System.Windows.Forms.TreeNodeCollection: Method Members

The methods of System.Windows.Forms.TreeNodeCollection are listed below. For a list of all members, see the TreeNodeCollection Members list.

See Also: Inherited members from System.Object

Public Methods

Add(string) : TreeNode

Adds a new tree node with the specified label text to the end of the current tree node collection.

Add(TreeNode) : int

Adds a previously created tree node to the end of the tree node collection.

Add(string, string) : TreeNode

Creates a new tree node with the specified key and text, and adds it to the collection.

Add(string, string, int) : TreeNode

Creates a tree node with the specified key, text, and image, and adds it to the collection.

Add(string, string, string) : TreeNode

Creates a tree node with the specified key, text, and image, and adds it to the collection.

Add(string, string, int, int) : TreeNode

Creates a tree node with the specified key, text, and images, and adds it to the collection.

Add(string, string, string, string) : TreeNode

Creates a tree node with the specified key, text, and images, and adds it to the collection.


Adds an array of previously created tree nodes to the collection.


Removes all tree nodes from the collection.

Contains(TreeNode) : bool

Determines whether the specified tree node is a member of the collection.

ContainsKey(string) : bool

Determines whether the collection contains a tree node with the specified key.

CopyTo(Array, int)

Copies the entire collection into an existing array at a specified location within the array.

Find(string, bool) : TreeNode[]

Finds the tree nodes with specified key, optionally searching subnodes.

GetEnumerator() : IEnumerator

Returns an enumerator that can be used to iterate through the tree node collection.

IndexOf(TreeNode) : int

Returns the index of the specified tree node in the collection.

IndexOfKey(string) : int

Returns the index of the first occurrence of a tree node with the specified key.

Insert(int, string) : TreeNode

Creates a tree node with the specified text and inserts it at the specified index.

Insert(int, TreeNode)

Inserts an existing tree node into the tree node collection at the specified location.

Insert(int, string, string) : TreeNode

Creates a tree node with the specified text and key, and inserts it into the collection.

Insert(int, string, string, int) : TreeNode

Creates a tree node with the specified key, text, and image, and inserts it into the collection at the specified index.

Insert(int, string, string, string) : TreeNode

Creates a tree node with the specified key, text, and image, and inserts it into the collection at the specified index.

Insert(int, string, string, int, int) : TreeNode

Creates a tree node with the specified key, text, and images, and inserts it into the collection at the specified index.

Insert(int, string, string, string, string) : TreeNode

Creates a tree node with the specified key, text, and images, and inserts it into the collection at the specified index.


Removes the specified tree node from the tree node collection.


Removes a tree node from the tree node collection at a specified index.


Removes the tree node with the specified key from the collection.