PHP 7.0.6 Released

Object Interfaces

Object interfaces allow you to create code which specifies which methods a class must implement, without having to define how these methods are handled.

Interfaces are defined using the interface keyword, in the same way as a standard class, but without any of the methods having their contents defined.

All methods declared in an interface must be public; this is the nature of an interface.


To implement an interface, the implements operator is used. All methods in the interface must be implemented within a class; failure to do so will result in a fatal error. Classes may implement more than one interface if desired by separating each interface with a comma.


Prior to PHP 5.3.9, a class could not implement two interfaces that specified a method with the same name, since it would cause ambiguity. More recent versions of PHP allow this as long as the duplicate methods have the same signature.


Interfaces can be extended like classes using the extends operator.


The class implementing the interface must use the exact same method signatures as are defined in the interface. Not doing so will result in a fatal error.


It's possible for interfaces to have constants. Interface constants works exactly like class constants except they cannot be overridden by a class/interface that inherits them.


Example #1 Interface example


// Declare the interface 'iTemplate'
interface iTemplate
    public function 
    public function 

// Implement the interface
// This will work
class Template implements iTemplate
$vars = array();
    public function 
$this->vars[$name] = $var;
    public function 
$this->vars as $name => $value) {
$template str_replace('{' $name '}'$value$template);

// This will not work
// Fatal error: Class BadTemplate contains 1 abstract methods
// and must therefore be declared abstract (iTemplate::getHtml)
class BadTemplate implements iTemplate
$vars = array();
    public function 
$this->vars[$name] = $var;

Example #2 Extendable Interfaces

interface a
    public function 

extends a
    public function 
baz(Baz $baz);

// This will work
class implements b
    public function 

    public function 
baz(Baz $baz)

// This will not work and result in a fatal error
class implements b
    public function 

    public function 
baz(Foo $foo)

Example #3 Multiple interface inheritance

interface a
    public function 

    public function 

extends ab
    public function 

implements c
    public function 

    public function 

    public function 

Example #4 Interfaces with constants

interface a
'Interface constant';

// Prints: Interface constant
echo a::b;

// This will however not work because it's not allowed to 
// override constants.
class implements a
'Class constant';

An interface, together with type-hinting, provides a good way to make sure that a particular object contains particular methods. See instanceof operator and type hinting.

User Contributed Notes

dlovell2001 at yahoo dot com
4 years ago
It seems like many contributors are missing the point of using an INTERFACE. An INTERFACE is not specifically provided for abstraction. That's what a CLASS is used for. Most examples in this article of interfaces could be achieved just as easily using just classes alone.

An INTERFACE is provided so you can describe a set of functions and then hide the final implementation of those functions in an implementing class. This allows you to change the IMPLEMENTATION of those functions without changing how you use it.

For example: I have a database. I want to write a class that accesses the data in my database. I define an interface like this:

interface Database {
function listOrders();
function addOrder();
function removeOrder();

Then let's say we start out using a MySQL database. So we write a class to access the MySQL database:

class MySqlDatabase implements Database {
function listOrders() {...
we write these methods as needed to get to the MySQL database tables. Then you can write your controller to use the interface as such:

$database = new MySqlDatabase();
foreach ($database->listOrders() as $order) {

Then let's say we decide to migrate to an Oracle database. We could write another class to get to the Oracle database as such:

class OracleDatabase implements Database {
public function listOrders() {...

Then - to switch our application to use the Oracle database instead of the MySQL database we only have to change ONE LINE of code:

$database = new OracleDatabase();

all other lines of code, such as:

foreach ($database->listOrders() as $order) {

will remain unchanged. The point is - the INTERFACE describes the methods that we need to access our database. It does NOT describe in any way HOW we achieve that. That's what the IMPLEMENTing class does. We can IMPLEMENT this interface as many times as we need in as many different ways as we need. We can then switch between implementations of the interface without impact to our code because the interface defines how we will use it regardless of how it actually works.
koalay at gmail dot com
1 year ago
Just wrote some examples of duck-typing in PHP. Sharing here.


