System.Reflection.Assembly.GetModule Method

Gets the specified module in this assembly.


public virtual Module GetModule (string name)


The name of the module being requested.


The module being requested, or null if the module is not found.


This method works on file names.

Classes in the Reflection.Emit namespace emit the scope name for a dynamic module. The scope name can be determined by the Module.ScopeName property. Pass the kind of module you want to Assembly.GetModule. For example, if you want the module that contains the assembly manifest, pass the scope name of the module to GetModule. Otherwise, pass the file name of the module. Assemblies loaded by one of the Load methods that have a byte[] parameter have only one module, and that is the manifest module. Always seek these modules using the scope name.

A type can be retrieved from a specific module using Module.GetType(string, bool). Calling Module.GetType on the module containing the manifest will not initiate a search of the entire assembly. To retrieve a type from an assembly, regardless of which module it is in, you must call Assembly.GetType(string).


Namespace: System.Reflection
Assembly: mscorlib (in mscorlib.dll)
Assembly Versions: 1.0.5000.0,,