
List active offers on the distributed token exchange.


Name Type Presence Description
propertyid number required filter orders by propertyid for sale
propertyid number optional filter orders by propertyid desired


[                                             // (array of JSON objects)
    "address" : "address",                        // (string) the Bitcoin address of the trader
    "txid" : "hash",                              // (string) the hex-encoded hash of the transaction of the order
    "ecosystem" : "main"|"test",                  // (string) the ecosytem in which the order was made (if "cancel-ecosystem")
    "propertyidforsale" : n,                      // (number) the identifier of the tokens put up for sale
    "propertyidforsaleisdivisible" : true|false,  // (boolean) whether the tokens for sale are divisible
    "amountforsale" : "n.nnnnnnnn",               // (string) the amount of tokens initially offered
    "amountremaining" : "n.nnnnnnnn",             // (string) the amount of tokens still up for sale
    "propertyiddesired" : n,                      // (number) the identifier of the tokens desired in exchange
    "propertyiddesiredisdivisible" : true|false,  // (boolean) whether the desired tokens are divisible
    "amountdesired" : "n.nnnnnnnn",               // (string) the amount of tokens initially desired
    "amounttofill" : "n.nnnnnnnn",                // (string) the amount of tokens still needed to fill the offer completely
    "action" : n,                                 // (number) the action of the transaction: (1) "trade", (2) "cancel-price", (3) "cancel-pair", (4) "cancel-ecosystem"
    "block" : nnnnnn,                             // (number) the index of the block that contains the transaction
    "blocktime" : nnnnnnnnnn                      // (number) the timestamp of the block that contains the transaction


$ omnicore-cli "omni_getorderbook" 2