Export-Rms Report Definition Language

Exports all report definition (.rdl) files.


      [-ExportLocation] <String>
      [-Path] <String[]>


The Export-RmsReportDefinitionLanguage cmdlet exports the following report definition (.rdl) files for this version of Active Directory Rights Management Services (AD RMS):

  • Report_Health_MultiReport.rdl
  • Report_TroubleShooting_UserRequestSummary.rdl
  • Report_TroubleShooting_UserRequestTypeList.rdl
  • Report_TroubleShooting_UserRequestDetail.rdl
  • Report_TroubleShooting_UserRequestCertificateInfo.rdl
  • Report_TroubleShooting_AllILsFromCLC.rdl.rdl
  • Report_TroubleShooting_AllEULsFromIssuanceLicense.rdl

This cmdlet does not export the Report_TroubleShooting_DecryptILRightsLabel.rdl file. This file cannot be used by the SQL Server report service because it requires a private key.

To export the report definition files, specify the ExportLocation where you want to save the files, and set the Path parameter to the AD RMS provider drive subdirectory <PSDrive>:\ Report where <PSDrive> is the provider drive ID. You can also specify a relative path. For example, a dot (.) specifies the current location.


Example 1: Export report definition files

PS C:\> Export-RmsReportDefinitionLanguage -Path "." -ExportLocation "c:\temp\"

This command exports the report definition files to the directory C:\temp.

Required Parameters


Specifies the path of the exported file.

Type: String
Position: 1
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName, ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: False

Specifies a provider drive and path or relative path on the current drive. Use a dot (.) to specify the current location. This parameter does not accept wildcards and has no default value.

Type: String[]
Position: 0
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False

Optional Parameters


Prompts you for confirmation before running the cmdlet.

Type: SwitchParameter
Aliases: cf
Position: Named
Default value: False
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False

Overrides restrictions that prevent the command from succeeding if the restrictions do not compromise security. For example, Force overrides the read-only attribute or creates directories to complete a file path, but it does not attempt to change file permissions.

Type: SwitchParameter
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName, ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: False

Shows what would happen if the cmdlet runs. The cmdlet is not run.

Type: SwitchParameter
Aliases: wi
Position: Named
Default value: False
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False