PHP 7.0.6 Released


(PECL memcached >= 0.1.0)

Memcached::getRetrieve an item


public mixed Memcached::get ( string $key [, callable $cache_cb [, float &$cas_token ]] )

Memcached::get() returns the item that was previously stored under the key. If the item is found and cas_token variable is provided, it will contain the CAS token value for the item. See Memcached::cas() for how to use CAS tokens. Read-through caching callback may be specified via cache_cb parameter.



The key of the item to retrieve.


Read-through caching callback or NULL.


The variable to store the CAS token in.

Return Values

Returns the value stored in the cache or FALSE otherwise. The Memcached::getResultCode() will return Memcached::RES_NOTFOUND if the key does not exist.


Example #1 Memcached::get() example #1

= new Memcached();


The above example will output:


Example #2 Memcached::get() example #2

= new Memcached();

if (!(
$ip $m->get('ip_block'))) {
    if (
$m->getResultCode() == Memcached::RES_NOTFOUND) {
$ip = array();
    } else {
/* log error */
        /* ...       */

See Also

User Contributed Notes

miha at hribar dot info
6 years ago
This method also returns false in case you set the value to false, so in order to have a proper fault mechanism in place you need to check the result code to be certain that a key really does not exist in memcached.

= new Memcached();
$Memcached->addServer('localhost', 11211);
$Memcached->set('key', false);
var_dump($Memcached->get('key'));       // boolean false
var_dump($Memcached->getResultCode());  // int 0 which is Memcached::RES_SUCCESS

Or just make sure the values are not false :)
5 years ago
Note that this function can return NULL as FALSE, so don't make checks with === FALSE as with the old Memcache class, because it won't work. :O

Use the not (!) operator and check the result code with getResultCode() as mentioned in the documentation :)
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