function createDeployPhases

List<List<Transformer>> createDeployPhases(TransformOptions options, {String sdkDir})

Create deploy phases for Polymer. Note that inlining HTML Imports comes first (other than linter, if options.linter is enabled), which allows the rest of the HTML-processing phases to operate only on HTML that is actually imported.


List<List<Transformer>> createDeployPhases(TransformOptions options,
    {String sdkDir}) {
  // TODO(sigmund): this should be done differently. We should lint everything
  // that is reachable and have the option to lint the rest (similar to how
  // dart2js can analyze reachable code or entire libraries).
  var phases = [];

    /// Must happen first, temporarily rewrites <link rel="x-dart-test"> tags to
    /// <script type="application/dart" _was_test></script> tags.
    [new web_components.RewriteXDartTestToScript(options.entryPoints)],
    [new web_components.ScriptCompactorTransformer(options.entryPoints)],
    [new PolymerBootstrapTransformer(options)],

  // Lint after injecting @HtmlImport imports otherwise we will likely have
  // incorrect warnings about missing elements.
  if (options.lint.enabled) phases.add([new Linter(options)]);

      new web_components.ImportInlinerTransformer(
          options.entryPoints, ['[[', '{{'])
    [new HtmlFinalizer(options)],
      new ObservableTransformer(
          releaseMode: options.releaseMode,
          injectBuildLogsInOutput: options.injectBuildLogsInOutput)
    // TODO(jakemac): Move to web_components.
    [new PolyfillInjector(options)],
    [new BuildFilter(options)],
    [new BuildLogCombiner(options)],
  if (!options.releaseMode) {
    phases.add([new IndexPageBuilder(options)]);
  /// Must happen last, rewrites
  /// <script type="application/dart" _was_test></script> tags back to
  /// <link rel="x-dart-test"> tags.
      [new web_components.RewriteScriptToXDartTest(options.entryPoints)]);
  return phases;