresents a URL.
NSUrl_PromisedItemsDefines static methods for dealing with promised items.
NSUrlAsyncResultResults from MonoTouch.Foundation.NSUrlConnection.SendRequestAsync
NSUrlAuthenticationChallengeRepresents an authentication challenge sent from a server to a client.
NSUrlBookmarkCreationOptionsAn enumeration of options ot be used when creating a bookmark.
NSUrlBookmarkResolutionOptionsAn enumeration of options to be used when creating an NSUrl by resolving a bookmark.
NSUrlCacheCaches URL load requests with a combination of in-memory and on-disk strategies.
NSUrlCacheStoragePolicyAn enumeration of values representing valid caching strategies for use with NSUrls.
NSUrlComponentsParses and constructs URLs according to the components defined in RFC 3986.
NSUrlConnectionA Web Client.
NSUrlConnectionDataResponseThe delegate used as the completion handler for MonoTouch.Foundation.NSUrlConnection.SendAsynchronousRequest.
NSUrlConnectionDelegateDelegate class used by the Web Client NSUrlConnection.
NSUrlConnectionDelegate_ExtensionsExtension methods to the MonoTouch.Foundation.INSUrlConnectionDelegate interface to support all the methods from the MonoTouch.Foundation.NSUrlConnectionDelegate protocol.
NSUrlConnectionDownloadDelegateWhen overridden, allows customization of events relating to data received by file download via a URL.
NSUrlConnectionDownloadDelegate_ExtensionsExtension methods to the MonoTouch.Foundation.INSUrlConnectionDownloadDelegate interface to support all the methods from the MonoTouch.Foundation.NSUrlConnectionDownloadDelegate protocol.
NSUrlCredentialAuthentication credentials
NSUrlCredentialPersistenceDetermines how credentials are persisted.
NSUrlCredentialStorageManages the URL credential storage.
NSUrlCredentialStorage+NotificationsNotification posted by the MonoTouch.Foundation.NSUrlCredentialStorage class.
NSUrlDownloadSessionResponseCompletion handler for calls to MonoTouch.Foundation.NSUrlSession.CreateDownloadTask and MonoTouch.Foundation.NSUrlSession.CreateDownloadTaskFromResumeData.
NSUrlErrorAn enumeration of errors associated with creating or loading a MonoTouch.Foundation.NSUrl.
NSUrlErrorCancelledReasonAn enumeration whose values specify why a data transfer was cancelled.
NSUrlProtectionSpaceRepresents a realm on a server that requires authentication.
NSUrlProtocolA base class for providing protocol-specific URL loading.
NSUrlQueryItemA single key-value pair that is part of the query portion of a URL.
NSUrlRelationshipDefines constants defining the relationship between a directory and an item.
NSUrlRelationshipDefines constants defining the relationship between a directory and an item.
NSUrlRequestA Url Load request.
NSUrlRequestCachePolicyNSUrlRequest caching policy.
NSUrlRequestNetworkServiceTypeNetwork service types for MonoTouch.Foundation.NSUrlRequest.
NSUrlResponseUsed to read the response from an NSUrlRequest.
NSUrlSessionCoordinates a set of data-transfer tasks, including large background tasks.
NSUrlSessionActiveTasksHolds the return values from the asynchronous method MonoTouch.Foundation.NSUrlSession.GetTasksAsync.
NSUrlSessionAuthChallengeDispositionAn enumeration whose values specify the state of an authorization challenge.
NSUrlSessionConfigurationEncapsulates the configuration to be used with a MonoTouch.Foundation.NSUrlSession.
NSUrlSessionDataDelegateThe delegate object for MonoTouch.Foundation.NSUrlSessionDataTask class, providing events relating to data upload and download.
NSUrlSessionDataDelegate_ExtensionsExtension methods to the MonoTouch.Foundation.INSUrlSessionDataDelegate interface to support all the methods from the MonoTouch.Foundation.NSUrlSessionDataDelegate protocol.
NSUrlSessionDataTaskA MonoTouch.Foundation.NSUrlSessionTask that transfers data as MonoTouch.Foundation.NSData.
NSUrlSessionDataTaskRequestHolds the return values from the NSUrlSession.Create*TaskAsync methods.
NSUrlSessionDelegateThe delegate object for MonoTouch.Foundation.NSUrlSession objects.
