// Using the same code I found here on php.net,
// I was able to figure out how to convert GIF (or any other
// format GD supports) to CIP format. CIP is the image
// format for Cisco IP Phones... 7905/7940 and 7960
// models... Hope someone finds this useful and make it
// better...
/////// GIF2CIP PHP code ///////
// Convert image in memory to grayscale
$img_width = imageSX($im2);
$img_height = imageSY($im2);
// convert to grayscale
// note: this will NOT affect your original image, unless
// originalFileName and destinationFileName are the same
for ($y = 0; $y <$img_height; $y++) {
for ($x = 0; $x <$img_width; $x++) {
$rgb = imagecolorat($im2, $x, $y);
$red = ($rgb >> 16) & 0xFF;
$green = ($rgb >> 8) & 0xFF;
$blue = $rgb & 0xFF;
$gray = round(.299*$red + .587*$green + .114*$blue);
// shift gray level to the left
$grayR = $gray << 16; // R: red
$grayG = $gray << 8; // G: green
$grayB = $gray; // B: blue
// OR operation to compute gray value
$grayColor = $grayR | $grayG | $grayB;
// set the pixel color
imagesetpixel ($im2, $x, $y, $grayColor);
imagecolorallocate ($im2, $gray, $gray, $gray);
// Modifies palette to only 4-colors (CIP Images on 7905/7940 & 7960 is 2-bit color)
// Basic header for CIP Image files...
header ("Content-type: text/xml");
echo "<CiscoIPPhoneImage> ";
echo "<LocationX>-1</LocationX> ";
echo "<LocationY>-1</LocationY> ";
echo "<Width>132</Width> ";
echo "<Height>65</Height> ";
echo "<Depth>2</Depth> ";
echo "<Data>";
// get image dimensions (almost same code as above)
$img_width = imageSX($im2);
$img_height = imageSY($im2);
// convert to grayscale
// note: this will NOT affect your original image, unless
// originalFileName and destinationFileName are the same
for ($y = 0; $y <$img_height; $y++) {
for ($x = 0; $x+4 <$img_width; $x = $x+4)
for ($ix = 0; $ix < 4; $ix++)
$rgb = imagecolorat($im2, $x + $ix, $y);
// I came up with this translation on my own
// Some smart person is bound to perfect it
if ($rgb=="2") {$rgb=0;$Gray1[$ix] = $rgb;continue;}
if ($rgb=="0") {$rgb=2;$Gray1[$ix] = $rgb;continue;}
if ($rgb=="1") {$rgb=1;$Gray1[$ix] = $rgb;continue;}
if ($rgb=="3") {$rgb=3;$Gray1[$ix] = $rgb;continue;}
$gray1 = $Gray1[0];
$gray2 = $Gray1[1] << 2;
$gray3 = $Gray1[2] << 4;
$gray4 = $Gray1[3] << 6;
// Pack 4 pixels into a single byte for CIP images
$grey = $gray1 | $gray2 | $gray3 | $gray4;
// CIP image data is sent in HEX, strtoupper is not really needed.
$code = strtoupper(dechex($grey));
// My quick fix to padding single HEX values
if (strlen($code)==1) $code = "0".$code;
echo $code;
echo "</Data>";
echo "<Title>$myvar</Title> ";
echo "<Prompt>$city</Prompt> ";
echo "</CiscoIPPhoneImage>";