class PolymerElement

Base class for PolymerElements deriving from HtmlElement.

See Polymer.

  • Object
  • DartHtmlDomObject
  • EventTarget
  • Node
  • Element
  • HtmlElement
  • PolymerElement




$ → Map<String, dynamic>

Map of items in the shadow root(s) by their

read-only, inherited
attributes → Map<String, String>

All attributes on this element.

read / write, inherited
baseUri → String

read-only, inherited
bindings → Map<String, Bindable>

read / write, inherited

The underlying JS DOM object.

read / write, inherited
borderEdge → CssRect

Access the dimensions and position of this element's content + padding + border box.

read-only, inherited
changes → Stream<List<ChangeRecord>>

The stream of change records to this object. Records will be delivered asynchronously.

read-only, inherited
childNodes → List<Node>

A list of this node's children.

read-only, inherited
children → List<Element>

List of the direct children of this element.

read / write, inherited
classes → CssClassSet

The set of CSS classes applied to this element.

read / write, inherited
className → String

read / write, inherited
client → Rectangle

Gets the position of this element relative to the client area of the page.

read-only, inherited
clientHeight → int

read-only, inherited
clientLeft → int

read-only, inherited
clientTop → int

read-only, inherited
clientWidth → int

read-only, inherited
contentEdge → CssRect

Access this element's content position.

read-only, inherited
contentEditable → String

read / write, inherited
contextMenu → MenuElement

read / write, inherited
dataset → Map<String, String>

Allows access to all custom data attributes (data-*) set on this element.

read / write, inherited
declaration PolymerDeclaration

Deprecated: use element instead.

read-only, inherited
dir → String

read / write, inherited
documentOffset → Point

Provides the coordinates of the element relative to the top of the document.

read-only, inherited
draggable → bool

read / write, inherited
dropzone → String

read / write, inherited
element PolymerDeclaration

The most derived <polymer-element> declaration for this element.

read-only, inherited
eventController → dynamic

Returns the object that should be used as the event controller for event bindings in this element's template. If set, this will override the normal controller lookup.

read / write, inherited
firstChild → Node

The first child of this node.

read-only, inherited
hasBeenAttached → bool

read-only, inherited
hashCode → int

read-only, inherited
hasObservers → bool

True if this object has any observers, and should call notifyChange for changes.

read-only, inherited
hidden → bool

read / write, inherited
id → String

read / write, inherited
innerHtml → String

Parses the HTML fragment and sets it as the contents of this element.

read / write, inherited
inputMethodContext → InputMethodContext

read-only, inherited
isBadUpgrade → bool

Required for SDK Infrastructure. Internal use only.

read-only, inherited
isContentEditable → bool

read-only, inherited
lang → String

read / write, inherited
lastChild → Node

The last child of this node.

read-only, inherited
localName → String

read-only, inherited
marginEdge → CssRect

Access the dimensions and position of this element's content + padding + border + margin box.

read-only, inherited
namespaceUri → String

A URI that identifies the XML namespace of this element.

read-only, inherited
nextElementSibling → Element

read-only, inherited
nextNode → Node

The next sibling node.

read-only, inherited
nodeName → String

The name of this node.

read-only, inherited
nodes → List<Node>

A modifiable list of this node's children.

read / write, inherited
nodeType → int

The type of node.

read-only, inherited
nodeValue → String

The value of this node.

read-only, inherited
offset → Rectangle

Gets the offset of this element relative to its offsetParent.

read-only, inherited
offsetHeight → int

read-only, inherited
offsetLeft → int

read-only, inherited
offsetParent → Element

read-only, inherited
offsetTop → int

read-only, inherited
offsetWidth → int

read-only, inherited
on → ElementEvents

This is an ease-of-use accessor for event streams which should only be used when an explicit accessor is not available.

read-only, inherited
onAbort → ElementStream<Event>

read-only, inherited
onBeforeCopy → ElementStream<Event>

Stream of beforecopy events handled by this Element.

read-only, inherited
onBeforeCut → ElementStream<Event>

Stream of beforecut events handled by this Element.

read-only, inherited
onBeforePaste → ElementStream<Event>

Stream of beforepaste events handled by this Element.

read-only, inherited
onBlur → ElementStream<Event>

read-only, inherited
onCanPlay → ElementStream<Event>

read-only, inherited
onCanPlayThrough → ElementStream<Event>

read-only, inherited
onChange → ElementStream<Event>

read-only, inherited
onClick → ElementStream<MouseEvent>

read-only, inherited
onContextMenu → ElementStream<MouseEvent>

read-only, inherited
onCopy → ElementStream<Event>

Stream of copy events handled by this Element.

