Get-Dfsr Service Configuration

Gets settings for the DFS Replication service on group members.


   [[-ComputerName] <String[]>]


The Get-DfsrServiceConfiguration cmdlet gets settings for the Distributed File System (DFS) Replication service on replication group members. Members of a replication group host replicated folders. Use this cmdlet to view settings for cleanup, debug logging, and automatic recovery for unexpected shut down.


Example 1: Get DFS Replication service settings for the local computer

PS C:\> Get-DfsrServiceConfiguration
ComputerName                      : SRV01
RPCPort                           : 
DynamicRPCPort                    : True
DisableDebugLog                   : False
MaximumDebugLogFiles              : 1000
DebugLogPath                      : C:\Windows\debug
DebugLogSeverity                  : 4
MaximumDebugLogMessages           : 200000
UnexpectedAutoRecovery            : False
CleanupStagingFolderAtPercent     : 90
CleanupStagingFolderUntilPercent  : 60
CleanupConflictFolderAtPercent    : 90
CleanupConflictFolderUntilPercent : 60

This command gets the DFS Replication service settings for the local computer.

Optional Parameters


Specifies an array of names of replication member computers. You can use a comma separated list and the wildcard character (*). If you do not specify this parameter, the cmdlet uses the current computer.

Type: String[]
Aliases: MemberList, MemList
Position: 0
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName, ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: False



