If you expect your code to be able to work well with other code, then you should not make any assumptions about the current state of assert_options() flags, prior to calling assert(): other code may disable ASSERT_ACTIVE, without you knowing it - this would render assert() useless!
To avoid this, ALWAYS set assert_options() IMMEDIATELY before calling assert(), per the C++ paradigm for assertion usage:
In one C++ source file, you can define and undefine NDEBUG multiple times, each time followed by #include <cassert>, to enable or disable the assert macro multiple times in the same source file.
Here is how I workaround this issue in my PHP code:
function phpxAssertHandler_f($file_or_custom_options=null, $line_or_assert_options=null, $code=null){
static $custom_options;
$debug = false;
if (is_null($code)){
$assert_options[]=1;$assert_options[]=0;$assert_options[]=0;$assert_options[]=__FUNCTION__;$custom_options[]=E_USER_ERROR;if (!is_null($line_or_assert_options)){
if (!is_array($line_or_assert_options)){
foreach ($line_or_assert_options as $i=>$assert_option){
if ($assert_option===true) $assert_option=1;
if ($assert_option===false) $assert_option=0;
if($debug) echo ("assert_options[$i]=$assert_option\n");
if (!is_null($file_or_custom_options)){
if (!is_array($file_or_custom_options)){
foreach ($file_or_custom_options as $i=>$custom_option){
if ($custom_option===true) $custom_option=1;
if ($custom_option===false) $custom_option=0;
if($debug) echo ("custom_options[$i]=$custom_option\n");
@assert_options (ASSERT_ACTIVE, $assert_options[0]);
@assert_options (ASSERT_WARNING, $assert_options[1]);
@assert_options (ASSERT_QUIET_EVAL, $assert_options[2]);
@assert_options (ASSERT_CALLBACK, $assert_options[3]);
} else {
$file = $file_or_custom_options;
$line = $line_or_assert_options;
$msg="ASSERTION FAILED: $code";
phpxErrorHandler_f ($custom_options[0],$msg,$file,$line);