
This reference provides cmdlet descriptions and syntax for all Defender-specific cmdlets. It lists the cmdlets in alphabetical order based on the verb at the beginning of the cmdlet.


Add-Mp Preference

Modifies settings for Windows Defender.

Get-Mp Computer Status

Gets the status of antimalware software on the computer.

Get-Mp Preference

Gets preferences for the Windows Defender scans and updates.

Get-Mp Threat

Gets the history of threats detected on the computer.

Get-Mp Threat Catalog

Gets known threats from the definitions catalog.

Get-Mp Threat Detection

Gets active and past malware threats that Windows Defender detected.

Remove-Mp Preference

Removes exclusions or default actions.

Remove-Mp Threat

Removes active threats from a computer.

Set-Mp Preference

Configures preferences for Windows Defender scans and updates.

Start-Mp Scan

Starts a scan on a computer.

Start-Mp WDOScan

Starts a Windows Defender offline scan.

Update-Mp Signature

Updates the antimalware definitions on a computer.