System.Runtime.GCSettings.IsServerGC Property

Gets a value that indicates whether server garbage collection is enabled.


public static bool IsServerGC { get; }


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For information about server garbage collection, see the "Workstation and Server Garbage Collection" section in Fundamentals of Garbage Collection.

If server garbage collection is not enabled, workstation garbage collection is in effect (with or without concurrent collection). Server garbage collection is available only on multiprocessor computers.

An unmanaged host can request server garbage collection, and the host request overrides configuration file settings. If the host does not specify the type of garbage collection, you can use a configuration file setting to specify server garbage collection. This setting is valid only in the application configuration file, not in the machine configuration file (see Configuration Files). The following example shows the contents of a sample application configuration file that enables server garbage collection.


    <gcServer enabled="true" />


Namespace: System.Runtime
Assembly: mscorlib (in mscorlib.dll)
Assembly Versions:,