
Retrieves the history of orders on the distributed exchange for the supplied address.


Name Type Presence Description
address string required address to retrieve history for
count number optional number of orders to retrieve (default: 10)
propertyid number optional filter by propertyid transacted (default: no filter)


[                                             // (array of JSON objects)
    "txid" : "hash",                              // (string) the hex-encoded hash of the transaction of the order
    "sendingaddress" : "address",                 // (string) the Bitcoin address of the trader
    "ismine" : true|false,                        // (boolean) whether the order involes an address in the wallet
    "confirmations" : nnnnnnnnnn,                 // (number) the number of transaction confirmations
    "fee" : "n.nnnnnnnn",                         // (string) the transaction fee in bitcoins
    "blocktime" : nnnnnnnnnn,                     // (number) the timestamp of the block that contains the transaction
    "valid" : true|false,                         // (boolean) whether the transaction is valid
    "positioninblock" : n,                        // (number) the position (index) of the transaction within the block
    "version" : n,                                // (number) the transaction version
    "type_int" : n,                               // (number) the transaction type as number
    "type" : "type",                              // (string) the transaction type as string
    "propertyidforsale" : n,                      // (number) the identifier of the tokens put up for sale
    "propertyidforsaleisdivisible" : true|false,  // (boolean) whether the tokens for sale are divisible
    "amountforsale" : "n.nnnnnnnn",               // (string) the amount of tokens initially offered
    "propertyiddesired" : n,                      // (number) the identifier of the tokens desired in exchange
    "propertyiddesiredisdivisible" : true|false,  // (boolean) whether the desired tokens are divisible
    "amountdesired" : "n.nnnnnnnn",               // (string) the amount of tokens initially desired
    "unitprice" : "n.nnnnnnnnnnn..."              // (string) the unit price (shown in the property desired)
    "status" : "status"                           // (string) the status of the order ("open", "cancelled", "filled", ...)
    "canceltxid" : "hash",                        // (string) the hash of the transaction that cancelled the order (if cancelled)
    "matches": [                                  // (array of JSON objects) a list of matched orders and executed trades
        "txid" : "hash",                              // (string) the hash of the transaction that was matched against
        "block" : nnnnnn,                             // (number) the index of the block that contains this transaction
        "address" : "address",                        // (string) the Bitcoin address of the other trader
        "amountsold" : "n.nnnnnnnn",                  // (string) the number of tokens sold in this trade
        "amountreceived" : "n.nnnnnnnn"               // (string) the number of tokens traded in exchange


$ omnicore-cli "omni_gettradehistoryforaddress" "1MCHESTptvd2LnNp7wmr2sGTpRomteAkq8"