* An example of duck typing in PHP

interface CanFly {
  public function

CanSwim {
  public function

Bird {
  public function
info() {
"I am a {$this->name}\n";
"I am an bird\n";

* some implementations of birds
class Dove extends Bird implements CanFly {
$name = "Dove";
  public function
fly() {
"I fly\n";

Penguin extends Bird implements CanSwim {
$name = "Penguin";
  public function
swim() {
"I swim\n";

Duck extends Bird implements CanFly, CanSwim {
$name = "Duck";
  public function
fly() {
"I fly\n";
  public function
swim() {
"I swim\n";

* a simple function to describe a bird
function describe($bird) {
  if (
$bird instanceof Bird) {
    if (
$bird instanceof CanFly) {
    if (
$bird instanceof CanSwim) {
  } else {
"This is not a bird. I cannot describe it.");

// describe these birds please
describe(new Penguin);

describe(new Dove);

describe(new Duck);
Hayley Watson
8 years ago
If it's not already obvious, it's worth noticing that the parameters in the interface's method declaration do not have to have the same names as those in any of its implementations.

More significantly, default argument values may be supplied for interface method parameters, and they have to be if you want to use default argument values in the implemented classes:

interface isStuffable
    public function

Turkey implements isStuffable
    public function
// ....

Note that not only do the parameters have different names ($ratio and $stuffing), but their default values are free to be different as well. There doesn't seem to be any purpose to the interface's default argument value except as a dummy placeholder to show that there is a default (a class implementing isStuffable will not be able to implement methods with the signatures getStuffed(), getStuffed($a), or getStuffed($a,$b)).
2 years ago
Implementation must be strict, subtypes are not allowed.

"The class implementing the interface must use the EXACT SAME METHOD SIGNATURES as are defined in the interface. Not doing so will result in a fatal error. "


interface I
foo(stdClass $arg);

Test extends stdClass

Implementation implements I
foo(Test $arg)

Fatal error: Declaration of InterfaceImplementation::foo() must be compatible with I::foo(stdClass $arg) in test.php on line XY
erik dot zoltan at msn dot com
11 years ago
When should you use interfaces?  What are they good for?
Here are two examples. 

1. Interfaces are an excellent way to implement reusability. 
You can create a general interface for a number of situations
(such as a save to/load from disk interface.)  You can then
implement the interface in a variety of different ways (e.g. for
formats such as tab delimited ASCII, XML and a database.) 
You can write code that asks the object to "save itself to
disk" without having to worry what that means for the object
in question.  One object might save itself to the database,
another to an XML and you can change this behavior over
time without having to rewrite the calling code. 

This allows you to write reusable calling code that can work
for any number of different objects -- you don't need to know
what kind of object it is, as long as it obeys the common

2. Interfaces can also promote gradual evolution.  On a
recent project I had some very complicated work to do and I
didn't know how to implement it.  I could think of a "basic"
implementation but I knew I would have to change it later. 
So I created interfaces in each of these cases, and created
at least one "basic" implementation of the interface that
was "good enough for now" even though I knew it would have
to change later. 

When I came back to make the changes, I was able to create
some new implementations of these interfaces that added the
extra features I needed.  Some of my classes still used
the "basic" implementations, but others needed the
specialized ones.  I was able to add the new features to the
objects themselves without rewriting the calling code in most
cases.  It was easy to evolve my code in this way because
the changes were mostly isolated -- they didn't spread all
over the place like you might expect.
9 years ago
if you want to implement an interface and in addition to use inheritance, first it uses “extends” and then “implements” example:

class MyChildClass extends MyParentClass implements MyInterface
// definition
Hayley Watson
8 years ago
On an incidental note, it is not necessary for the implementation of an interface method to use the same variable names for its parameters that were used in the interface declaration.

More significantly, your interface method declarations can include default argument values. If you do, you must specify their implementations with default arguments, too. Just like the parameter names, the default argument values do not need to be the same. In fact, there doesn't seem to be any functionality to the one in the interface declaration at all beyond the fact that it is there.

interface isStuffed {
    public function

oof implements isStuffed {
    public function
getStuff($a=42) {

$oof = new oof;


Implementations that try to declare the method as getStuff(), getStuff($a), or getStuff($a,$b) will all trigger a fatal error.
russ dot collier at gmail dot com
11 years ago
You can also specify class constants in interfaces as well (similar to specifying 'public static final' fields in Java interfaces):


interface FooBar

SOME_CONSTANT = 'I am an interface constant';

    public function



Then you can access the constant by referring to the interface name, or an implementing class, (again similar to Java) e.g.:


class Baz implements FooBar





Both of the last print statements will output the same thing: the value of FooBar::SOME_CONSTANT
kaisershahid at gmail dot com
8 years ago
php at wallbash dot com's comment of "It's important to note this because it is very unexpected behavior and renders many common Interface completly useless" doesn't make sense.

