Click an item in the table below for details about that function.
get_work_dim | Number of dimensions in use |
get_global_size | Number of global work items |
get_global_id | Global work item ID value |
get_local_size | Number of local work items |
get_enqueued_local_size |
Same as get_local_size(dimindx) if the kernel is executed with a
uniform work-group size
get_local_id | Local work item ID |
get_num_groups | Number of work groups |
get_group_id | Work group ID |
get_global_offset | Work offset |
get_global_linear_id | Work-items 1-dimensional global ID |
get_local_linear_id | Work-items 1-dimensional local ID |
get_sub_group_size | Number of work-items in the subgroup |
get_max_sub_group_size | Maximum size of a subgroup |
get_num_sub_groups | Number of subgroup |
get_enqueued_num_sub_groups | Number of enqueued subgroups |
get_sub_group_id | The sub-group ID |
get_sub_group_local_id | The unique work-item ID within the current subgroup |
Built-in work-item functions can be used to query the number of dimensions, the global and local work size specified to clEnqueueNDRangeKernel, and the global and local identifier of each work-item when this kernel is being executed on a device.