Dcb QoS

This reference provides cmdlet descriptions and syntax for all Data Center Bridging (DCB) Quality of Service (QoS)-specific cmdlets. It lists the cmdlets in alphabetical order based on the verb at the beginning of the cmdlet.


Disable-Net Qos Flow Control

Disables link level flow control based on the IEEE 802.1p priority.

Enable-Net Qos Flow Control

Enables link level flow control based on the IEEE 802.1p priority.

Get-Net Qos Dcbx Setting

Gets data center bridging exchange settings.

Get-Net Qos Flow Control

Gets the priority-based flow control settings.

Get-Net Qos Traffic Class

Gets the traffic class settings.

New-Net Qos Traffic Class

Creates a traffic class.

Remove-Net Qos Traffic Class

Removes a traffic class.

Set-Net Qos Dcbx Setting

Sets the data center bridging exchange settings.

Set-Net Qos Flow Control

Sets the flow control settings.

Set-Net Qos Traffic Class

Sets the traffic class settings.

Switch-Net Qos Dcbx Setting
Switch-Net Qos Flow Control
Switch-Net Qos Traffic Class