read-only, inherited
onCut → ElementStream<Event>

Stream of cut events handled by this Element.

read-only, inherited
onDoubleClick → ElementStream<Event>

read-only, inherited
onDrag → ElementStream<MouseEvent>

read-only, inherited
onDragEnd → ElementStream<MouseEvent>

read-only, inherited
onDragEnter → ElementStream<MouseEvent>

read-only, inherited
onDragLeave → ElementStream<MouseEvent>

read-only, inherited
onDragOver → ElementStream<MouseEvent>

read-only, inherited
onDragStart → ElementStream<MouseEvent>

read-only, inherited
onDrop → ElementStream<MouseEvent>

read-only, inherited
onDurationChange → ElementStream<Event>

read-only, inherited
onEmptied → ElementStream<Event>

read-only, inherited
onEnded → ElementStream<Event>

read-only, inherited
onError → ElementStream<Event>

read-only, inherited
onFocus → ElementStream<Event>

read-only, inherited
onFullscreenChange → ElementStream<Event>

Stream of fullscreenchange events handled by this Element.

read-only, inherited
onFullscreenError → ElementStream<Event>

Stream of fullscreenerror events handled by this Element.

read-only, inherited
onInput → ElementStream<Event>

read-only, inherited
onInvalid → ElementStream<Event>

read-only, inherited
onKeyDown → ElementStream<KeyboardEvent>

read-only, inherited
onKeyPress → ElementStream<KeyboardEvent>

read-only, inherited
onKeyUp → ElementStream<KeyboardEvent>

read-only, inherited
onLoad → ElementStream<Event>

read-only, inherited
onLoadedData → ElementStream<Event>

read-only, inherited
onLoadedMetadata → ElementStream<Event>

read-only, inherited
onMouseDown → ElementStream<MouseEvent>

read-only, inherited
onMouseEnter → ElementStream<MouseEvent>

read-only, inherited
onMouseLeave → ElementStream<MouseEvent>

read-only, inherited
onMouseMove → ElementStream<MouseEvent>

read-only, inherited
onMouseOut → ElementStream<MouseEvent>

read-only, inherited
onMouseOver → ElementStream<MouseEvent>

read-only, inherited
onMouseUp → ElementStream<MouseEvent>

read-only, inherited
onMouseWheel → ElementStream<WheelEvent>

read-only, inherited
onPaste → ElementStream<Event>

Stream of paste events handled by this Element.

read-only, inherited
onPause → ElementStream<Event>

read-only, inherited
onPlay → ElementStream<Event>

read-only, inherited
onPlaying → ElementStream<Event>

read-only, inherited
onRateChange → ElementStream<Event>

read-only, inherited
onReset → ElementStream<Event>

read-only, inherited
onResize → ElementStream<Event>

read-only, inherited
onScroll → ElementStream<Event>

read-only, inherited
onSearch → ElementStream<Event>

Stream of search events handled by this Element.

read-only, inherited
onSeeked → ElementStream<Event>

read-only, inherited
onSeeking → ElementStream<Event>

read-only, inherited
onSelect → ElementStream<Event>

read-only, inherited
onSelectStart → ElementStream<Event>

Stream of selectstart events handled by this Element.

read-only, inherited
onStalled → ElementStream<Event>

read-only, inherited
onSubmit → ElementStream<Event>

read-only, inherited
onSuspend → ElementStream<Event>

read-only, inherited
onTimeUpdate → ElementStream<Event>

read-only, inherited
onTouchCancel → ElementStream<TouchEvent>

Stream of touchcancel events handled by this Element.

read-only, inherited
onTouchEnd → ElementStream<TouchEvent>

Stream of touchend events handled by this Element.

read-only, inherited
onTouchEnter → ElementStream<TouchEvent>

Stream of touchenter events handled by this Element.

read-only, inherited
onTouchLeave → ElementStream<TouchEvent>

Stream of touchleave events handled by this Element.

read-only, inherited
onTouchMove → ElementStream<TouchEvent>

Stream of touchmove events handled by this Element.

read-only, inherited
onTouchStart → ElementStream<TouchEvent>

Stream of touchstart events handled by this Element.

read-only, inherited
onTransitionEnd → ElementStream<TransitionEvent>

Stream of transitionend events handled by this Element.

read-only, inherited
onVolumeChange → ElementStream<Event>

read-only, inherited
onWaiting → ElementStream<Event>

read-only, inherited
outerHtml → String

read-only, inherited
ownerDocument → Document

The document this node belongs to.

