PHP 7.0.6 Released


(PHP 4 >= 4.2.0, PHP 5, PHP 7)

mb_eregiRegular expression match ignoring case with multibyte support


int mb_eregi ( string $pattern , string $string [, array &$regs ] )

Executes the case insensitive regular expression match with multibyte support.



The regular expression pattern.


The string being searched.


Contains a substring of the matched string.

Return Values

Executes the regular expression match with multibyte support, and returns 1 if matches are found. If the optional regs parameter was specified, the function returns the byte length of matched part, and the array regs will contain the substring of matched string. The function returns 1 if it matches with the empty string. If no matches are found or an error happens, FALSE will be returned.



The internal encoding or the character encoding specified by mb_regex_encoding() will be used as the character encoding for this function.

See Also

User Contributed Notes

bubalula at gmail dot com
5 years ago
This function does not work - it is not case insensitive for non latin characters.
steve at brainwashstudios dot com
13 years ago
When this function is perfected, and is not experimental, it may be very usefull in the searching and pinpointing of places inside large text files.
lasmit at what dot com
4 years ago
I simulated it:
= 'Äpfel';
mb_internal_encoding( 'utf-8' );
printf( "%d\n", mb_eregi( 'äpfel', $text ) ); // Output: 0
printf( "%d\n", mb_ereg( 'äpfel', mb_strtolower( $text ) ) ); // Output: 1
printf( "%d\n", mb_eregi( 'äpfel', mb_strtolower( $text ) ) ); // Output: 1
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