Android.Views.Accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfo Members

The members of Android.Views.Accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfo are listed below.

See Also: Inherited members from Java.Lang.Object

Protected Constructors

A constructor used when creating managed representations of JNI objects; called by the runtime.

Public Fields

ActionAccessibilityFocusAction (64). Action that gives accessibility focus to the node.
ActionArgumentExtendSelectionBooleanstring. Argument for whether when moving at granularity to extend the selection or to move it otherwise.
ActionArgumentHtmlElementStringstring. Argument for which HTML element to get moving to the next/previous HTML element.
ActionArgumentMovementGranularityIntstring. Argument for which movement granularity to be used when traversing the node text.
ActionArgumentSelectionEndIntstring. Argument for specifying the selection end.
ActionArgumentSelectionStartIntstring. Argument for specifying the selection start.
ActionArgumentSetTextCharsequencestring. Argument for specifying the text content to set
ActionClearAccessibilityFocusAction (128). Action that clears accessibility focus of the node.
ActionClearFocusAction (2). Action that clears input focus of the node.
ActionClearSelectionAction (8). Action that deselects the node.
ActionClickAction (16). Action that clicks on the node info.
ActionCollapseAction (524288). Action to collapse an expandable node.
ActionCopyAction (16384). Action to copy the current selection to the clipboard.
ActionCutAction (65536). Action to cut the current selection and place it to the clipboard.
ActionDismissAction (1048576). Action to dismiss a dismissable node.
ActionExpandAction (262144). Action to expand an expandable node.
ActionFocusAction (1). Action that gives input focus to the node.
ActionLongClickAction (32). Action that long clicks on the node.
ActionNextAtMovementGranularityAction (256). Action that requests to go to the next entity in this node's text at a given movement granularity.
ActionNextHtmlElementAction (1024). Action to move to the next HTML element of a given type.
ActionPasteAction (32768). Action to paste the current clipboard content.
ActionPreviousAtMovementGranularityAction (512). Action that requests to go to the previous entity in this node's text at a given movement granularity.
ActionPreviousHtmlElementAction (2048). Action to move to the previous HTML element of a given type.
ActionScrollBackwardAction (8192). Action to scroll the node content backward.
ActionScrollForwardAction (4096). Action to scroll the node content forward.
ActionSelectAction (4). Action that selects the node.
ActionSetSelectionAction (131072). Action to set the selection.
ActionSetTextAction (2097152). Action that sets the text of the node.
FocusAccessibilityNodeFocus (2). The accessibility focus.
FocusInputNodeFocus (1). The input focus.
MovementGranularityCharacterMovementGranularity (1). Movement granularity bit for traversing the text of a node by character.
MovementGranularityLineMovementGranularity (4). Movement granularity bit for traversing the text of a node by line.
MovementGranularityPageMovementGranularity (16). Movement granularity bit for traversing the text of a node by page.
MovementGranularityParagraphMovementGranularity (8). Movement granularity bit for traversing the text of a node by paragraph.
MovementGranularityWordMovementGranularity (2). Movement granularity bit for traversing the text of a node by word.

Public Properties

AccessibilityFocusedbool. Gets whether this node is accessibility focused.
ActionListIList<AccessibilityNodeInfo.AccessibilityAction>. Gets the actions that can be performed on the node.
ActionsAction. Gets the actions that can be performed on the node.
Checkablebool. Gets whether this node is checkable.
Checkedbool. Gets whether this node is checked.
ChildCountint. Gets the number of children.
ClassNamestring. Documentation for this section has not yet been entered.
ClassNameFormattedJava.Lang.ICharSequence. Gets the class this node comes from.
Clickablebool. Gets whether this node is clickable.
ContentDescriptionstring. Documentation for this section has not yet been entered.
ContentDescriptionFormattedJava.Lang.ICharSequence. Gets the content description of this node.
ContentInvalidbool. Gets if the content of this node is invalid.
Dismissablebool. Gets if the node can be dismissed.
Editablebool. Gets if the node is editable.
Enabledbool. Gets whether this node is enabled.
Errorstring. Documentation for this section has not yet been entered.
ErrorFormattedJava.Lang.ICharSequence. Gets the error text of this node.
ExtrasAndroid.OS.Bundle. Gets an optional bundle with extra data.
Focusablebool. Gets whether this node is focusable.
Focusedbool. Gets whether this node is focused.
InputTypeAndroid.Text.InputTypes. Gets the input type of the source as defined by Android.Text.IInputType.
LabeledByAccessibilityNodeInfo. Gets the node info which serves as the label of the view represented by this info for accessibility purposes.
LabelForAccessibilityNodeInfo. Gets the node info for which the view represented by this info serves as a label for accessibility purposes.
LiveRegionAndroid.Views.AccessibilityLiveRegion. Gets the node's live region mode.
LongClickablebool. Gets whether this node is long clickable.
MaxTextLengthint. Returns the maximum text length for this node.
MovementGranularitiesMovementGranularity. Gets the movement granularities for traversing the text of this node.
MultiLinebool. Gets if the node is a multi line editable text.
PackageNamestring. Documentation for this section has not yet been entered.
PackageNameFormattedJava.Lang.ICharSequence. Gets the package this node comes from.
ParentAccessibilityNodeInfo. Gets the parent.
Passwordbool. Gets whether this node is a password.
Scrollablebool. Gets if the node is scrollable.
Selectedbool. Gets whether this node is selected.
Textstring. Documentation for this section has not yet been entered.
TextFormattedJava.Lang.ICharSequence. Gets the text of this node.
TextSelectionEndint. Gets the text selection end.
TextSelectionStartint. Gets the text selection start.
ViewIdResourceNamestring. Gets the fully qualified resource name of the source view's id.
VisibleToUserbool. Sets whether this node is visible to the user.
WindowAccessibilityWindowInfo. Gets the window to which this node belongs.
WindowIdint. Gets the id of the window from which the info comes from.

