> stripcslashes('He\xallo') == 'He'."\n".'llo'
> stripcslashes('H\xaello') == 'H'.chr(0xAE).'llo'
> */
> You Can Use
> stripcslashes('H\xa0ello') == 'H'.chr(0xA0).'ello'
Correct. But not what (I think) you were trying to show.
> as xa0 = xa = chr(xA)
Not so correct.
Does 9==90? No, because that added zero *after* the number means something.
It's when you add a zero *before* the number does it not affect the value.
I'd like to assume that was a typo, but with the Internet as it is, who knows...
> You Can Use
> stripcslashes('H\x0aello') == 'H'.chr(0x0A).'ello'