As peter@nospam said, the microsoft uses an different table for encode string when sending data...
with some test i have created a table with this encodes for special char like � � � � �
here is it for those who need know what is this table..
the index of array is the ord() of a character..
use with chr(index) to know the char.. and replace with the value.....
var $ENCODE_TABLE = ARRAY(33=>'%21', 35=>'%23', 36=>'%24', 37=>'%25', 38=>'%26', 40=>'%28', 41=>'%29', 43=>'%2B', 44=>'%2C', 47=>'%2F', 58=>'%3A', 59=>'%3B', 60=>'%3C', 61=>'%3D', 62=>'%3E', 63=>'%3F', 91=>'%5B', 92=>'%5C', 93=>'%5D', 123=>'%7B', 124=>'%7C', 125=>'%7D', 142=>'%C5%BD', 192=>'%C3%80', 193=>'%C3%81', 194=>'%C3%82', 195=>'%C3%83', 196=>'%C3%84', 197=>'%C3%85', 199=>'%C3%87', 200=>'%C3%88', 201=>'%C3%89', 202=>'%C3%8A', 203=>'%C3%8B', 204=>'%C3%8C', 205=>'%C3%8D', 206=>'%C3%8E', 207=>'%C3%8F', 210=>'%C3%92', 211=>'%C3%93', 212=>'%C3%94', 213=>'%C3%95', 214=>'%C3%96', 217=>'%C3%99', 218=>'%C3%9A', 219=>'%C3%9B', 220=>'%C3%9C', 221=>'%C3%9D', 224=>'%C3%A0', 225=>'%C3%A1', 226=>'%C3%A2', 227=>'%C3%A3', 228=>'%C3%A4', 229=>'%C3%A5', 231=>'%C3%A7', 232=>'%C3%A8', 233=>'%C3%A9', 234=>'%C3%AA', 235=>'%C3%AB', 236=>'%C3%AC', 237=>'%C3%AD', 238=>'%C3%AE', 239=>'%C3%AF', 242=>'%C3%B2', 243=>'%C3%B3', 244=>'%C3%B4', 245=>'%C3%B5', 246=>'%C3%B6', 249=>'%C3%B9', 250=>'%C3%BA', 251=>'%C3%BB', 252=>'%C3%BC', 253=>'%C3%BD', 255=>'%C3%BF');
function encode($text) {
while(list($ord, $enc) = each($ENCODE_TABLE)) {
$text = str_replace(chr($ord), $enc, $text);
return $text;
hope this help ...