NSUrlSessionDelegate_ExtensionsExtension methods to the MonoTouch.Foundation.INSUrlSessionDelegate interface to support all the methods from the MonoTouch.Foundation.NSUrlSessionDelegate protocol.
NSUrlSessionDownloadDelegateThe delegate object for a MonoTouch.Foundation.NSUrlSessionDownloadTask, provides events relating to large data downloads.
NSUrlSessionDownloadDelegate_ExtensionsExtension methods to the MonoTouch.Foundation.INSUrlSessionDownloadDelegate interface to support all the methods from the MonoTouch.Foundation.NSUrlSessionDownloadDelegate protocol.
NSUrlSessionDownloadTaskDevelopers should use MonoTouch.Foundation.NSUrlDownloadSessionResponse rather than this deprecated type.
NSUrlSessionDownloadTaskRequestThis class holds the return values from the asynchronous methods MonoTouch.Foundation.NSUrlSession.CreateDownloadTaskAsync, MonoTouch.Foundation.NSUrlSession.CreateDownloadTaskAsync, MonoTouch.Foundation.NSUrlSession.CreateDownloadTaskFromResumeDataAsync.
NSUrlSessionPendingTasksThe delegate that serves as the completion handler for MonoTouch.Foundation.NSUrlSession.GetTasks.
NSUrlSessionResponseSignature for callbacks invoked by NSUrlSession for various background operations.
NSUrlSessionResponseDispositionAn enumeration whose values specify the state of a response.
NSUrlSessionTaskThe base class for data-transfer tasks created by a MonoTouch.Foundation.NSUrlSession.
NSUrlSessionTaskDelegateThe delegate object for MonoTouch.Foundation.NSUrlSessionTaskUpload objects, providing events relating to file uploads.
NSUrlSessionTaskDelegate_ExtensionsExtension methods to the MonoTouch.Foundation.INSUrlSessionTaskDelegate interface to support all the methods from the MonoTouch.Foundation.NSUrlSessionTaskDelegate protocol.
NSUrlSessionTaskPriorityDefines constants for use with MonoTouch.Foundation.NSUrlSessionTask.Priority.
NSUrlSessionTaskPriorityDefines constants for use with MonoTouch.Foundation.NSUrlSessionTask.Priority.
NSUrlSessionTaskStateAn enumeration whose values specify the state of a MonoTouch.Foundation.NSSessionTask.
NSUrlSessionUploadTaskAn MonoTouch.Foundation.NSUrlSessionDataTask that is used to upload data.
NSUrlUtilities_NSCharacterSetDefines static methods defining character sets for various subcomponents of a MonoTouch.Foundation.NSUrl.
NSUrlUtilities_NSStringDefines static methods for URL encoding and escaping.
NSUrlUtilities_NSStringDefines static methods for URL encoding and escaping.
NSUserActivityA user behavior that may be continued on another device. (Currently only browsing the Web, see MonoTouch.Foundation.NSUserActivityType).
NSUserActivityContinuationHolds the continuation streams returned by the MonoTouch.Foundation.NSUserActivity.GetContinuationStreamsAsync method.
NSUserActivityDelegateDelegate object for MonoTouch.Foundation.NSUserActivity objects, exposing events relating to an activity begun on one device and continued on another.
NSUserActivityDelegate_ExtensionsExtension methods to the MonoTouch.Foundation.INSUserActivityDelegate interface to support all the methods from the MonoTouch.Foundation.NSUserActivityDelegate protocol.
NSUserActivityTypeDefines the available type of MonoTouch.Foundation.NSUserActivity (currently only browsing the Web).
NSUserDefaultsTypeAn enumeration whose values specify the type of a MonoTouch.NSFoundation.NSUserDefaults object.
NSUuidA class for creating and representing universally-unique identification strings (UUIDs).
NSValueBinding to the Objective-C way of boxing value types.
NSVolumeEnumerationOptionsAn enumeration of options for use when enumerating mounted volumes.
NSWritingDirectionAn enumeration of valid writing directions.
NSZoneAn OS-controlled area within memory from which objects are allocated.
OutletAttributeExposes the given property as an outlet to the Objective-C world.
PreserveAttributePrevents the MonoTouch linker from linking the target.
ProtocolAttributeAttribute applied to classes that implement protocols.
RegisterAttributeUsed to register a class to the Objective-C runtime.
You_Should_Not_Call_base_In_This_MethodThis class exits purely as a warning to future generations.   You called a method using “base”, but this was not required.