read-only, inherited
paddingEdge → CssRect

Access the dimensions and position of this element's content + padding box.

read-only, inherited
parent → Element

The parent element of this node.

read-only, inherited
parentNode → Node

The parent node of this node.

read-only, inherited
preventDispose → bool

By default the data bindings will be cleaned up when this custom element is detached from the document. Overriding this to return true will prevent that from happening.

read-only, inherited
previousElementSibling → Element

read-only, inherited
previousNode → Node

The previous sibling node.

read-only, inherited
runtimeType → Type

A representation of the runtime type of the object.

read-only, inherited
scrollHeight → int

read-only, inherited
scrollLeft → int

read / write, inherited
scrollTop → int

read / write, inherited
scrollWidth → int

read-only, inherited
shadowRoot → ShadowRoot

read-only, inherited
shadowRoots → Map<String, ShadowRoot>

Gets the shadow root associated with the corresponding custom element.

read-only, inherited
spellcheck → bool

read / write, inherited
style → CssStyleDeclaration

read-only, inherited
syntax PolymerExpressions

Use to override the default syntax for polymer-elements. By default this will be null, which causes instanceTemplate to use the template's bindingDelegate or the element.syntax, in that order.

read-only, inherited
tabIndex → int

read / write, inherited
tagName → String

read-only, inherited
templateInstance → TemplateInstance

read-only, inherited
text → String

All text within this node and its decendents.

read / write, inherited
title → String

read / write, inherited
translate → bool

read / write, inherited
xtag → dynamic

Experimental support for web components. This field stores a reference to the component implementation. It was inspired by Mozilla's x-tags project. Please note: in the future it may be possible to extend Element from your class, in which case this field will be deprecated.

read / write, inherited


operator ==(other) → bool

The equality operator.



addEventListener(String type, EventListener listener(Event event), [bool useCapture]) → void

addHostListeners() → void

Attach event listeners on the host (this) element.

animate(Iterable<Map<String, dynamic>> frames, [timing]) → AnimationPlayer

Creates a new AnimationEffect object whose target element is the object on which the method is called, and calls the play() method of the AnimationTimeline object of the document timeline of the node document of the element, passing the newly created AnimationEffect as the argument to the method. Returns an AnimationPlayer for the effect.

append(Node newChild) → Node

Adds a node to the end of the child nodes list of this node.

appendHtml(String text, {NodeValidator validator, NodeTreeSanitizer treeSanitizer}) → void

Parses the specified text as HTML and adds the resulting node after the last child of this element.

appendText(String text) → void

Adds the specified text after the last child of this element.

async(RequestAnimationFrameCallback method(num highResTime)) → int

Invokes a function asynchronously. The context of the callback function is function is bound to 'this' automatically. Returns a handle which may be passed to cancelAsync to cancel the asynchronous call.

asyncFire(String type, {Object detail, Node toNode, bool canBubble}) → dynamic

Fire an event asynchronously. See async and fire.

asyncTimer(void method(), Duration timeout) → Timer

Invokes a function asynchronously. This will call Polymer.flush() and then return a new Timer with the provided method and timeout.

asyncUnbindAll() → void

Called at detached time to signal that an element's bindings should be cleaned up. This is done asynchronously so that users have the chance to call cancelUnbindAll to prevent unbinding.

attached() → void

Called by the DOM when this element has been inserted into the live document.

attributeChanged(String name, String oldValue, String newValue) → void

Called by the DOM whenever an attribute on this has been changed.

attributeToProperty(String name, String value) → void

If attribute name is mapped to a property, deserialize value into that property.

bind(String name, bindable, {bool oneTime: false}) Bindable

Called by TemplateBinding/NodeBind to setup a binding to the given property. It's overridden here to support property bindings in addition to attribute bindings that are supported by default.

bindFinished() → dynamic

Called by TemplateBinding when all bindings on an element have been executed. This signals that all element inputs have been gathered and it's safe to ready the element, create shadow-root and start data-observation.

bindProperty(Symbol name, bindableOrValue, {oneTime: false}) Bindable

Bind the name property in this element to bindable. Note in Dart it is necessary to also define the field:

bindToAccessor(Symbol name, Bindable bindable, {resolveBindingValue: false}) → dynamic

blur() → void

cancelAsync(int id) → void

Cancel an operation scheduled by async.

cancelUnbindAll() → void

/ Call in detached to prevent the element from unbinding when it is / detached from the dom. The element is unbound as a cleanup step that / allows its memory to be reclaimed. If cancelUnbindAll is used, consider calling unbindAll when the element is no longer needed. This will allow its memory to be reclaimed.

