MonoTouch.Photos Namespace

Allows apps to manipulate photo and video assets managed by the Photos App, including iCloud photos.


The Photos namespace, introduced in iOS 8, allows application developers to manipulate photos and videos managed by the Photos app, including iCloud photos.

Capabilities of the Photos namespace include:


IPHPhotoLibraryChangeObserverInterface representing the required methods (if any) of the protocol MonoTouch.Photos.PHPhotoLibraryChangeObserver.
PHAdjustmentDataApplication-specific "recipe" data for the most recent edit made to a MonoTouch.Photos.PHAsset.
PHAssetA MonoTouch.Photos.PHObject representing a single photo or video.
PHAssetBurstSelectionTypeIndicates whether the Photos app or the user selected an asset as a favorite.
PHAssetChangeRequestUsed within a Photos change block to create, update, or delete MonoTouch.Photos.PHAsset objects.
PHAssetCollectionA collection of MonoTouch.Photos.PHAssets.
PHAssetCollectionChangeRequestUsed within a Photos change block to create, update, or delete MonoTouch.Photos.PHAssetCollection objects..
PHAssetCollectionSubtypeEnumerates values that describe the particular subtype (For example, time lapses, bursts, shared collections in the cloud, and etc.) of an asset collection.
PHAssetCollectionTypeEnumerates varieties of MonoTouch.Photos.PHAssetCollection.
PHAssetContentEditingInputExtensionsExtension methods for MonoTouch.Photos.PHAsset objects.
PHAssetEditOperationEnumerates values that indicate whether an operation edits or deletes an asset, changes its properties, or performs no action on the asset.
PHAssetImageProgressHandlerA continuation handler for that is called by the Photos application to show progress for an image request.
PHAssetMediaSubtypeEnumerates values that describe media subtypes. (HDR, panorama, streaming video, and etc.)
PHAssetMediaTypeEnumerates the forms of MonoTouch.Photos.PHAsset.
PHAssetVideoProgressHandlerDelegate type used with MonoTouch.Photos.PHVideoRequestOptions.ProgressHandler.
PHAuthorizationStatusEnumerates the current authorization allowed by the application user.
PHCachingImageManagerA MonoTouch.Photos.PHImageManager that fetches or generates image data for MonoTouch.Photos.PHAssets.
PHChangeSent by the system and encapsulate details about changes to a fetch result (see MonoTouch.Photos.PHFetchResult) or MonoTouch.Photos.PHObject instances.
PHChangeDetailEnumeratorEnumerates differences between snapshots of the objec at the specified indices.
PHCollectionAbstract collection of MonoTouch.Photos.PHObjects. Concrete subtypes are MonoTouch.Photos.PHAssetCollection and MonoTouch.Photos.PHCollectionList.
PHCollectionEditOperationEnumerates values that describe the editing operations that can be performed on a collection.
PHCollectionListA list of MonoTouch.Photos.PHAssetCollections.
PHCollectionListChangeRequestUsed within a Photos change block to create, update, or delete MonoTouch.Photos.PHCollectionList objects..
PHCollectionListSubtypeEnumerates values that indicate the subtype of the collection.
PHCollectionListTypeEnumerates values that indicate whether a collection is a moment list, folder, or smart folder.
PHContentEditingHandlerCompletion handler for the MonoTouch.Photos.PHAssetContentEditingInputExtensions.RequestContentEditingInput method.
PHContentEditingInputDescribes an editable MonoTouch.Photos.PHAsset.
PHContentEditingInputRequestOptionsOptions used when requesting to edit an MonoTouch.Photos.PHAsset.
PHContentEditingOutputDescribes the result of editing a MonoTouch.Photos.PHAsset.
PHFetchOptionsOptions used when retrieving objects of type MonoTouch.Photos.PHAsset, MonoTouch.Photos.PHCollection, MonoTouch.Photos.PHAssetCollection, or MonoTouch.Photos.PHCollectionList.
PHFetchResultAn ordered list of MonoTouch.Photos.PHObject objects.
PHFetchResultChangeDetailsDifferences between a fetch previously performed and what would be the results if the same fetch were performed now.
PHFetchResultEnumeratorEnumerates the assets in a fetch result.
PHImageContentModeEnumerates values that control how images are displayed.
PHImageDataHandlerCompletion handler for the MonoTouch.Photos.PHImageManager.RequestImageData method.
PHImageKeysConstants indicating results of image loading. Used with MonoTouch.Photos.PHImageManager.RequestImageForAsset, defines the keys and values passed to the MonoTouch.Photos.PHImageResultsHandler .
PHImageManagerA singleton object that allows loading MonoTouch.Photos.PHAsset objects.
PHImageManagerRequestAvAssetHandlerCompletion handle for the MonoTouch.Photos.PHImageManager.RequestAvAsset method.
PHImageManagerRequestExportHandlerCompletion handler for the MonoTouch.Photos.PHImagaManager.RequestExportSession method.
PHImageManagerRequestPlayerHandlerCompletion handler for the MonoTouch.Photos.PHImageManager.RequestPlayerItem method.
PHImageRequestOptionsOptions used when retrieving images with the MonoTouch.PHImageManager singleton.
PHImageRequestOptionsDeliveryModeEnumerates values that control the desired balance between speed and quality when retrieving image data.
PHImageRequestOptionsResizeModeEnumerates values that control the speed and accuracy of image resizing operations.
PHImageRequestOptionsVersionEnumerates values that control whether to retrieve edited or unedited versions of images.
PHImageResultHandlerCompletion handler for the MonoTouch.Photos.PHImageManager.RequestImageForAsset method.
PHObjectAbstract class for elements within the Photos library; subclasses are individual MonoTouch.Photos.PHAsssets, composite MonoTouch.Photos.PHCollections, or not-yet-created MonoTouch.Photos.PHPObjectPlaceholders.
PHObjectChangeDetailsHolds information between a fetched Photos object and the state of that asset or collection within the Photos library.
PHObjectPlaceholderA read-only proxy for an MonoTouch.Photos.PHAsset or MonoTouch.Photos.PHCollectionList that has not yet been created, but will be created via a sequence of change requests.
PHPhotoLibraryThe entire set of data managed by the Photos app. This includes both locally stored assets and, if user-enabled, assets stored in iCloud.
PHPhotoLibraryChangeObserverProvides methods relating to changes in the MonoTouch.Photos.PHPhotoLibrary.
PHProgressHandlerContinuation handler for tracking image operation progress.
PHVideoRequestOptionsOptions used when retrieiving videos with the MonoTouch.Photos.PHPhotoManager singleton.
PHVideoRequestOptionsDeliveryModeEnumerates values that balance the load time and quality of video when requesting video data.
PHVideoRequestOptionsVersionEnumerates values that control whether to return the edited or original version of a video asset.