Gendarme.Framework.Helpers Namespace


Log Wrapper around System.Diagnostics.Debug.
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MethodSignature Used to match methods. Properties that are set to null are ignored
MethodSignatures Defines commonly used MethodSignatures
NamespaceDefinition Namespaces do not really exists in the CLR, at least not like other first level citizens. Since we want to report defects against them we need something to fill this void.
OpCodeBitmask This is a specialized Bitmask class for the Code enumeration. Bitmask`1 can't be used since there are more than 64 opcodes defined.
PrimitiveReferences Provide an easy way to get TypeReference to primitive types without having direct access to the mscorlib.dll assembly (any ModuleDefinition will do).
StackEntryAnalysis This class can be used to find all usages of a reference on the stack. Currently used for: Gendarme.Rules.BadPractice.CheckNewExceptionWithoutThrowRule Gendarme.Rules.BadPractice.CheckNewThreadWithoutStartRule Gendarme.Rules.Interoperability.GetLastErrorMustBeCalledRightAfterPInvokeRule


StackEntryUsageResult Represents a usage of a StackEntry