the idea of the interface is to force objects that aren't related to be reused in a common way. without them, to force that requirement, all objects that need those methods implemented would have to be descended from a base class that's known to have those methods. that's clearly not a smart idea if these objects aren't actually related.

one example (that i'm currently working on) is a background service that pulls information down from different content providers. i have a transport and i have an import. for both, what actually happens in the background is different from provider to provider, but since i'm implementing a transport & import interface, i only need to write code once, because i know exactly the what methods will be implemented to get the job done. then, i just have a config file that loads the class dynamically. i don't need something like

if ( $provider == "some company" )
   // use this set of code
elseif ( $provider == "another company" )
   // use this other set of code

instead, i can do:

foreach ( $providers as $provider => $info )
    $_transport = $info['transportObject'];
    $transport = new $_transport();
    $_import = $info['importObject'];
    $import = new $_import();
    $transport->setImporter( $import );

it is expected behavior that when a class implements two interfaces that share one or more method names, an error is thrown, because interfaces don't relate to each other. if you want that sort of inferred behavior (i.e. A and B are different except for these shared methods), stick to [abstract] classes.

it sucks that interface methods might collide for some common types of tasks (get(), set(), etc.), so knowing that, design your interfaces with more unique method names.
uramihsayibok, gmail, com
6 years ago
Interfaces can define static methods, but note that this won't make sense as you'll be using the class name and not polymorphism.

...Unless you have PHP 5.3 which supports late static binding:


interface IDoSomething {
    public static function

One implements IDoSomething {
    public static function
doSomething() {
"One is doing something\n";

Two extends One {
    public static function
doSomething() {
"Two is doing something\n";

example(IDoSomething $doer) {
$doer::doSomething(); // "unexpected ::" in PHP 5.2

example(new One()); // One is doing something
example(new Two()); // Two is doing something


If you have PHP 5.2 you can still declare static methods in interfaces. While you won't be able to call them via LSB, the "implements IDoSomething" can serve as a hint/reminder to other developers by saying "this class has a ::doSomething() method".
Besides, you'll be upgrading to 5.3 soon, right? Right?

(Heh. I just realized: "I do something". Unintentional, I swear!)
aditycse at gmail dot com
9 months ago
Solution for overriding interface constants
//we can override interface constants by using  abstract class
//if Test Class implements inter1 than we can not override inter1 interface constants


interface inter1 {

interface1 = "I am from interface 1";



inter2 extends inter1 {



inter3 {



inter4 {



abstract class
AbsClass implements inter2 {

Test extends AbsClass implements inter3, inter4 {

interface1 = "I am from test class";

    public function
foo1() {

    public function
foo2() {

    public function
foo3() {

    public function
foo4() {

    public function
bar1() {

    public function
bar2() {

    public function
bar3() {

    public function
bar4() {

    public function
display() {


$Obj = new Test();
$Obj->display(); //I am from interface 1 \n I am from test class
thanhn2001 at gmail dot com
5 years ago
PHP prevents interface a contant to be overridden by a class/interface that DIRECTLY inherits it.  However, further inheritance allows it.  That means that interface constants are not final as mentioned in a previous comment.  Is this a bug or a feature?


interface a
b = 'Interface constant';

// Prints: Interface constant
echo a::b;

b implements a

// This works!!!
class c extends b
b = 'Class constant';

marasek AT telton POINT de
9 years ago
What is not mentioned in the manual is that you can use "self" to force object hinting on a method of the implementing class:

Consider the following interface:
interface Comparable
{function compare(self $compare);}

Which is then implemented:


class String implements Comparable
$this->string = $string;}
compare(self $compare)
$this->string == $compare->string;}

Integer implements Comparable
$this->integer = $int;}
compare(self $compare)
$this->integer == $compare->integer;}


Comparing Integer with String will result in a fatal error, as it is not an instance of the same class:

= new Integer(3);
$second_int = new Integer(3);
$first_string = new String("foo");
$second_string = new String("bar");

var_dump($first_int->compare($second_int)); // bool(true)
var_dump($first_string->compare($second_string)); // bool(false)
var_dump($first_string->compare($second_int)); // Fatal Error
Vasiliy Makogon
2 years ago
The class implementing the interface must use the exact same method signatures as are defined in the interface. Not doing so will result in a fatal error. -- this documentation page.

