PHP 7.0.6 Released


(PECL gearman >= 0.5.0)

GearmanWorker::addServerAdd a job server


public bool GearmanWorker::addServer ([ string $host = [, int $port = 4730 ]] )

Adds a job server to this worker. This goes into a list of servers than can be used to run jobs. No socket I/O happens here.



The job server host name.


The job server port.

Return Values

Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure.


Example #1 Add alternate Gearman servers

= new GearmanWorker(); 

See Also

User Contributed Notes

liv_romania at yahoo dot com
9 months ago
To properly test the server added you could use the following code:

// create the worker
$worker= new GearmanWorker();

// add the  job server (bad host/port)
$worker->addServer('', 4731);

// define a variable to hold application data
$count = 0;

// add the reverse function
$worker->addFunction('reverse', 'my_reverse_function', $count);

// test job server response
if (!@$worker->echo('test data')) {

// start the worker listening for job submissions
while ($worker->work());

my_reverse_function($job, &$count)

$count . ': ' . strrev($job->workload()) . "\n";
3 years ago
If you suddenly start getting a:

PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught exception 'GearmanException' with message 'Failed to set exception option' in

...on your GearmanWorker::work() calls, I was able to fix this by specifying values to GearmanWorker::addServer(), even if they are the same as the documented default values.


= new GearmanWorker();


= new GearmanWorker();
$gmw->addServer("", 4730);

Go figure. :)
gabe dot spradlin at gmail dot com
2 years ago
The manual states that you get a TRUE on success and FALSE on failure. When I have attempted to connect to a server that is powered off I still get TRUE. The return from returnCode() is 0 which is the same as the returnCode() from a successful connection.

I have not yet found a way around this.
617137379 at qq dot com
2 years ago
No socket I/O happens in addserver.
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