Source code for nltk.parse.malt

# Natural Language Toolkit: Interface to MaltParser
# Author: Dan Garrette <>
# Copyright (C) 2001-2013 NLTK Project
# URL: <>
# For license information, see LICENSE.TXT
from __future__ import print_function

import os
import tempfile
import glob
from operator import add
from functools import reduce
import subprocess

from import ZipFilePathPointer
from nltk.tag import RegexpTagger
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize
from nltk.internals import find_binary

from nltk.parse.api import ParserI
from nltk.parse.dependencygraph import DependencyGraph

[docs]class MaltParser(ParserI): def __init__(self, tagger=None, mco=None, working_dir=None, additional_java_args=None): """ An interface for parsing with the Malt Parser. :param mco: The name of the pre-trained model. If provided, training will not be required, and MaltParser will use the model file in ${working_dir}/${mco}.mco. :type mco: str """ self.config_malt() self.mco = 'malt_temp' if mco is None else mco self.working_dir = tempfile.gettempdir() if working_dir is None\ else working_dir self.additional_java_args = [] if additional_java_args is None else additional_java_args self._trained = mco is not None if tagger is not None: self.tagger = tagger else: self.tagger = RegexpTagger( [(r'^-?[0-9]+(.[0-9]+)?$', 'CD'), # cardinal numbers (r'(The|the|A|a|An|an)$', 'AT'), # articles (r'.*able$', 'JJ'), # adjectives (r'.*ness$', 'NN'), # nouns formed from adjectives (r'.*ly$', 'RB'), # adverbs (r'.*s$', 'NNS'), # plural nouns (r'.*ing$', 'VBG'), # gerunds (r'.*ed$', 'VBD'), # past tense verbs (r'.*', 'NN') # nouns (default) ])
[docs] def config_malt(self, bin=None, verbose=False): """ Configure NLTK's interface to the ``malt`` package. This searches for a directory containing the malt jar :param bin: The full path to the ``malt`` binary. If not specified, then nltk will search the system for a ``malt`` binary; and if one is not found, it will raise a ``LookupError`` exception. :type bin: str """ #: A list of directories that should be searched for the malt #: executables. This list is used by ``config_malt`` when searching #: for the malt executables. _malt_path = ['.', '/usr/lib/malt-1*', '/usr/share/malt-1*', '/usr/local/bin', '/usr/local/malt-1*', '/usr/local/bin/malt-1*', '/usr/local/malt-1*', '/usr/local/share/malt-1*'] # Expand wildcards in _malt_path: malt_path = reduce(add, map(glob.glob, _malt_path)) # Find the malt binary. self._malt_bin = find_binary('malt.jar', bin, searchpath=malt_path, env_vars=['MALTPARSERHOME'], url='', verbose=verbose)
[docs] def parse(self, sentence, verbose=False): """ Use MaltParser to parse a sentence. Takes a sentence as a list of words; it will be automatically tagged with this MaltParser instance's tagger. :param sentence: Input sentence to parse :type sentence: list(str) :return: ``DependencyGraph`` the dependency graph representation of the sentence """ return self.batch_parse([sentence], verbose)[0]
[docs] def batch_parse(self, sentences, verbose=False): """ Use MaltParser to parse multiple sentence. Takes multiple sentences as a list where each sentence is a list of words. Each sentence will be automatically tagged with this MaltParser instance's tagger. :param sentences: Input sentences to parse :type sentence: list(list(str)) :return: list(``DependencyGraph``) the dependency graph representation of each sentence """ tagged_sentences = [self.tagger.tag(sentence) for sentence in sentences] return self.tagged_batch_parse(tagged_sentences, verbose)
[docs] def raw_parse(self, sentence, verbose=False): """ Use MaltParser to parse a sentence. Takes a sentence as a string; before parsing, it will be automatically tokenized and tagged with this MaltParser instance's tagger. :param sentence: Input sentence to parse :type sentence: str :return: ``DependencyGraph`` the dependency graph representation of the sentence """ words = word_tokenize(sentence) return self.parse(words, verbose)
