Android.App.Fragment.OnActivityCreated Method
Called when the fragment's activity has been created and this fragment's view hierarchy instantiated.


[Android.Runtime.Register("onActivityCreated", "(Landroid/os/Bundle;)V", "GetOnActivityCreated_Landroid_os_Bundle_Handler")]
public virtual void OnActivityCreated (Android.OS.Bundle savedInstanceState)


If the fragment is being re-created from a previous saved state, this is the state.


Called when the fragment's activity has been created and this fragment's view hierarchy instantiated. It can be used to do final initialization once these pieces are in place, such as retrieving views or restoring state. It is also useful for fragments that use Fragment.RetainInstance to retain their instance, as this callback tells the fragment when it is fully associated with the new activity instance. This is called after Fragment.OnCreateView(Android.Views.LayoutInflater, Android.Views.ViewGroup, Android.Views.ViewGroup) and before Fragment.OnViewStateRestored(Android.OS.Bundle).

[Android Documentation]


Namespace: Android.App
Assembly: Mono.Android (in Mono.Android.dll)
Assembly Versions:
Since: Added in API level 11