[-FilePath] <String>
[-DriverFiles <DriverFile[]>]
-Level <RuleLevel>
[-Fallback <RuleLevel[]>]
[-ScanPath <String>]
[-OmitPaths <String[]>]
[-PathToCatroot <String>]
[-FilePath] <String>
-Rules <Rule[]>
[-ScanPath <String>]
[-OmitPaths <String[]>]
[-PathToCatroot <String>]
The New-CIPolicy cmdlet creates a Code Integrity policy as an .xml file.
If you specify DriverFile objects, this cmdlet generates rules based on the Level parameter. This cmdlet creates a policy based on those rules for the specified drive files.
If you specify Rule objects, this cmdlet creates a policy based on those objects. Because the rules that you specify are created at a specific level, do not specify a level.
If you do not supply either driver files or rules, this cmdlet performs a system scan similar to the Get-SystemDriver cmdlet. The cmdlet generates rules based on Level . If you specify the Audit parameter, this cmdlet scans the Code Integrity Audit log instead.
Example 1: Create a policy
The first command scans for driver information and creates rules at the Publisher level. The command creates a policy and stores it in the file that is named Policy.xml. This command specifies the **OmitPaths** parameter to exclude files in the temp\ConfigCITestBinaries folder. The command specifies the **NoScript** parameterso that it gets information for only PE files.
PS C:\> New-CIPolicy -ScanPath '.\temp\' -UserPEs -OmitPaths '.\temp\ConfigCITestBinaries' -NoScript -FilePath '.\Policy.xml' -Level Publisher
Scan completed successfully
The second command displays the contents of the policy.
PS C:\> Get-Content -Path '.\policy.xml'
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SiPolicy xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:sipolicy">
<Option>Enabled:Unsigned System Integrity Policy</Option>
<Option>Enabled:Audit Mode</Option>
<Option>Enabled:Advanced Boot Options Menu</Option>
<Option>Disabled:Script Enforcement</Option>
<EKUs />
<!--File Rules-->
<Allow ID="ID_ALLOW_A_2F" FriendlyName="\\?\E:\cmdlets\temp\Microsoft.ConfigCI.Commands.dll Hash Sha1" Hash="BE0777
F5AF88628D4555A875036648DF1AD19BBE" />
<Allow ID="ID_ALLOW_A_30" FriendlyName="\\?\E:\cmdlets\temp\Microsoft.ConfigCI.Commands.dll Hash Sha256" Hash="6FA5
AF724499C338A77FEEAD90F55DDF5F23D081C6DCE8E9DF486E95C6A9B310" />
<Allow ID="ID_ALLOW_A_31" FriendlyName="\\?\E:\cmdlets\temp\Microsoft.ConfigCI.Commands.dll Hash Page Sha1" Hash="D
41570F2E6E7E6245CF342131D4706C944562B1E" />
<Allow ID="ID_ALLOW_A_32" FriendlyName="\\?\E:\cmdlets\temp\Microsoft.ConfigCI.Commands.dll Hash Page Sha256" Hash=
"F714D9784E15B88F56180C8EE2B40C769CC83428954585A1DCF9A260FE967CDD" />
<Allow ID="ID_ALLOW_A_37" FriendlyName="\\?\E:\cmdlets\temp\PackageInspectorTestBinaries\ntoskrnl.exe Hash Sha1" Ha
sh="FD58E1BFA1E661C809F8A2437932B0F0308A99F8" />
<Allow ID="ID_ALLOW_A_38" FriendlyName="\\?\E:\cmdlets\temp\PackageInspectorTestBinaries\ntoskrnl.exe Hash Sha256"
Hash="A1C9FA473C2D79D0F68DF6EC72E31847F0FDA283D3A9E6B1405B0DF5929CCCB8" />
<Allow ID="ID_ALLOW_A_39" FriendlyName="\\?\E:\cmdlets\temp\PackageInspectorTestBinaries\ntoskrnl.exe Hash Page Sha
1" Hash="6D3764B75C6502634234911B8F224FC9568217C9" />
<Allow ID="ID_ALLOW_A_3A" FriendlyName="\\?\E:\cmdlets\temp\PackageInspectorTestBinaries\ntoskrnl.exe Hash Page Sha