[docs] def tagged_parse(self, sentence, verbose=False): """ Use MaltParser to parse a sentence. Takes a sentence as a list of (word, tag) tuples; the sentence must have already been tokenized and tagged. :param sentence: Input sentence to parse :type sentence: list(tuple(str, str)) :return: ``DependencyGraph`` the dependency graph representation of the sentence """ return self.tagged_batch_parse([sentence], verbose)[0]
[docs] def tagged_batch_parse(self, sentences, verbose=False): """ Use MaltParser to parse multiple sentences. Takes multiple sentences where each sentence is a list of (word, tag) tuples. The sentences must have already been tokenized and tagged. :param sentences: Input sentences to parse :type sentence: list(list(tuple(str, str))) :return: list(``DependencyGraph``) the dependency graph representation of each sentence """ if not self._malt_bin: raise Exception("MaltParser location is not configured. Call config_malt() first.") if not self._trained: raise Exception("Parser has not been trained. Call train() first.") input_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='malt_input.conll', dir=self.working_dir, delete=False) output_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='malt_output.conll', dir=self.working_dir, delete=False) try: for sentence in sentences: for (i, (word, tag)) in enumerate(sentence, start=1): input_str = '%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n' %\ (i, word, '_', tag, tag, '_', '0', 'a', '_', '_') input_file.write(input_str.encode("utf8")) input_file.write(b'\n\n') input_file.close() cmd = ['java'] + self.additional_java_args + ['-jar', self._malt_bin, '-w', self.working_dir, '-c', self.mco, '-i',, '-o',, '-m', 'parse'] ret = self._execute(cmd, verbose) if ret != 0: raise Exception("MaltParser parsing (%s) failed with exit " "code %d" % (' '.join(cmd), ret)) return DependencyGraph.load( finally: input_file.close() os.remove( output_file.close() os.remove(
[docs] def train(self, depgraphs, verbose=False): """ Train MaltParser from a list of ``DependencyGraph`` objects :param depgraphs: list of ``DependencyGraph`` objects for training input data """ input_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='malt_train.conll', dir=self.working_dir, delete=False) try: input_str = ('\n'.join(dg.to_conll(10) for dg in depgraphs)) input_file.write(input_str.encode("utf8")) input_file.close() self.train_from_file(, verbose=verbose) finally: input_file.close() os.remove(
[docs] def train_from_file(self, conll_file, verbose=False): """ Train MaltParser from a file :param conll_file: str for the filename of the training input data """ if not self._malt_bin: raise Exception("MaltParser location is not configured. Call config_malt() first.") # If conll_file is a ZipFilePathPointer, then we need to do some extra # massaging if isinstance(conll_file, ZipFilePathPointer): input_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='malt_train.conll', dir=self.working_dir, delete=False) try: conll_str = conll_file.close() input_file.write(conll_str) input_file.close() return self.train_from_file(, verbose=verbose) finally: input_file.close() os.remove( cmd = ['java', '-jar', self._malt_bin, '-w', self.working_dir, '-c', self.mco, '-i', conll_file, '-m', 'learn'] ret = self._execute(cmd, verbose) if ret != 0: raise Exception("MaltParser training (%s) " "failed with exit code %d" % (' '.join(cmd), ret)) self._trained = True
@staticmethod def _execute(cmd, verbose=False): output = None if verbose else subprocess.PIPE p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=output, stderr=output) return p.wait()
[docs]def demo(): dg1 = DependencyGraph("""1 John _ NNP _ _ 2 SUBJ _ _ 2 sees _ VB _ _ 0 ROOT _ _ 3 a _ DT _ _ 4 SPEC _ _ 4 dog _ NN _ _ 2 OBJ _ _ """) dg2 = DependencyGraph("""1 John _ NNP _ _ 2 SUBJ _ _ 2 walks _ VB _ _ 0 ROOT _ _ """) verbose = False maltParser = MaltParser() maltParser.train([dg1,dg2], verbose=verbose) print(maltParser.raw_parse('John sees Mary', verbose=verbose).tree().pprint()) print(maltParser.raw_parse('a man runs', verbose=verbose).tree().pprint())
if __name__ == '__main__': demo()