Android.Views.ViewPropertyAnimator: Method Members

The methods of Android.Views.ViewPropertyAnimator are listed below. For a list of all members, see the ViewPropertyAnimator Members list.

See Also: Inherited members from Java.Lang.Object

Public Methods

Alpha(float) : ViewPropertyAnimator
This method will cause the View's alpha property to be animated to the specified value.
AlphaBy(float) : ViewPropertyAnimator
This method will cause the View's alpha property to be animated by the specified value.
Cancels all property animations that are currently running or pending.
Rotation(float) : ViewPropertyAnimator
This method will cause the View's rotation property to be animated to the specified value.
RotationBy(float) : ViewPropertyAnimator
This method will cause the View's rotation property to be animated by the specified value.
RotationX(float) : ViewPropertyAnimator
This method will cause the View's rotationX property to be animated to the specified value.
RotationXBy(float) : ViewPropertyAnimator
This method will cause the View's rotationX property to be animated by the specified value.
RotationY(float) : ViewPropertyAnimator
This method will cause the View's rotationY property to be animated to the specified value.
RotationYBy(float) : ViewPropertyAnimator
This method will cause the View's rotationY property to be animated by the specified value.
ScaleX(float) : ViewPropertyAnimator
This method will cause the View's scaleX property to be animated to the specified value.
ScaleXBy(float) : ViewPropertyAnimator
This method will cause the View's scaleX property to be animated by the specified value.
ScaleY(float) : ViewPropertyAnimator
This method will cause the View's scaleY property to be animated to the specified value.
ScaleYBy(float) : ViewPropertyAnimator
This method will cause the View's scaleY property to be animated by the specified value.
SetDuration(long) : ViewPropertyAnimator
Sets the duration for the underlying animator that animates the requested properties.
SetInterpolator(Android.Animation.ITimeInterpolator) : ViewPropertyAnimator
Sets the interpolator for the underlying animator that animates the requested properties.
SetListener(Android.Animation.Animator.IAnimatorListener) : ViewPropertyAnimator
Sets a listener for events in the underlying Animators that run the property animations.
SetStartDelay(long) : ViewPropertyAnimator
Sets the startDelay for the underlying animator that animates the requested properties.
SetUpdateListener(Android.Animation.ValueAnimator.IAnimatorUpdateListener) : ViewPropertyAnimator
Sets a listener for update events in the underlying ValueAnimator that runs the property animations.
Starts the currently pending property animations immediately.
TranslationX(float) : ViewPropertyAnimator
This method will cause the View's translationX property to be animated to the specified value.
TranslationXBy(float) : ViewPropertyAnimator
This method will cause the View's translationX property to be animated by the specified value.
TranslationY(float) : ViewPropertyAnimator
This method will cause the View's translationY property to be animated to the specified value.
TranslationYBy(float) : ViewPropertyAnimator
This method will cause the View's translationY property to be animated by the specified value.
TranslationZ(float) : ViewPropertyAnimator
This method will cause the View's translationZ property to be animated to the specified value.
TranslationZBy(float) : ViewPropertyAnimator
This method will cause the View's translationZ property to be animated by the specified value.
WithEndAction(Java.Lang.IRunnable) : ViewPropertyAnimator
Specifies an action to take place when the next animation ends.
WithLayer() : ViewPropertyAnimator
The View associated with this ViewPropertyAnimator will have its View.SetLayerType(LayerType, Android.Graphics.Paint) set to View.LAYER_TYPE_HARDWARE for the duration of the next animation.
WithStartAction(Java.Lang.IRunnable) : ViewPropertyAnimator
Specifies an action to take place when the next animation runs.
X(float) : ViewPropertyAnimator
This method will cause the View's x property to be animated to the specified value.
XBy(float) : ViewPropertyAnimator
This method will cause the View's x property to be animated by the specified value.
Y(float) : ViewPropertyAnimator
This method will cause the View's y property to be animated to the specified value.
YBy(float) : ViewPropertyAnimator
This method will cause the View's y property to be animated by the specified value.
Z(float) : ViewPropertyAnimator
This method will cause the View's z property to be animated to the specified value.
ZBy(float) : ViewPropertyAnimator
This method will cause the View's z property to be animated by the specified value.