256" Hash="2196AD3A00A59F4C35EEF7FE843FA3D6F80D5EFB3C674ADC087396B77AB35768" />
<Allow ID="ID_ALLOW_A_3F" FriendlyName="\\?\E:\cmdlets\temp\PackageInspectorTestBinaries\storahci.sys Hash Sha1" Ha
sh="28FAEFE1B18A979F9FF55744B22C6E5EA2949959" />
<Allow ID="ID_ALLOW_A_40" FriendlyName="\\?\E:\cmdlets\temp\PackageInspectorTestBinaries\storahci.sys Hash Sha256"
Hash="DA737C142A51A73D82E6AD677474C8031486FDEF018A6FE9D178564F83AB284B" />
<Allow ID="ID_ALLOW_A_41" FriendlyName="\\?\E:\cmdlets\temp\PackageInspectorTestBinaries\storahci.sys Hash Page Sha
1" Hash="029606A9B560F4921EC1122AA73C19C9B97F7764" />
<Allow ID="ID_ALLOW_A_42" FriendlyName="\\?\E:\cmdlets\temp\PackageInspectorTestBinaries\storahci.sys Hash Page Sha
256" Hash="2A5D6BCBFA55DB0F0487F45F4A6986AFC2C4783820EDA48DE9E0560E51D8DB56" />
<Allow ID="ID_ALLOW_A_33" FriendlyName="\\?\E:\cmdlets\temp\Microsoft.ConfigCI.Commands.dll Hash Sha1" Hash="BE0777F5AF88628D4555A875036648DF1AD19BBE" />
<Allow ID="ID_ALLOW_A_34" FriendlyName="\\?\E:\cmdlets\temp\Microsoft.ConfigCI.Commands.dll Hash Sha256" Hash="6FA5
AF724499C338A77FEEAD90F55DDF5F23D081C6DCE8E9DF486E95C6A9B310" />
<Allow ID="ID_ALLOW_A_35" FriendlyName="\\?\E:\cmdlets\temp\Microsoft.ConfigCI.Commands.dll Hash Page Sha1" Hash="D
41570F2E6E7E6245CF342131D4706C944562B1E" />
<Allow ID="ID_ALLOW_A_36" FriendlyName="\\?\E:\cmdlets\temp\Microsoft.ConfigCI.Commands.dll Hash Page Sha256" Hash=
"F714D9784E15B88F56180C8EE2B40C769CC83428954585A1DCF9A260FE967CDD" />
<Allow ID="ID_ALLOW_A_3B" FriendlyName="\\?\E:\cmdlets\temp\PackageInspectorTestBinaries\ntoskrnl.exe Hash Sha1" Hash="FD58E1BFA1E661C809F8A2437932B0F0308A99F8" />
<Allow ID="ID_ALLOW_A_3C" FriendlyName="\\?\E:\cmdlets\temp\PackageInspectorTestBinaries\ntoskrnl.exe Hash Sha256"
Hash="A1C9FA473C2D79D0F68DF6EC72E31847F0FDA283D3A9E6B1405B0DF5929CCCB8" />
<Allow ID="ID_ALLOW_A_3D" FriendlyName="\\?\E:\cmdlets\temp\PackageInspectorTestBinaries\ntoskrnl.exe Hash Page Sha
1" Hash="6D3764B75C6502634234911B8F224FC9568217C9" />
<Allow ID="ID_ALLOW_A_3E" FriendlyName="\\?\E:\cmdlets\temp\PackageInspectorTestBinaries\ntoskrnl.exe Hash Page Sha
256" Hash="2196AD3A00A59F4C35EEF7FE843FA3D6F80D5EFB3C674ADC087396B77AB35768" />
<Allow ID="ID_ALLOW_A_43" FriendlyName="\\?\E:\cmdlets\temp\PackageInspectorTestBinaries\storahci.sys Hash Sha1" Ha
sh="28FAEFE1B18A979F9FF55744B22C6E5EA2949959" />
<Allow ID="ID_ALLOW_A_44" FriendlyName="\\?\E:\cmdlets\temp\PackageInspectorTestBinaries\storahci.sys Hash Sha256"
Hash="DA737C142A51A73D82E6AD677474C8031486FDEF018A6FE9D178564F83AB284B" />
<Allow ID="ID_ALLOW_A_45" FriendlyName="\\?\E:\cmdlets\temp\PackageInspectorTestBinaries\storahci.sys Hash Page Sha
1" Hash="029606A9B560F4921EC1122AA73C19C9B97F7764" />
<Allow ID="ID_ALLOW_A_46" FriendlyName="\\?\E:\cmdlets\temp\PackageInspectorTestBinaries\storahci.sys Hash Page Sha
256" Hash="2A5D6BCBFA55DB0F0487F45F4A6986AFC2C4783820EDA48DE9E0560E51D8DB56" />
<Signer ID="ID_SIGNER_S_D" Name="MSIT Test CodeSign CA 3">
<CertRoot Type="TBS" Value="FA6B9A2230CE08BCA81D096B28CF495672401D3A43A0D285CF352464A6C9C7FD" />
<CertPublisher Value="Microsoft Windows" />
<Signer ID="ID_SIGNER_S_E" Name="MSIT Test CodeSign CA 3">
<CertRoot Type="TBS" Value="FA6B9A2230CE08BCA81D096B28CF495672401D3A43A0D285CF352464A6C9C7FD" />
<CertPublisher Value="Microsoft Windows" />
<Signer ID="ID_SIGNER_S_13" Name="VeriSign Class 3 Code Signing 2010 CA">
