disturbing usage of "any character" for multi-lines...
'.' (all characters) just does NOT include on single character the newline (\n) by default,
while \n is included in all other matching searches (e.g. \s).
Funny enough, the "carriage return" (\r) is included, when using '.'
You have to write "(.|\\n)" instead of a single dot, with disadvantages in using complex matching-results,
or simple use the "s" modificator to bring dot to accept the newline.
preg_match( '/<tag>[A-Za-z\\s]*<\\/tag>/' , $subject ); //true
preg_match( '/<tag>[^<]*<\\/tag>/' , $subject ); //true
preg_match( '/<tag>(.|\\n)*<\\/tag>/' , $subject ); //true
preg_match( '/<tag>.*<\\/tag>/s' , $subject ); //true
preg_match( '/<tag>.*<\\/tag>/' , $subject ); //ATTENTION! *false*