I went through a lot of trouble on a server where mysqlnd wasn't available, and had a lot of headaches.
If you don't have mysqlnd installed/loaded whatever, you will get an undefined reference when trying to call "mysqli_stmt_get_result()".
I wrote my own mysqli_stmt_get_result() and a mysqli_result_fetch_array() to go with it.
class iimysqli_result
public $stmt, $nCols;
function iimysqli_stmt_get_result($stmt)
* We are creating a fake "result" structure to enable us to have
* source-level equivalent syntax to a query executed via
* mysqli_query().
* $stmt = mysqli_prepare($conn, "");
* mysqli_bind_param($stmt, "types", ...);
* $param1 = 0;
* $param2 = 'foo';
* $param3 = 'bar';
* mysqli_execute($stmt);
* $result _mysqli_stmt_get_result($stmt);
* [ $arr = _mysqli_result_fetch_array($result);
* || $assoc = _mysqli_result_fetch_assoc($result); ]
* mysqli_stmt_close($stmt);
* mysqli_close($conn);
* At the source level, there is no difference between this and mysqlnd.
$metadata = mysqli_stmt_result_metadata($stmt);
$ret = new iimysqli_result;
if (!$ret) return NULL;
$ret->nCols = mysqli_num_fields($metadata);
$ret->stmt = $stmt;
return $ret;
function iimysqli_result_fetch_array(&$result)
$ret = array();
$code = "return mysqli_stmt_bind_result(\$result->stmt ";
for ($i=0; $i<$result->nCols; $i++)
$ret[$i] = NULL;
$code .= ", \$ret['" .$i ."']";
$code .= ");";
if (!eval($code)) { return NULL; };
// This should advance the "$stmt" cursor.
if (!mysqli_stmt_fetch($result->stmt)) { return NULL; };
// Return the array we built.
return $ret;
Hope this helps someone.