But, if you use default values in arguments in methods, fatal error is not follow:

interface myInterface {
    public function

concret implements myInterface {

    public function

$obj = new concret(123);

Array ( [0] => 123 )
tobias_demuth at web dot de
10 years ago
The statement, that you have to implement _all_ methods of an interface has not to be taken that seriously, at least if you declare an abstract class and want to force the inheriting subclasses to implement the interface.
Just leave out all methods that should be implemented by the subclasses. But never write something like this:


interface Foo {



abstract class
FooBar implements Foo {

       abstract function
bar(); // just for making clear, that this
                                 // method has to be implemented



This will end up with the following error-message:

Fatal error: Can't inherit abstract function Foo::bar() (previously declared abstract in FooBar) in path/to/file on line anylinenumber
drieick at hotmail dot com
6 years ago
I was wondering if implementing interfaces will take into account inheritance. That is, can inherited methods be used to follow an interface's structure?


interface Auxiliary_Platform {
    public function
    public function
    public function

T805 implements Auxiliary_Platform {
    public function
Weapon() {
    public function
Health() {
var_dump(__CLASS__ . "::" . __FUNCTION__);
    public function
Shields() {
var_dump(__CLASS__ . "->" . __FUNCTION__);

T806 extends T805 implements Auxiliary_Platform {
    public function
Weapon() {
    public function
Shields() {
var_dump(__CLASS__ . "->" . __FUNCTION__);

$T805 = new T805();

"<hr />";

$T806 = new T806();

/* Output:
string(4) "T805"
string(12) "T805::Health"
string(13) "T805->Shields"
<hr />string(4) "T806"
string(12) "T805::Health"
string(13) "T806->Shields"


Class T805 implements the interface Auxiliary_Platform. T806 does the same thing, but the method Health() is inherited from T805 (not the exact case, but you get the idea). PHP seems to be fine with this and everything still works fine. Do note that the rules for class inheritance doesn't change in this scenario.

If the code were to be the same, but instead T805 (or T806) DOES NOT implement Auxiliary_Platform, then it'll still work. Since T805 already follows the interface, everything that inherits T805 will also be valid. I would be careful about that. Personally, I don't consider this a bug.

This seems to work in PHP5.2.9-2, PHP5.3 and PHP5.3.1 (my current versions).

We could also do the opposite:


class T805 {
    public function
Weapon() {

T806 extends T805 implements Auxiliary_Platform {
    public function
Health() {
var_dump(__CLASS__ . "::" . __FUNCTION__);
    public function
Shields() {
var_dump(__CLASS__ . "->" . __FUNCTION__);

$T805 = new T805();

"<hr />";

$T806 = new T806();

/* Output:
string(4) "T805"
<hr />string(4) "T805"
string(12) "T806::Health"
string(13) "T806->Shields"


This works as well, but the output is different. I'd be careful with this.
marcoshoya at gmail dot com
1 year ago
You can change some methods signature from interface if you pass parameters with default values. For instance:


interface Foo {
  public function

Bar implements Foo {
  public function
foo($foo, $bar = null) {
$foo . $bar;

$bar = new Bar();
// output: worksfine
echo $bar->foo('works', 'fine');
Vladimir Kornea
2 years ago
By asking your colleague to implement your interface, you are asking him to guarantee that he has implemented all the methods you need. He can implement multiple interfaces, each being a contract, so that the guy cleaning up the cruft down the road can see which methods belong to which area of concern; but since interfaces are primarily contracts rather than documentation, a class cannot implement two interfaces containing the same method since that would make the contract lose credibility through ambiguity. Thus a class can implement two interfaces with overlapping concerns only by factoring their common methods into a third interface that serves as a base for the first two, which resolves the contractual ambiguity.
7 years ago
In response to harryjry and mehea concerning your Weather Model. The problem is that you don't need all the things you think you need. In OOP, good class definitions get to the point rather quickly.

class Weather{
$time, $temperature, $humidity;

  public function
__construct($tm, $t, $h){
$this->time = $tm;
$this->temperature = $t;
$this->humidity = $h;

  public function
"Time: $this->time,

$forecasts = array(
Weather("1:00 pm", 65, 42),
Weather("2:00 pm", 66, 40),
Weather("3:00 pm", 68, 39)
// add more weather reports as desired...
"Forecast for Chicago, IL:<br>";
$forecasts as $forecast) echo ' - ' . $forecast '<br>';
Forecast for Chicago, IL:
- Time: 1:00 pm, Temperature: 65°, Humidity: 42%
- Time: 2:00 pm, Temperature: 66°, Humidity: 40%
- Time: 3:00 pm, Temperature: 68°, Humidity: 39%

Note: MySQL can store data like this already, but if you included constants, more variables, and other functions in the Weather class, then maybe, just maybe it could be of use.
michael dot martinek at gmail dot com
8 years ago
In regards to what Hayley Watson is writing:

The "interface" is a method of enforcing that anyone who implements it must include all the functions declared in the interface. This is an abstraction method, since you cannot just declare a base class and do something like "public abstract function myTest();" and later on extend that class.