classFollows(Element anew, Element old, String className) → void

Remove className from old, add class to anew, if they exist.

click() → void

clone(bool deep) → Node

Returns a copy of this node.

closeNamedObserver(String name) → bool

closeNamedObservers() → void

closeObservers() → void

contains(Node other) → bool

Returns true if this node contains the specified node.

copyInstanceAttributes() → void

createComputedProperties() → dynamic

createFragment(String html, {NodeValidator validator, NodeTreeSanitizer treeSanitizer}) → DocumentFragment

Create a DocumentFragment from the HTML fragment and ensure that it follows the sanitization rules specified by the validator or treeSanitizer.

createPropertyObserver() → void

Creates a CompoundObserver to observe property changes. NOTE, this is only done if there are any properties in the _observe object.

createShadowRoot() → ShadowRoot

deliverChanges() → bool

Synchronously deliver pending changes. Returns true if any records were delivered, otherwise false.

deliverPropertyChanges() → void

Force any pending property changes to synchronously deliver to handlers specified in the observe object. Note: normally changes are processed at microtask time.

deserializeValue(String value, Object currentValue, Type type) → Object

Convert representation of value based on type and currentValue.

detached() → void

Called by the DOM when this element has been removed from the live document.

dispatchEvent(Event event) → bool

dispatchMethod(object, callbackOrMethod, List args) → void

Calls methodOrCallback with args if it is a closure, otherwise, treat it as a method name in object, and invoke it.

domReady() → void

Implement to access custom elements in dom descendants, ancestors, or siblings. Because custom elements upgrade in document order, elements accessed in ready or attached may not be upgraded. When domReady is called, all registered custom elements are guaranteed to have been upgraded.

emitPropertyChangeRecord(Symbol name, newValue, oldValue) → dynamic

enteredView() → void

Deprecated*: override attached instead.

fetchTemplate(Element elementElement) → Element

Given a <polymer-element>, find an associated template (if any) to be used for shadow-root generation.

findStyleScope([node]) → Node

fire(String type, {Object detail, Node onNode, bool canBubble, bool cancelable}) → CustomEvent

Fire a CustomEvent targeting onNode, or this if onNode is not supplied. Returns the new event.

focus() → void

getAnimationPlayers() → List<AnimationPlayer>

getAttribute(String name) → String

getAttributeNS(String namespaceURI, String localName) → String

getBoundingClientRect() → Rectangle

Returns the smallest bounding rectangle that encompasses this element's padding, scrollbar, and border.

getClientRects() → List<Rectangle>

Returns a list of bounding rectangles for each box associated with this element.

getComputedStyle([String pseudoElement]) → CssStyleDeclaration

The set of all CSS values applied to this element, including inherited and default values.

getDestinationInsertionPoints() → List<Node>

Returns a list of shadow DOM insertion points to which this element is distributed.

getElementsByClassName(String classNames) → List<Node>

Returns a list of nodes with the given class name inside this element.

getNamespacedAttributes(String namespace) → Map<String, String>

Gets a map for manipulating the attributes of a particular namespace.

getShadowRoot(String customTagName) → ShadowRoot

Deprecated use shadowRoots instead.

hasChildNodes() → bool

Returns true if this node has any children.

injectBoundHTML(String html, [Element element]) → DocumentFragment

injectBoundHtml(String html, {Element element, NodeValidator validator, NodeTreeSanitizer treeSanitizer}) → DocumentFragment

Inject HTML which contains markup bound to this element into a target element (replacing target element content).

insertAdjacentElement(String where, Element element) → Element

insertAdjacentHtml(String where, String html, {NodeValidator validator, NodeTreeSanitizer treeSanitizer}) → void

Parses text as an HTML fragment and inserts it into the DOM at the specified location.

insertAdjacentText(String where, String text) → void

insertAllBefore(Iterable<Node> newNodes, Node refChild) → Node

Inserts all of the nodes into this node directly before refChild.

insertBefore(Node newChild, Node refChild) → Node

Inserts all of the nodes into this node directly before refChild.

installControllerStyles() → void

Installs external stylesheets and <style> elements with the attribute polymer-scope='controller' into the scope of element. This is intended to be called during custom element construction.

installScopeCssText(String cssText, [Node scope, String name]) → void

installScopeStyle(style, [String name, Node scope]) → void

instanceTemplate(Element template) → DocumentFragment

Creates the document fragment to use for each instance of the custom element, given the <template> node. By default this is equivalent to:

invokeMethod(Symbol methodName, List args) → dynamic

Call methodName method on this object with args.

leftView() → void

Deprecated*: override detached instead.

