Class: BingMaps


import BingMaps from 'ol/source/BingMaps';

Layer source for Bing Maps tile data.

new BingMaps(options)

source/BingMaps.js, line 95
Name Type Description

Bing Maps options.

Name Type Default Description
cacheSize number 2048

Cache size.

hidpi boolean false

If true hidpi tiles will be requested.

culture string 'en-us'

Culture code.

key string

Bing Maps API key. Get yours at

imagerySet string

Type of imagery.

maxZoom number 21

Max zoom. Default is what's advertized by the BingMaps service.

reprojectionErrorThreshold number 0.5

Maximum allowed reprojection error (in pixels). Higher values can increase reprojection performance, but decrease precision.

tileLoadFunction module:ol/Tile~LoadFunction

Optional function to load a tile given a URL. The default is

function(imageTile, src) {
  imageTile.getImage().src = src;
wrapX boolean true

Whether to wrap the world horizontally.

transition number

Duration of the opacity transition for rendering. To disable the opacity transition, pass transition: 0.





source/BingMaps.js, line 163

Get the api key used for this source.

The api key.


source/BingMaps.js, line 173

Get the imagery set associated with this source.

The imagery set.

getTileLoadFunction(){module:ol/Tile~LoadFunction} inherited

source/UrlTile.js, line 104

Return the tile load function of the source.


getTileUrlFunction(){module:ol/Tile~UrlFunction} inherited

source/UrlTile.js, line 113

Return the tile URL function of the source.


getUrls(){!Array.<string>|null} inherited

source/UrlTile.js, line 124

Return the URLs used for this source. When a tileUrlFunction is used instead of url or urls, null will be returned.


setRenderReprojectionEdges(render) inherited

source/TileImage.js, line 356

Sets whether to render reprojection edges or not (usually for debugging).

Name Type Description
render boolean

Render the edges.

setTileGridForProjection(projection, tilegrid) inherited

source/TileImage.js, line 380

Sets the tile grid to use when reprojecting the tiles to the given projection instead of the default tile grid for the projection.

This can be useful when the default tile grid cannot be created (e.g. projection has no extent defined) or for optimization reasons (custom tile size, resolutions, ...).

Name Type Description
projection module:ol/proj~ProjectionLike


tilegrid module:ol/tilegrid/TileGrid~TileGrid

Tile grid to use for the projection.

setTileLoadFunction(tileLoadFunction) inherited

source/UrlTile.js, line 157

Set the tile load function of the source.

Name Type Description
tileLoadFunction module:ol/Tile~LoadFunction

Tile load function.

setTileUrlFunction(tileUrlFunction, key) inherited

source/UrlTile.js, line 169

Set the tile URL function of the source.

Name Type Description
tileUrlFunction module:ol/Tile~UrlFunction

Tile URL function.

key string

Optional new tile key for the source.

setUrl(url) inherited

source/UrlTile.js, line 184

Set the URL to use for requests.

Name Type Description
url string


setUrls(urls) inherited

source/UrlTile.js, line 194

Set the URLs to use for requests.

Name Type Description
urls Array.<string>