System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser.GoForward Method

Navigates the System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser control to the next page in the navigation history, if one is available.


public bool GoForward ()


true if the navigation succeeds; false if a subsequent page in the navigation history is not available.


The System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser control maintains a history list of all the Web pages visited during a browsing session. You can use the WebBrowser.GoForward method to implement a Forward button similar to the one in Internet Explorer, allowing your users to return to the next page in the navigation history after navigating backward.

Use the WebBrowser.CanGoForward property to determine whether the navigation history is available and contains a page located after the current one. Handle the WebBrowser.CanGoForwardChanged event to receive a notification when the WebBrowser.CanGoForward property value changes. Handling this event is useful, for example, to change the enabled state of a Forward button when the System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser control navigates to or leaves the end of the navigation history.


Namespace: System.Windows.Forms
Assembly: System.Windows.Forms (in System.Windows.Forms.dll)
Assembly Versions: