
Obtains the current percentage share of fees addresses would receive if a distribution were to occur.

If an address is supplied the results will be filtered to show this address only. If no address is supplied the results will be filtered to show wallet addresses only. If a wildcard is provided ("*") the results will contain all addresses that would receive a share.

If an ecosystem is supplied the results will reflect the fee share for that ecosystem (main or test). If no ecosystem is supplied the results will reflect the main ecosystem.


Name Type Presence Description
address string optional the address to filter results on
ecosystem number optional the ecosystem to obtain the current percentage fee share (1 = main, 2 = test)


[                                  // (array of JSON objects)
    "address" : "address"          // (string) the adress that would receive a share of fees
    "feeshare" : "n.nnnn%",        // (string) the percentage of fees this address will receive based on the current state


$ omnicore-cli "omni_getfeeshare" "1CE8bBr1dYZRMnpmyYsFEoexa1YoPz2mfB" 1