
Get detailed information about an Omni transaction.


Name Type Presence Description
txid string required the hash of the transaction to lookup


  "txid" : "hash",                 // (string) the hex-encoded hash of the transaction
  "sendingaddress" : "address",    // (string) the Bitcoin address of the sender
  "referenceaddress" : "address",  // (string) a Bitcoin address used as reference (if any)
  "ismine" : true|false,           // (boolean) whether the transaction involes an address in the wallet
  "confirmations" : nnnnnnnnnn,    // (number) the number of transaction confirmations
  "fee" : "n.nnnnnnnn",            // (string) the transaction fee in bitcoins
  "blocktime" : nnnnnnnnnn,        // (number) the timestamp of the block that contains the transaction
  "valid" : true|false,            // (boolean) whether the transaction is valid
  "positioninblock" : n,           // (number) the position (index) of the transaction within the block
  "version" : n,                   // (number) the transaction version
  "type_int" : n,                  // (number) the transaction type as number
  "type" : "type",                 // (string) the transaction type as string
  [...]                            // (mixed) other transaction type specific properties


$ omnicore-cli "omni_gettransaction" "1075db55d416d3ca199f55b6084e2115b9345e16c5cf302fc80e9d5fbf5d48d"