Bit Locker

This reference provides cmdlet descriptions and syntax for all BitLocker cmdlets. It lists the cmdlets in alphabetical order based on the verb at the beginning of the cmdlet.


Add-Bit Locker Key Protector

Adds a key protector for a BitLocker volume.

Backup-Bit Locker Key Protector

Saves a key protector for a BitLocker volume in AD DS.

Clear-Bit Locker Auto Unlock

Removes BitLocker automatic unlocking keys.

Disable-Bit Locker

Disables BitLocker Drive Encryption for a volume.

Disable-Bit Locker Auto Unlock

Disables automatic unlocking for a BitLocker volume.

Enable-Bit Locker

Enables BitLocker Drive Encryption for a volume.

Enable-Bit Locker Auto Unlock

Enables automatic unlocking for a BitLocker volume.

Get-Bit Locker Volume

Gets information about volumes that BitLocker can protect.

Lock-Bit Locker

Prevents access to encrypted data on a BitLocker volume.

Remove-Bit Locker Key Protector

Removes a key protector for a BitLocker volume.

Resume-Bit Locker

Restores Bitlocker encryption for the specified volume.

Suspend-Bit Locker

Suspends Bitlocker encryption for the specified volume.

Unlock-Bit Locker

Restores access to data on a BitLocker volume.