Activity action to launch from your Android.Appwidget.AppWidgetHost activity when you want to bind an AppWidget to display and bindAppWidgetIdIfAllowed returns false.
You must supply the following extras:
AppWidgetManager.ExtraAppwidgetId | A newly allocated appWidgetId, which will be bound to the AppWidget provider you provide. |
AppWidgetManager.ExtraAppwidgetProvider | The BroadcastReceiver that will be the AppWidget provider for this AppWidget. |
AppWidgetManager.ExtraAppwidgetProviderProfile | An optional handle to a user profile under which runs the provider for this AppWidget. |
The system will respond with an onActivityResult call with the following extras in the intent:
AppWidgetManager.ExtraAppwidgetId | The appWidgetId that you supplied in the original intent. |
When you receive the result from the AppWidget bind activity, if the resultCode is Android.App.Activity.RESULT_OK, the AppWidget has been bound. You should then check the AppWidgetProviderInfo for the returned AppWidget, and if it has one, launch its configuration activity. If Android.App.Activity.RESULT_CANCELED is returned, you should delete the appWidgetId.