Get-Trace Source

Gets Windows PowerShell components that are instrumented for tracing.


   [[-Name] <String[]>]


The Get-TraceSource cmdlet gets the trace sources for Windows PowerShell components that are currently in use. You can use the data to determine which Windows PowerShell components you can trace. When tracing, the component generates detailed messages about each step in its internal processing. Developers use the trace data to monitor data flow, program execution, and errors.

The tracing cmdlets were designed for Windows PowerShell developers, but they are available to all users.


Example 1: Get trace sources by name

PS C:\> Get-TraceSource -Name "*provider*"

This command gets all of the trace sources that have names that include provider.

Example 2: Get all trace sources

PS C:\> Get-TraceSource

This command gets all of the Windows PowerShell components that can be traced.

Optional Parameters


Specifies the trace sources to get. Wildcards are permitted. The parameter name Name is optional.

Type: String[]
Position: 0
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName, ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: False



You can pipe a string that contains the name of a trace source to Get-TraceSource .



Get-TraceSource returns objects that represent the trace sources.