PHP 7.0.6 Released


(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7)

jdtojewishConverts a Julian day count to a Jewish calendar date


string jdtojewish ( int $juliandaycount [, bool $hebrew = false [, int $fl = 0 ]] )

Converts a Julian Day Count to the Jewish Calendar.



A julian day number as integer


If the hebrew parameter is set to TRUE, the fl parameter is used for Hebrew, string based, output format.



Return Values

The jewish date as a string in the form "month/day/year"


Example #1 jdtojewish() Example

echo jdtojewish(gregoriantojd(1082002), true,

See Also

  • jewishtojd() - Converts a date in the Jewish Calendar to Julian Day Count
  • cal_from_jd() - Converts from Julian Day Count to a supported calendar

User Contributed Notes

eclipsechasers2 at yahoo dot com
1 year ago
With PHP 5.5, the functionality changed regarding Adar in a non-leap year. Prior to 5.5, the month was returned as 6. In 5.5 and 5.6, the month is returned as 7. This difference is not listed under "What has changed in PHP 5.5.x".
adam at tadam dot co dot il
4 years ago
// Hebrew date in hebrew
$str = jdtojewish(gregoriantojd( date('m'), date('d'), date('Y')), true, CAL_JEWISH_ADD_GERESHAYIM + CAL_JEWISH_ADD_ALAFIM + CAL_JEWISH_ADD_ALAFIM_GERESH); // for today
$str1 = iconv ('WINDOWS-1255', 'UTF-8', $str); // convert to utf-8

echo $str1; // for 23/03/2012 will print: כ"ט אדר ה' אלפים תשע"ב

// or
$str = jdtojewish(gregoriantojd( date('m'), date('d'), date('Y')), true, CAL_JEWISH_ADD_GERESHAYIM); // for today
$str1 = iconv ('WINDOWS-1255', 'UTF-8', $str); // convert to utf-8

echo $str1; // for 23/03/2012 will print: כ"ט אדר התשע"ב
erelsgl at gmail dot com
6 years ago
In Hebrew leap years, the function will return 6 for Adar A, 7 for Adar B, 8 for Nisan, etc.

In Hebrew non-leap years, the function will return 6 for Adar, 8 for Nisan, etc.

i.e., the "real" Adar is Adar A.
erelsgl at gmail dot com
6 years ago
Sometimes it is useful to have the date in the format YYYY-MM-DD, which is sortable (e.g. you can sort dates by sorting the strings):

function JDToSortableJewish($jd) {
preg_replace("|(\d+)/(\d+)/(\d+)|","$3-$1-$2"// year-month-day
preg_replace("|/(\d)/|","/0$1/", // add zeros to the day
preg_replace("|^(\d)/|","0$1/"// add zeros to the month
asphp at dsgml dot com
8 years ago
This function outputs in ISO-8859-8-l.

To convert to unicode UTF-8 do this:


echo mb_convert_encoding( jdtojewish( unixtojd(), true ), "UTF-8", "ISO-8859-8");

gr8g0thamguy at yahoo dot com
12 years ago
Based on the code already posted by Dave, I've modified it to display the *current* date on a page:


= date(n);
$gregorianDay = date(j);
$gregorianYear = date(Y);

$jdDate = gregoriantojd($gregorianMonth,$gregorianDay,$gregorianYear);

$hebrewMonthName = jdmonthname($jdDate,4);

$hebrewDate = jdtojewish($jdDate);

$hebrewMonth, $hebrewDay, $hebrewYear) = split('/',$hebrewDate);

"$hebrewDay $hebrewMonthName $hebrewYear";
14 years ago
There's probably a simpler way to do this, but I needed to convert a Gregorian date to a Hebrew one and display it with the Hebrew month name (not the number).

Perhaps it can help somebody...


//enter your Gregorian date with the variables $gregorianMonth, $gregorianDay, and $gregorianYear using the numerical representation of the month

$jdDate = gregoriantojd ( $gregorianMonth, $gregorianDay, $gregorianYear);

$gregorianMonthName = jdmonthname ( $jdDate, 1 );

$hebrewDate = jdtojewish ($jdDate);

list (
$hebrewMonth, $hebrewDay, $hebrewYear) = split ('/', $hebrewDate);

$hebrewMonthName = jdmonthname ( $jdDate, 4); 

"Your date in Hebrew would read: $hebrewDay $hebrewMonthName $hebrewYear";

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