
Unregisters a repository.


          [-Name] <String[]>


The Unregister-PSRepository cmdlet unregisters a repository for the current user.


Example 1: Unregister a repository

PS C:\> Unregister-PSRepository -Name "myNuGetSource"

This command unregisters the repository named myNuGetSource.

Example 2: Unregister all repositories

PS C:\> Get-PSRepository | Unregister-PSRepository

This command uses Get-PSRepository to get all registered repositories, and uses the pipeline operator to pass them to Unregister-PSRepository to unregister them. Note that PSGallery is a built-in repository and cannot be unregistered.

Required Parameters


Specifies an array of names of the repositories to remove.

Type: String[]
Position: 1
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters: False