PHP 7.0.6 Released


(PHP 5, PHP 7)

ReflectionParameter::getClassGet the type hinted class


public ReflectionClass ReflectionParameter::getClass ( void )

Gets the class type hinted for the parameter as a ReflectionClass object.


This function is currently not documented; only its argument list is available.


This function has no parameters.

Return Values

A ReflectionClass object.


Example #1 Using the ReflectionParameter class

function foo(Exception $a) { }

$functionReflection = new ReflectionFunction('foo');
$parameters $functionReflection->getParameters();
$aParameter $parameters[0];


The above example will output:


See Also

User Contributed Notes

tom at r dot je
3 years ago
ReflectionParameter::getClass() will cause a fatal error (and trigger __autoload) if the class required by the parameter is not defined.

Sometimes it's useful to only know the class name without needing the class to be loaded.

Here's a simple function that will retrieve only the class name without requiring the class to exist:

function getClassName(ReflectionParameter $param) {
preg_match('/\[\s\<\w+?>\s([\w]+)/s', $param->__toString(), $matches);
    return isset(
$matches[1]) ? $matches[1] : null;
infernaz at gmail dot com
5 years ago
The method returns ReflectionClass object of parameter type class or NULL if none.


class A {
b(B $c, array $d, $e) {
B {

$refl = new ReflectionClass('A');
$par = $refl->getMethod('b')->getParameters();

var_dump($par[0]->getClass()->getName());  // outputs B
var_dump($par[1]->getClass());  // note that array type outputs NULL
var_dump($par[2]->getClass());  // outputs NULL

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