Protected Properties

ThresholdClassIntPtr. This API supports the Mono for Android infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
ThresholdTypeType. This API supports the Mono for Android infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.

Public Methods

Adds an action that can be performed on the node.
Adds a child.
AddChild(Android.Views.View, int)
Adds a virtual child which is a descendant of the given root.
CanOpenPopup() : bool
Gets if this node opens a popup or a dialog.
DescribeContents() : int
Describe the kinds of special objects contained in this Parcelable's marshalled representation.
FindAccessibilityNodeInfosByText(string) : IList<AccessibilityNodeInfo>
Finds Android.Views.Accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfos by text.
FindAccessibilityNodeInfosByViewId(string) : IList<AccessibilityNodeInfo>
Finds Android.Views.Accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfos by the fully qualified view id's resource name where a fully qualified id is of the from "package:id/id_resource_name".
FindFocus(NodeFocus) : AccessibilityNodeInfo
Find the view that has the specified focus type.
FocusSearch(Android.Views.FocusSearchDirection) : AccessibilityNodeInfo
Searches for the nearest view in the specified direction that can take the input focus.
Gets the node bounds in parent coordinates.
Gets the node bounds in screen coordinates.
GetChild(int) : AccessibilityNodeInfo
Get the child at given index.
GetCollectionInfo() : AccessibilityNodeInfo.CollectionInfo
Gets the collection info if the node is a collection.
GetCollectionItemInfo() : AccessibilityNodeInfo.CollectionItemInfo
Gets the collection item info if the node is a collection item.
GetRangeInfo() : AccessibilityNodeInfo.RangeInfo
Gets the range info if this node is a range.
Obtain() : AccessibilityNodeInfo
Returns a cached instance if such is available otherwise a new one.
Obtain(AccessibilityNodeInfo) : AccessibilityNodeInfo
Returns a cached instance if such is available or a new one is create.
Obtain(Android.Views.View) : AccessibilityNodeInfo
Returns a cached instance if such is available otherwise a new one and sets the source.
Obtain(Android.Views.View, int) : AccessibilityNodeInfo
Returns a cached instance if such is available otherwise a new one and sets the source.
PerformAction(Action) : bool
Performs an action on the node.
PerformAction(Action, Android.OS.Bundle) : bool
Performs an action on the node.
Return an instance back to be reused.
Refresh() : bool
Refreshes this info with the latest state of the view it represents.
RemoveAction(AccessibilityNodeInfo.AccessibilityAction) : bool
Removes an action that can be performed on the node.
Removes an action that can be performed on the node.
RemoveChild(Android.Views.View) : bool
Removes a child.
RemoveChild(Android.Views.View, int) : bool
Removes a virtual child which is a descendant of the given root.
Sets the node bounds in parent coordinates.
Sets the node bounds in screen coordinates.
Sets if this node opens a popup or a dialog.
Sets the collection info if the node is a collection.
Sets the collection item info if the node is a collection item.
Sets the view which serves as the label of the view represented by this info for accessibility purposes.
SetLabeledBy(Android.Views.View, int)
Sets the view which serves as the label of the view represented by this info for accessibility purposes.
Sets the view for which the view represented by this info serves as a label for accessibility purposes.
SetLabelFor(Android.Views.View, int)
Sets the view for which the view represented by this info serves as a label for accessibility purposes.
Sets the parent.
SetParent(Android.Views.View, int)
Sets the parent to be a virtual descendant of the given root.
Sets the range info if this node is a range.
Sets the source.
SetSource(Android.Views.View, int)
Sets the source to be a virtual descendant of the given root.
SetTextSelection(int, int)
Sets the text selection start and end.
WriteToParcel(Android.OS.Parcel, Android.OS.ParcelableWriteFlags)
Flatten this object in to a Parcel.