lightFromTemplate(Element template, [Node refNode]) → Node

Utility function that stamps a <template> into light-dom.

makeElementReady() → dynamic

Deprecated: This is no longer a public method.

marshalNodeReferences(Node root) → void

Locate nodes with id and store references to them in $ hash.

matches(String selectors) → bool

matchesWithAncestors(String selectors) → bool

Checks if this element or any of its parents match the CSS selectors.

noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic

Invoked when a non-existent method or property is accessed.

notifyChange(ChangeRecord record) → void

Notify observers of a change.

notifyPropertyChange(Symbol field, Object oldValue, Object newValue) → dynamic

Notify that the field name of this object has been changed.

notifyPropertyChanges(List newValues, Map oldValues, List paths) → void

Handler for property changes; routes changes to observing methods. Note: array valued properties are observed for array splices.

observeArrayValue(PropertyPath name, Object value, Object old) → void

offsetTo(Element parent) → Point

Provides the offset of this element's borderEdge relative to the specified parent.

onMutation(Node node) → Future<List<MutationRecord>>

Returns a future when node changes, or when its children or subtree changes.

openPropertyObserver() → void

Start observing property changes.

parseDeclaration(Element elementElement) → void

Perform init-time actions based on static information in the <polymer-element> instance argument.

parseDeclarations(PolymerDeclaration declaration) → void

Walks the prototype-chain of this element and allows specific classes a chance to process static declarations.

polymerCreated() → void

If this class is used as a mixin, this method must be called from inside of the created() constructor.

prepareElement() → void

propertyForAttribute(String name) → Declaration

Return the published property matching name, or null.

query(String relativeSelectors) → Element

Alias for querySelector. Note this function is deprecated because its semantics will be changing in the future.

queryAll(String relativeSelectors) → ElementList<Element>

Alias for querySelectorAll. Note this function is deprecated because its semantics will be changing in the future.

querySelector(String selectors) → Element

Finds the first descendant element of this element that matches the specified group of selectors.

querySelectorAll(String selectors) → ElementList<Element>

Finds all descendent elements of this element that match the specified group of selectors.

readValue(Symbol name, [dynamic initialValue()]) → dynamic

Helper to implement a property with the given name. This is used for normal and computed properties. Normal properties can provide the initial value using the initialValue function. Computed properties ignore initialValue, their value is derived from the expression in the ComputedProperty annotation that appears above the getter that uses this helper.

ready() → void

Lifecycle method called when the element has populated it's shadowRoot, prepared data-observation, and made itself ready for API interaction. To wait until the element has been attached to the default view, use attached or domReady.

reflectPropertyToAttribute(String path) → void

registerNamedObserver(String name, StreamSubscription sub) → void

Bookkeeping observers for memory management.

remove() → void

Removes this node from the DOM.

removeEventListener(String type, EventListener listener(Event event), [bool useCapture]) → void

replaceWith(Node otherNode) → Node

Replaces this node with another node.

requestFullscreen() → void

requestPointerLock() → void

scheduleJob(PolymerJob job, void callback(), [Duration wait]) PolymerJob

Invoke callback in wait, unless the job is re-registered, which resets the timer. If wait is not supplied, this will use window.requestAnimationFrame instead of a Timer.

scopeHasNamedStyle(Node scope, String name) → bool

scrollIntoView([ScrollAlignment alignment]) → void

Scrolls this element into view.

serializeValue(Object value) → String

setAttribute(String name, String value) → void

setAttributeNS(String namespaceURI, String qualifiedName, String value) → void

setInnerHtml(String html, {NodeValidator validator, NodeTreeSanitizer treeSanitizer}) → void

Parses the HTML fragment and sets it as the contents of this element. This ensures that the generated content follows the sanitization rules specified by the validator or treeSanitizer.

shadowFromTemplate(Element template) → ShadowRoot

Utility function that creates a shadow root from a <template>.

shadowRootReady(Node root) → void

styleCacheForScope(Node scope) → Set

takeAttributes() → void

toString() → String

The string representation of this element.

unbindAll() → void

This method should rarely be used and only if cancelUnbindAll has been called to prevent element unbinding. In this case, the element's bindings will not be automatically cleaned up and it cannot be garbage collected by by the system. If memory pressure is a concern or a large amount of elements need to be managed in this way, unbindAll can be called to deactivate the element's bindings and allow its memory to be reclaimed.

writeValue(Symbol name, newValue) → dynamic

Helper to implement a setter of a property with the given name on a polymer element. This can be used on normal properties and also on computed properties, as long as the expression used for the computed property is assignable (see ComputedProperty).