If you don't override the default value in a parameter list, it's assumed that the default value was received by time you have any control to read or relay the value on again. There should be no problem in having all or none of your parameters in an interface having a default value, as the value is "auto-filled" if not explicitly provided.

I just came across interfaces in PHP.. but I use them quite a bit in Java and Delphi. Currently building different DB wrappers, but all must enforce common access using a base class.. and also enforce that all of specific routines are implemented.
Chris AT w3style DOT
9 years ago
Note that you can extend interfaces with other interfaces since under-the-hood they are just abstract classes:


interface Foo {
    public function

Bar extends Foo {
    public function

Zip implements Bar {
    public function
doFoo() {
    public function
doBar() {

$zip = new Zip();


This is quite useful when you're using interfaces for identity more than the rigidity it places upon an API.  You can get the same result by implementing multiple interfaces.

An example of where I've used this in the past is with EventListener objects ala Java's Swing UI.  Some listeners are effectively the same thing but happen at different times therefore we can keep the same API but change the naming for clarity.
5 years ago
If you want to ensure implementation classes are correctly initialised (i.e. due to trickery one needs to do to work around lack of multiple inheritance), simply add  __construct() to your interface, so risk of init being forgotten is reduced.
thomas tulinsky
1 year ago
to dlovell2011 at yahoo dot com wrote:
It seems like many contributors are missing the point of using an INTERFACE. An INTERFACE is not specifically provided for abstraction.
An INTERFACE is provided so you can describe a set of functions and then hide the final implementation of those functions in an implementing class. This allows you to change the IMPLEMENTATION of those functions without changing how you use it.
I believe the unique thing that Interfaces provide is to support the same functions in different classes that are **not descended from a common ancestor**. 
Different implementations of the same functions does not need interfaces--it can be achieved through subclasses.
7 years ago
While a subclass may implement an interface by extending an abstract class that implements the interface, I question whether it is good design to to do so.  Here's what I would suggest while taking the liberty of modifying the above weather/wet model:

interface water
    public function

   * abstract class implements water but defines makeItWet
   * in the most general way to allow child class to
   * provide specificity
abstract class weather implements water                   
   public function
   abstract public function
   abstract public function
   abstract public function

rain extends weather                            {
    public function
start() {
"Here's some weather. ";
    public function
makeItWet() {
'it is raining cats and dogs today.';
    public function
getCloudy() {
    public function
setCloudy($bln=false) {
$this->cloudy = $bln;

$a = new rain();
if (
$a->getCloudy()) {
'It is a cloudy day and ';

williebegoode at att dot net
1 year ago
In their book on Design Patterns, Erich Gamma and his associates (AKA: "The Gang of Four") use the term "interface" and "abstract class" interchangeably. In working with PHP and design patterns, the interface, while clearly a "contract" of what to include in an implementation is also a helpful guide for both re-use and making changes. As long as the implemented changes follow the interface (whether it is an interface or abstract class with abstract methods), large complex programs can be safely updated without having to re-code an entire program or module.

In PHP coding with object interfaces (as a keyword) and "interfaces" in the more general context of use that includes both object interfaces and abstract classes, the purpose of "loose binding" (loosely bound objects) for ease of change and re-use is a helpful way to think about both uses of the  term "interface." The focus shifts from "contractual" to "loose binding" for the purpose of cooperative development and re-use.
mat.wilmots (at) wanadoo (dot) fr
11 years ago
interfaces support multiple inheritance


interface SQL_Result extends SeekableIterator, Countable
// new stuff

abstract class
// just because that's what one would do in reality, generic implementation

SQL_Result_mysql extends SQL_Result_Common implements SQL_Result
// actual implementation


This code raises a fatal error because SQL_Result_mysql doesn't implement the abstract methods of SeekableIterator (6) + Countable (1)
Vladimir Kornea
2 years ago
By asking your colleague to implement your interface, you are asking him to guarantee that he has implemented all the methods you need. He can implement multiple interfaces, each being a contract, so that the guy cleaning the cruft down the road can see which methods belong to which area of concern; but since interfaces are primarily contracts rather than documentation, a class cannot implement two interfaces containing the same method since that would make the contract lose credibility through ambiguity. Thus a class can implement two interfaces with overlapping concerns only by factoring their common methods into a third interface that serves as a base for the first two, which resolves the contractual ambiguity.
jballard at natoga dot com
5 years ago
If it isn't already obvious, you can create an object of a class above the class declaration if it does NOT implement an interface. However, when a class DOES implement an interface, PHP will throw a "class not found" error unless the instantiation declaration is _below_ the class definition.

