Javax.Crypto.Cipher Members

The members of Javax.Crypto.Cipher are listed below.

See Also: Inherited members from Java.Lang.Object

Protected Constructors

A constructor used when creating managed representations of JNI objects; called by the runtime.
Creates a new Cipher instance.

Public Fields

DecryptModeCipherMode (2). Constant for decryption operation mode.
EncryptModeCipherMode (1). Constant for encryption operation mode.
PrivateKeyKeyType (2). Constant indicating that the key to be unwrapped is a private key.
PublicKeyKeyType (1). Constant indicating that the key to be unwrapped is a public key.
SecretKeyKeyType (3). Constant indicating that the key to be unwrapped is a secret key.
UnwrapModeCipherMode (4). Constant for key unwrapping operation mode.
WrapModeCipherMode (3). Constant for key wrapping operation mode.

Public Properties

Algorithmstring. Returns the name of the algorithm of this cipher instance.
BlockSizeint. Returns this ciphers block size (in bytes).
ExemptionMechanismExemptionMechanism. Returns the exemption mechanism associated with this cipher.
ParametersJava.Security.AlgorithmParameters. Returns the parameters that where used to create this cipher instance.
ProviderJava.Security.Provider. Returns the provider of this cipher instance.

Protected Properties

ThresholdClassIntPtr. This API supports the Mono for Android infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
ThresholdTypeType. This API supports the Mono for Android infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.

Public Methods

DoFinal() : byte[]
Finishes a multi-part transformation (encryption or decryption).
DoFinal(byte[]) : byte[]
Finishes a multi-part transformation (encryption or decryption).
DoFinal(Java.Nio.ByteBuffer, Java.Nio.ByteBuffer) : int
Finishes a multi-part transformation (encryption or decryption).
DoFinal(byte[], int) : int
Finishes a multi-part transformation (encryption or decryption).
DoFinal(byte[], int, int) : byte[]
Finishes a multi-part transformation (encryption or decryption).
DoFinal(byte[], int, int, byte[]) : int
Finishes a multi-part transformation (encryption or decryption).
DoFinal(byte[], int, int, byte[], int) : int
Finishes a multi-part transformation (encryption or decryption).
GetInstance(string) : Cipher
Creates a new Cipher for the specified transformation.
GetInstance(string, Java.Security.Provider) : Cipher
Creates a new cipher for the specified transformation.
GetInstance(string, string) : Cipher
Creates a new cipher for the specified transformation provided by the specified provider.
GetIV() : byte[]
Returns the initialization vector for this cipher instance.
GetMaxAllowedKeyLength(string) : int
Returns the maximum key length for the specified transformation.
GetMaxAllowedParameterSpec(string) : Java.Security.Spec.IAlgorithmParameterSpec
Returns the maximum cipher parameter value for the specified transformation.
GetOutputSize(int) : int
Returns the length in bytes an output buffer needs to be when this cipher is updated with inputLen bytes.
Init(CipherMode, Java.Security.Cert.Certificate)
Initializes this cipher instance with the public key from the specified certificate.
Init(CipherMode, Java.Security.IKey)
Initializes this cipher instance with the specified key.
Init(CipherMode, Java.Security.Cert.Certificate, Java.Security.SecureRandom)
Initializes this cipher instance with the public key from the specified certificate and a source of randomness.
Init(CipherMode, Java.Security.IKey, Java.Security.AlgorithmParameters)
Initializes this cipher instance with the specified key and algorithm parameters.
Init(CipherMode, Java.Security.IKey, Java.Security.SecureRandom)
Initializes this cipher instance with the specified key and a source of randomness.
Init(CipherMode, Java.Security.IKey, Java.Security.Spec.IAlgorithmParameterSpec)
Initializes this cipher instance with the specified key and algorithm parameters.
Init(CipherMode, Java.Security.IKey, Java.Security.AlgorithmParameters, Java.Security.SecureRandom)
Initializes this cipher instance with the specified key, algorithm parameters and a source of randomness.
Init(CipherMode, Java.Security.IKey, Java.Security.Spec.IAlgorithmParameterSpec, Java.Security.SecureRandom)
Initializes this cipher instance with the specified key, algorithm parameters and a source of randomness.
Unwrap(byte[], string, KeyType) : Java.Security.IKey
Unwraps a key using this cipher instance.
Update(byte[]) : byte[]
Continues a multi-part transformation (encryption or decryption).
Update(Java.Nio.ByteBuffer, Java.Nio.ByteBuffer) : int
Continues a multi-part transformation (encryption or decryption).
Update(byte[], int, int) : byte[]
Continues a multi-part transformation (encryption or decryption).
Update(byte[], int, int, byte[]) : int
Continues a multi-part transformation (encryption or decryption).
Update(byte[], int, int, byte[], int) : int
Continues a multi-part transformation (encryption or decryption).
Continues a multi-part transformation (encryption or decryption) with Authenticated Additional Data (AAD).
Continues a multi-part transformation (encryption or decryption) with Authenticated Additional Data (AAD).
UpdateAAD(byte[], int, int)
Continues a multi-part transformation (encryption or decryption) with Authenticated Additional Data (AAD).
Wrap(Java.Security.IKey) : byte[]
Wraps a key using this cipher instance.