method applyChangeRecords

void applyChangeRecords(List<Object> previous, List<Object> current, List<ListChangeRecord> changeRecords)

Updates the previous list using the change records. For added items, the current list is used to find the current value.


static void applyChangeRecords(List<Object> previous, List<Object> current,
    List<ListChangeRecord> changeRecords) {

  if (identical(previous, current)) {
    throw new ArgumentError("can't use same list for previous and current");

  for (var change in changeRecords) {
    int addEnd = change.index + change.addedCount;
    int removeEnd = change.index + change.removed.length;

    var addedItems = current.getRange(change.index, addEnd);
    previous.replaceRange(change.index, removeEnd, addedItems);