= new foo(); // Valid

class foo

= new foo(); // Invalid - throws fatal error

interface foo2


bar implements foo2

$bar = new foo(); // Valid, since it is below the class declaration


Also, @Jeffrey -- Lol? What? Is that a joke? PHP interfaces have nothing to do with connecting to "peripheral devices" or "cameras", etc. Not even in the least sense. This is a very common miscommunication with the word "interface", as interfaces in programming are not at all like interfaces in electronics or drivers, etc.
julien arobase fastre point info
4 years ago
If you use namespaces and autoloading, do not forget to mention the use statement for each class used in yours arguments, before your class:

#file : fruit/squeezable.php
namespace fruit
use Bar\Foo;

squeezable {
  public function
squeeze (Foo $foo);

#file: orange

namespace fruit\citrus;

orange {
  public function
squeeze(Foo $foo);
#Will throw an exception Fatal error: Declaration of "fruit\citrus\orange::squeeze must be compatible with that of fruit\squeezable() in fruit/squeezable.php

#file: orange

namespace fruit\citrus;

class orange {
  public function
squeeze (Foo $foo);
#Will be correct
nrg1981 {AT} hotmail {DOT} com
8 years ago
In case you would want to, a child class can implement an interface:


interface water
    public function

    public function
'Here is some weather';

rain extends weather implements water
    public function
'It is wet';

$a = new rain();

naderi dot payam at gmail dot com
7 months ago
php inheritance interfaces on function/methods type declarations:

interface iInvokable {
__invoke($arg = null);

iResponder extends iInvokable {
/** Bind next responder */
function then(iInvokable $responder);

Responder implements \iResponder {

__invoke($arg = null)
// TODO: Implement __invoke() method.

/** Bind next responder */
function then(iInvokable $responder)
// TODO: Implement then() method.

OtherResponder implements \iResponder {

__invoke($arg = null)
// TODO: Implement __invoke() method.

/** Bind next responder */
function then(iInvokable $responder)
// TODO: Implement then() method.

Invokable implements \iInvokable {

__invoke($arg = null)
// TODO: Implement __invoke() method.

$responder = new Responder();
$responder->then(new OtherResponder());
$responder->then(new Invokable());
naderi dot payam at gmail dot com
6 months ago
interface ClassThatCanBuild
{ }

SpecificClass extends \ClassThatCanBuild
{ }

MySpecificClass implements \SpecificClass
{ }

build(\ClassThatCanBuild $container);


SpecificBuilderInterface extends \BuilderInterface
         * (!!) this class want to allow just for build
         *      specific classes.
         *      i`m still on the rule with MySpecificClass
         *      because extend from ClassThatCanBuild
         *      but php don`t allow it at all
         *      "" declaration of must be compatible with
         *         interface of BuilderInterface->build ""
         * @param \MySpecificClass $container
function build(\MySpecificClass $container);
info at abccom dot biz
1 year ago
I think interfaces ONLY help us to understand what should we do, when working on a big project not any more!
bombis at lacerta dot uberspace dot de
2 years ago
simple example :)

interface testThis
public function
public function

public  function
__function__." wurde implementiert";

public function
__function__." wurde implementiert";

a extends b implements testThis


public  function alpha()
echo __function__." wurde implementiert";

public function beta()
echo __function__." wurde implementiert";

public function __construct()
"wat geht? <br>";   


