PHP 7.0.6 Released


(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7)

odbc_primarykeysGets the primary keys for a table


resource odbc_primarykeys ( resource $connection_id , string $qualifier , string $owner , string $table )

Returns a result identifier that can be used to fetch the column names that comprise the primary key for a table.



The ODBC connection identifier, see odbc_connect() for details.




Return Values

Returns an ODBC result identifier or FALSE on failure.

The result set has the following columns:


User Contributed Notes

dan dot scott at ca dot ibm dot com
11 years ago
Responding to devendra_joshi:

In DB2 Universal Database for Linux, UNIX, and Windows the catalog views are accessed through the SYSCAT schema, not the SYSIBM schema -- so you should be issuing "SELECT * FROM SYSCAT.KEYCOLUSE" to list all of the columns that participate in a given key constraint.

A complete list of the catalog views for DB2 can be referenced at by searching for 'catalog views' and selecting the top hit.
Rio Bautista (RRIT)
12 years ago
Sample to get the primary keys of an MSSQL table:

$cn = odbc_connect( "DSN", "sa", "pwd");

$rs = odbc_primarykeys( $cn, "database", "dbo", "table_name");

devendra_joshi at hotmail dot com
12 years ago
I want a list of primary keys of a table in db2

by using
'select * from SYSIBM.SYSKEYCOLUSE ' query i am getting the result on CLP
but when i am writing it in PHP as follows it returns 0 ROWS.

$mstmt="select * from SYSIBM.SYSKEYCOLUSE";
echo odbc_result_all($b);

where as  if we write this code

$mstmt="select * from SYSIBM.SYSFUNCTIONS";
echo odbc_result_all($b);

it returns the correct data.
ewilde aht bsmdevelopment dawt com
9 years ago
I was trying to find the primary keys from an SQLServer database through the ODBC interface.  Funnily enough, the odbc_primarykeys function doesn't work with SQLServer (at least not my implementation of it).  Fortunately, the sp_keys query is passed through and the answer returned.  This code works (providing you know which database you're dealing with, which is a whole 'nother story).

// If this is SQLServer, we need to do a special operation to get the
// primary keys.
// Looks like the implementers of the ODBC interface just blew this
// one off, since the database has a query to return the info and the
// info even comes back with the same column names.
if ($DBType == "SQLServer")
  $KeySel = odbc_exec($DBConn, "sp_pkeys ".$TableName);

// Otherwise, ask the database through ODBC for the primary key
// names.
else $KeySel = odbc_primarykeys($DBConn, $DatabaseName,
  $DatabaseUser, $TableName);

while ($KeySel && ($KeyRec = odbc_fetch_array($KeySel)))
  $KeyCol[$KeyRec["KEY_SEQ"]] = $KeyRec["COLUMN_NAME"];
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