<CertRoot Type="TBS" Value="4843A82ED3B1F2BFBEE9671960E1940C942F688D" />
<CertPublisher Value="NVIDIA Corporation" />
<Signer ID="ID_SIGNER_S_14" Name="Microsoft Windows Third Party Component CA 2012">
<CertRoot Type="TBS" Value="CEC1AFD0E310C55C1DCC601AB8E172917706AA32FB5EAF826813547FDF02DD46" />
<CertPublisher Value="Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher" />
<Signer ID="ID_SIGNER_S_15" Name="VeriSign Class 3 Code Signing 2010 CA">
<CertRoot Type="TBS" Value="4843A82ED3B1F2BFBEE9671960E1940C942F688D" />
<CertPublisher Value="NVIDIA Corporation" />
<Signer ID="ID_SIGNER_S_16" Name="Microsoft Windows Third Party Component CA 2012">
<CertRoot Type="TBS" Value="CEC1AFD0E310C55C1DCC601AB8E172917706AA32FB5EAF826813547FDF02DD46" />
<CertPublisher Value="Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher" />
<!--Driver Signing Scenarios-->
<SigningScenario Value="131" ID="ID_SIGNINGSCENARIO_DRIVERS_1" FriendlyName="Auto generated policy on 11-13-2015">
<FileRuleRef RuleID="ID_ALLOW_A_2F" />
<FileRuleRef RuleID="ID_ALLOW_A_30" />
<FileRuleRef RuleID="ID_ALLOW_A_31" />
<FileRuleRef RuleID="ID_ALLOW_A_32" />
<FileRuleRef RuleID="ID_ALLOW_A_37" />
<FileRuleRef RuleID="ID_ALLOW_A_38" />
<FileRuleRef RuleID="ID_ALLOW_A_39" />
<FileRuleRef RuleID="ID_ALLOW_A_3A" />
<FileRuleRef RuleID="ID_ALLOW_A_3F" />
<FileRuleRef RuleID="ID_ALLOW_A_40" />
<FileRuleRef RuleID="ID_ALLOW_A_41" />
<FileRuleRef RuleID="ID_ALLOW_A_42" />
<AllowedSigner SignerId="ID_SIGNER_S_D" />
<AllowedSigner SignerId="ID_SIGNER_S_13" />
<AllowedSigner SignerId="ID_SIGNER_S_14" />
<SigningScenario Value="12" ID="ID_SIGNINGSCENARIO_WINDOWS" FriendlyName="Auto generated policy on 11-13-2015">
<FileRuleRef RuleID="ID_ALLOW_A_33" />
<FileRuleRef RuleID="ID_ALLOW_A_34" />
<FileRuleRef RuleID="ID_ALLOW_A_35" />
<FileRuleRef RuleID="ID_ALLOW_A_36" />
<FileRuleRef RuleID="ID_ALLOW_A_3B" />
<FileRuleRef RuleID="ID_ALLOW_A_3C" />
<FileRuleRef RuleID="ID_ALLOW_A_3D" />
<FileRuleRef RuleID="ID_ALLOW_A_3E" />
<FileRuleRef RuleID="ID_ALLOW_A_43" />
<FileRuleRef RuleID="ID_ALLOW_A_44" />
<FileRuleRef RuleID="ID_ALLOW_A_45" />
<FileRuleRef RuleID="ID_ALLOW_A_46" />
<AllowedSigner SignerId="ID_SIGNER_S_E" />
<AllowedSigner SignerId="ID_SIGNER_S_15" />
<AllowedSigner SignerId="ID_SIGNER_S_16" />
<UpdatePolicySigners />
<CiSigner SignerId="ID_SIGNER_S_E" />
<CiSigner SignerId="ID_SIGNER_S_15" />
<CiSigner SignerId="ID_SIGNER_S_16" />
Example 2: Scan files that have an invalid signature format
PS C:\> New-CIPolicy -ScanPath '.\temp\' -UserPEs -FilePath ".\policy.xml" -Level Publisher -Fallback Hash
Unable to generate rules for all scanned files at the requested level. A list
of files not covered by the current policy can be found at
C:\Users\tocal\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp2F2D.tmp. If it is safe to not include
these files, no action needs to be taken, otherwise a more complete policy may
be created using the -fallback switch
This command scans for driver information, and then creates rules at the Publisher level, just as the first example did. This command does not specify the OmitPaths and NoScript parameters. The command encounters files that have an invalid or corrupted signature format. The cmdlet returns an informational message about generated rules.