$testInterface = new a();
$testInterface ->alpha();
$testInterface ->beta();
rskret at ranphilit dot com
6 years ago
This may help understand EX.2. Below are modifiers and additions to
the code. Refer to EX.2 to make a complete code block(this saves comment
I found the function definition baz(Baz $baz) baffling. Lucky was
able to sus it out fast. Seems method baz requires just one arg and
that must be an instance of the class Baz. Here is a way to know how to
deal with that sort of arg...
# modify iface b...adding $num to get better understanding
interface b extends a
    public function
baz(Baz $baz,$num);
# mod claas c
class c implements b
    public function
'foo from class c';
    public function
baz(Baz $baz,$num)
var_dump ($baz);# object(Baz)#2 (1) { ["bb"]=>  string(3) "hot" }
echo '<br>';
$baz->bb." $num";echo '<br>';# hot 6
# add a class Baz...
class Baz
'this is BAZ';
# set instance of Baz and get some output...
$bazI=new Baz;
baz::ebaz();echo '<br>';# this is BAZ
7 years ago
FYI, interfaces can define constructors, destructors, and magic methods. This can be very helpful especially in the case of constructors when instantiating an implementing class via reflection in some sort of factory. Of course, it is not recommended to do such a thing since it goes against the nature of a true interface.
harryjry at yahoo dot com
7 years ago
The structure I am working with has a lot of inheritance going on, but not all methods are specified in one place. I needed a way to make sure an interface would be used, but that the method(s) defined in the interface are defined somewhere.

As such, I learned that the parent can define the interface's methods, and then the children can override that method at will without having to worry about the interface.

To expand on nrg1981's example, the following is possible:

interface water
    public function

    public function
'it may or may not be wet';
    public function
'Here is some weather';

rain extends weather implements water
    public function
'It is wet';

thunder extends weather implements water


$a = new rain();
$a->start() . "\n";
$a->makeItWet() . "\n";

$a = new thunder();
$a->start() . "\n";
$a->makeItWet() . "\n";

zedd at fadingtwilight dot net
8 years ago
Regarding my previous note (04-Jul-2007 9:01):

I noticed a minor but critical mistake in my explanation. After the link to the PHP manual page on class abstraction, I stated:

"So by definition, you may only overload non-abstract methods."

This is incorrect. This should read:

"So by definition, you may only override non-abstract methods."

Sorry for any confusion.
zedd at fadingtwilight dot net
8 years ago
prometheus at php-sparcle:

Your code fails because you're effectively trying to do this:

abstract class IFoo
        abstract public function
    abstract class
IBar extends IFoo
// Fails; abstract method IFoo::Foo() must be defined in child and must match parent's definition
abstract public function Foo($bar);

By definition, all methods in an interface are abstract. So the above code segment is equivalent to your interface definitions and results in the same error. Why? Let's have a look at the PHP manual. From the second paragraph on class abstraction:

"When inheriting from an abstract class, all methods marked abstract in the parent's class declaration must be defined by the child;"

So by definition, you may only overload non-abstract methods.

For example:

abstract class IFoo
        public function
// do something...
    abstract class
IBar extends IFoo
        public function
// do something else...

This can't be directly replicated with interfaces since you can't implement methods inside of an interface. They can only be implemented in a class or an abstract class.

If you must use interfaces, the following accomplishes the same thing, but with two separate method names:

interface IFoo
        public function
IBar extends IFoo
        public function
FooBar implements IBar
        public function
// do something...
        public function
// do something else...

If both methods need the same name, then you'll have to use non-abstract methods. In this case, interfaces aren't the right tool for the job. You'll want to use abstract classes (or just regular classes).
vbolshov at rbc dot ru
9 years ago
Consider the following:
[vbolshov@localhost tmp]$ cat t.php


i {
c implements i {
f($arg, $arg2 = null)
[vbolshov@localhost tmp]$ php t.php
[vbolshov@localhost tmp]$

PHP doesn't generate a Fatal Error in this case, although the method declaration in the class differs from that in the interface. This situation doesn't seem good to me: I'd prefer classes being strictly bound to their interfaces.
darealremco at msn dot com
10 years ago
To two notes below: There is one situation where classes and interfaces can be used interchangeably. In function definitions you can define parameter types to be classes or interfaces. If this was not so then there would not be much use for interfaces at all.
warhog at warhog dot net
10 years ago
on the post below:

An interface is in fact the same like an abstract class containing abstract methods, that's why interfaces share the same namespace as classes and why therefore "real" classes cannot have the same name as interfaces.
cyrille.berliat[no spam]
10 years ago
Interfaces and Type Hinting can be used but not with Inherintance in the same time :


class AbstractClass
    public function __ToString ( ) { return 'Here I\'m I'; }

class DescendantClass extends AbstractClass


interface MyI
    public function Hello ( AbstractClass $obj );

class MyClassOne implements MyI
    public function Hello ( AbstractClass $obj )
        echo $obj;
} // Will work as Interface Satisfied

class MyClassTwo implements MyI
    public function Hello ( DescendantClass $obj )
        echo $obj;
} // Will output a fatal error because Interfaces don't support Inherintance in TypeHinting

