UIKit.NSLayoutManagerDelegate: Method Members

The methods of UIKit.NSLayoutManagerDelegate are listed below. For a list of all members, see the NSLayoutManagerDelegate Members list.

See Also: Inherited members from Foundation.NSObject

Public Methods

BoundingBoxForControlGlyph(NSLayoutManager, NSTextContainer, nuint, CoreGraphics.CGRect, CoreGraphics.CGPoint, nuint) : CoreGraphics.CGRect
The RectangleF bounding the specified control glyph.
DidChangeGeometry(NSLayoutManager, NSTextContainer, CoreGraphics.CGSize)
Documentation for this section has not yet been entered.
DidCompleteLayout(NSLayoutManager, NSTextContainer, bool)
Indicates that the specified NSLayoutManager has finished laying out text in the specified text container.
Indicates that the NSLayoutManager has invalidated layout information (not glyph information).
LineSpacingAfterGlyphAtIndex(NSLayoutManager, nuint, CoreGraphics.CGRect) : nfloat
The line spacing after the line ending with the specified glyph index.
ParagraphSpacingAfterGlyphAtIndex(NSLayoutManager, nuint, CoreGraphics.CGRect) : nfloat
The paragraph spacing after the line ending with the specified glyph index.
ParagraphSpacingBeforeGlyphAtIndex(NSLayoutManager, nuint, CoreGraphics.CGRect) : nfloat
The paragraph spacing before the line starting with the specified glyph index.
ShouldBreakLineByHyphenatingBeforeCharacter(NSLayoutManager, nuint) : bool
Whether a line should break with a hyphen at the specified point. Called frequently.
ShouldBreakLineByWordBeforeCharacter(NSLayoutManager, nuint) : bool
Whether a line should have a soft line break. Called frequently.
ShouldGenerateGlyphs(NSLayoutManager, IntPtr, IntPtr, IntPtr, UIFont, Foundation.NSRange) : nuint
When overridden, allows the app developer to customize the initial glyph generation process.
ShouldUseAction(NSLayoutManager, NSControlCharacterAction, nuint) : NSControlCharacterAction
The control character action for the control character at the specified index.