Get-PSReadline Option

Gets values for the options that can be configured.


Get-PSReadlineOption []


The Get-PSReadlineOption returns the current state of the settings that can be configured by using the Set-PSReadlineOption cmdlet. You can use the object that Get-PSReadlineOption returns to change PSReadline options. This provides a slightly simpler way to set syntax coloring options for multiple kinds of tokens.


Example 1: Get options and their values

PS C:\> Get-PSReadlineOption

EditMode                               : Windows

ContinuationPrompt                     : >>>

ContinuationPromptForegroundColor      : DarkYellow

ContinuationPromptBackgroundColor      : DarkMagenta

ExtraPromptLineCount                   : 0

AddToHistoryHandler                    :

CommandValidationHandler               :

CommandsToValidateScriptBlockArguments : {ForEach-Object, %, Invoke-Command, icm...}

HistoryNoDuplicates                    : False

MaximumHistoryCount                    : 4096

MaximumKillRingCount                   : 10

HistorySearchCursorMovesToEnd          : False

ShowToolTips                           : False

DingTone                               : 1221

CompletionQueryItems                   : 100

WordDelimiters                         : ;:,.[]{}()/\|^&*-=+---

DingDuration                           : 50

BellStyle                              : Audible

HistorySearchCaseSensitive             : False

HistorySavePath                        : C:\Users\TestUser\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\PowerShell\PSReadline\ConsoleHost_history.txt

HistorySaveStyle                       : SaveIncrementally

DefaultTokenForegroundColor            : DarkYellow

CommentForegroundColor                 : DarkGreen

KeywordForegroundColor                 : Green

StringForegroundColor                  : DarkCyan

OperatorForegroundColor                : DarkGray

VariableForegroundColor                : Green

CommandForegroundColor                 : Yellow

ParameterForegroundColor               : DarkGray

TypeForegroundColor                    : Gray

NumberForegroundColor                  : White

MemberForegroundColor                  : White

DefaultTokenBackgroundColor            : DarkMagenta

CommentBackgroundColor                 : DarkMagenta

KeywordBackgroundColor                 : DarkMagenta

StringBackgroundColor                  : DarkMagenta

OperatorBackgroundColor                : DarkMagenta

VariableBackgroundColor                : DarkMagenta

CommandBackgroundColor                 : DarkMagenta

ParameterBackgroundColor               : DarkMagenta

TypeBackgroundColor                    : DarkMagenta

NumberBackgroundColor                  : DarkMagenta

MemberBackgroundColor                  : DarkMagenta

EmphasisForegroundColor                : Cyan

EmphasisBackgroundColor                : DarkMagenta

ErrorForegroundColor                   : Red

ErrorBackgroundColor                   : DarkMagenta

This command returns the list of available PSReadline options and their current values.



You cannot pipe objects to this cmdlet.