//Fatal error: Declaration of MyClassTwo::hello() must be compatible with that of MyI::hello()


Something a little bit bad in PHP 5.0.4 :)
marcus at synchromedia dot co dot uk
10 years ago
Classes and interface names share a common name space, so you can't have a class and an interface with the same name, even though the two can never be used ambiguously (i.e. there are no circumstances in which a class and an interface can be used interchangeably). e.g. this will not work:

interface foo {
public function bling();

class foo implements foo {
public function bling() {

You will get a 'Cannot redeclare class' error, even though it's only been declared as a class once.
7 years ago

With the code below, you already get a feel at how much ground this app might cover.


interface ElectricalDevice{
  public function
  public function

  public function
  public function

ElectricFan implements ElectricalDevice{
// define ElectricalDevice...

MicrowaveOven implements ElectricalDevice{
// define ElectricalDevice...

StereoReceiver implements ElectricalDevice, FrequencyTuner{
// define ElectricalDevice...
  // define FrequencyTuner...

CellPhone implements ElectricalDevice, FrequencyTuner{
// define ElectricalDevice...
  // define FrequencyTuner...


Even those who lack imagination can fill in the blanks from here.
logik at centrum dot cz
7 years ago
Makes them useles a bit. I give an example:
I have a class that enumerate (so implements iterator) a interface that has method key() that returns key for the enumerated object.
I cannot implement iterator, that enumerates the objects by itself (so current() returns this), because of collision of method key(). But it's not collision - the key in the iterator and the key in the enumerated object has the same meaning and allways returns same values.
(Common example of this iterator is iterator, that reads from database - make a special object for each row is waste of time).

Yes - there are workarounds - e.g. rewrite the code so current don't return this - but it's in some cases waste of processor time.
Or I can rename the method key in enumerated object - but why should I wrote the same method twice? It's either waste of time (if the function key is simply duplicated) or waste of time (if the renamed key calls original key).
Well, the right, clear way there would be to redefine interface iterator -- move the method key to the ancestor of iterator, and makes the ancestor ancestor of enumerated interface too. But it's (with built-in interfaces) impossible too.
8 years ago
Another note about default values in interfaces is that an class must implement at least the arguments as in the interface. that is: an implementation may have more arguments but not less if these additional arguments have an default value and thus can be called as declared in the interface.

an litte example:
interface myInterface{
  public function
setStuff($id, $name);

MyFirstClass implements myInterface{
  public function
setStuff($id, $name);

MySecondClass implements myInterface{
public function
setStuff($id, $name, $type);

myThirdClass implements myInterface{
public function
setStuff($id, $name, $type=0);

Here mySecondClass will print an fatal error while myThirdClass is just fine because myThirdClass::setStuff($id, $name); is valid and thus fullfills the interface requirements. an interface declares as set of requirement on how methods can be called and any class implementing an interface thus agrees that is will provide these methods and that they can be called as in the interface. adding additional arguments with default values is thus allowed because it does not violate the agreement that the method can be called as in the interface.
spiritus.canis at gmail dot com
10 years ago
Regarding the example by cyrille.berliat:

This is not a problem and is consistent with other languages.  You'd just want to use inheritance like so:


class AbstractClass {
   public function
__ToString ( ) { return 'Here I am'; }

DescendantClass extends AbstractClass {}

MyInterface {
   public function
Hello ( AbstractClass $obj );

MyClassOne implements MyInterface {

   public function
Hello ( AbstractClass $obj ) {
// Will work as Interface Satisfied

$myDC = new DescendantClass() ;
MyClassOne::Hello( $myDC ) ;

phpnet at barrystaes dot nl
2 years ago
Despite my expectations, it seems PHP does not support variables of type interface!? (using PHP 5.5)
interface InterfaceText {
  public function
Sticker implements InterfaceText {
  public function

// While this is possible:
$Cool = new Sticker ();

// You can not make interface variables.
$IntfCool = new InterfaceText($Cool);
// ^ Fatal error: Cannot instantiate interface InterfaceText()

// or cast them directly:
$IntfCool = InterfaceText($Cool);
// ^ Fatal error: Call to undefined function InterfaceText()
Being used to what other languages allow Interfaces, it seems PHP has no runtime support, i now see it a static class that generates parse-warnings to force implementation.
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