Server Manager

To download the most current Windows PowerShell console help for this cmdlet module, run Update-Help -Module ServerManager in an elevated (Run as Administrator) Windows PowerShell session.

All cmdlets in this module require elevation.

This reference provides cmdlet descriptions and syntax for all Server Manager role and feature deployment cmdlets, and for the cmdlets that control standard user access to data in Server Manager. It lists the cmdlets in alphabetical order, based on the verb at the beginning of the cmdlet.


Disable-Server Manager Standard User Remoting

Disables access for specified standard users to event, service, performance counter, and role and feature inventory data that is collected by Server Manager for a server.

Enable-Server Manager Standard User Remoting

Provides one or more standard, non-Administrator users access to event, service, performance counter, and role and feature inventory data for a server that you are managing by using Server Manager.

Get-Windows Feature

Gets information about Windows Server roles, role services, and features that are available for installation and installed on a specified server.

Install-Windows Feature

Installs one or more roles, role services, or features on either the local or a specified remote server that is running Windows Server 2012 R2.

Uninstall-Windows Feature

Uninstalls specified Windows Server roles, role services, and features from a computer that is running Windows Server 2012 R2.