Example 3: Create rules for driver files in a variable
PS C:\> $DriverFiles = Get-SystemDriver -ScanPath '.\temp\' -UserPEs -OmitPaths '.\temp\ConfigCITestBinaries' -NoScript
PS C:\> New-CIPolicy -Level Publisher -Fallback Hash -FilePath '.\policy02.xml' -DriverFiles $DriverFiles
The first command gets drivers by using the Get-SystemDriver cmdlet, and then stores them in the $DriverFiles variable.
The second command creates rules at the Publisher level for the items stored in $DriverFiles. This example has the same effect as the single command in the second example.
Required Parameters
Specifies the path for the Code Integrity policy .xml file.
Type: | String |
Aliases: | f |
Position: | 0 |
Default value: | None |
Accept pipeline input: | False |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |
Specifies the primary level of detail for generated rules. The acceptable values for this parameter are:
- None
- Hash
- FileName
- SignedVersion
- Publisher
- FilePublisher
- LeafCertificate
- PcaCertificate
- RootCertificate
- WHQLPublisher
- WHQLFilePublisher
Type: | RuleLevel |
Aliases: | l |
Parameter Sets: | None, Hash, FileName, SignedVersion, Publisher, FilePublisher, LeafCertificate, PcaCertificate, RootCertificate, WHQL, WHQLPublisher, WHQLFilePublisher |
Position: | Named |
Default value: | None |
Accept pipeline input: | False |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |
Specifies an array of Rule objects that this cmdlet includes in the policy. To obtain a rule object, use the Get-CIPolicy or New-CIPolicyRule cmdlets.
Type: | Rule[] |
Aliases: | r |
Position: | Named |
Default value: | None |
Accept pipeline input: | True (ByValue) |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |
Optional Parameters
Indicates that this cmdlet searches the Code Integrity Audit log for drivers. It does not perform a full system scan. Specify this parameter only if you do not provide driver files or rules.
Type: | SwitchParameter |
Aliases: | a |
Position: | Named |
Default value: | None |
Accept pipeline input: | False |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |
Indicates that this cmdlet creates deny rules instead of the default allow rules.
Type: | SwitchParameter |
Aliases: | d |
Position: | Named |
Default value: | None |
Accept pipeline input: | False |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |
Specifies an array of DriverFile objects on which this cmdlet bases rules. To obtain a driver file, use the Get-SystemDriver cmdlet.
Type: | DriverFile[] |
Aliases: | df |
Position: | Named |
Default value: | None |
Accept pipeline input: | True (ByValue) |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |
Specifies an array of levels of detail for generated rules. If this cmdlet cannot generate a rule at the specified level, this cmdlet attempts to generate it at a fallback level. The acceptable values for this parameter are the same as for Level . If you specify multiple fallback levels, this cmdlet tries them in order.
Type: | RuleLevel[] |
Parameter Sets: | None, Hash, FileName, SignedVersion, Publisher, FilePublisher, LeafCertificate, PcaCertificate, RootCertificate, WHQL, WHQLPublisher, WHQLFilePublisher |
Position: | Named |
Default value: | None |
Accept pipeline input: | False |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |
Indicates that this cmdlet does not search script files. It searches portable executable files (PE files) only. Specify this parameter only if you do not provide driver files or rules.
Type: | SwitchParameter |
Position: | Named |
Default value: | None |
Accept pipeline input: | False |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |
Indicates that the Volume Snapshot Service (VSS) does not make a shadow copy of the disk while the scan runs. This parameter could cause an incomplete scan for a system that is running.
If a scan fails due to VSS errors caused by low disk space on the target drive, this cmdlet prompts you to specify this parameter.
Type: | SwitchParameter |
Position: | Named |
Default value: | None |
Accept pipeline input: | False |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |
Specifies an array of paths that this cmdlet omits from the search. Specify this parameter only if you do not provide driver files or rules. We recommend that you omit C:\Windows.old.
Type: | String[] |
Aliases: | o |
Position: | Named |
Default value: | None |
Accept pipeline input: | False |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |
Specifies the path of the CatRoot folder. Specify this parameter to scan a remote or mounted drive. Specify this parameter only if you do not provide driver files or rules.
Type: | String |
Aliases: | c |
Position: | Named |
Default value: | None |
Accept pipeline input: | False |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |
Specifies the path for this cmdlet to scan. You can specify a local or remote path. Specify this parameter only if you do not provide driver files or rules. If you specify a remote or mounted drive, also specify the PathToCatroot parameter.
Type: | String |
Aliases: | s |
Position: | Named |
Default value: | None |
Accept pipeline input: | False |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |
Type: | SwitchParameter |
Position: | Named |
Default value: | None |
Accept pipeline input: | False |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |
Indicates that this cmdlet includes user mode files in the scan. Specify this parameter only if you do not provide driver files or rules.
Type: | SwitchParameter |
Aliases: | u |
Position: | Named |
Default value: | None |
Accept pipeline input: | False |
Accept wildcard characters: | False |