New-Dfs Replication Group

Creates a replication group.


   [-GroupName] <String[]>
   [[-Description] <String>]
   [[-DomainName] <String>]


The New-DfsReplicationGroup cmdlet creates a replication group. A replication group is a set of servers, or members, that participate in the replication of one or more folders. A replicated folder is kept synchronized among the members of a replication group. This cmdlet cannot modify resource group bandwidth or schedules.


Example 1: Create a replication group

PS C:\> New-DfsReplicationGroup -GroupName "RG01"

GroupName              : RG01
DomainName             :
Identifier             : 81251362-e30f-4c1e-b6b0-23906c1ebdd7
Description            : 
State                  : Normal

This command creates a replication group named RG01.

Example 2: Create a replication topology

PS C:\> New-DfsReplicationGroup -GroupName "Branch Office 1" | New-DfsReplicatedFolder -FolderName "Data Distribution 1" | Add-DfsrMember -ComputerName "SRV01","SRV02","SRV03" | Format-Table dnsname,groupname -auto -wrap

DnsName               GroupName
-------               --------- Branch Office 1 Branch Office 1 Branch Office 1 PS C:\> Add-DfsrConnection -GroupName "Branch Office 1" -SourceComputerName "SRV01" -DestinationComputerName "SRV02" | Format-Table *name -wrap -auto
GroupName       SourceComputerName DestinationComputerName
---------       ------------------ -----------------------
Branch Office 1 SRV01               SRV02
Branch Office 1 SRV02               SRV01 PS C:\> Add-DfsrConnection -GroupName "Branch Office 1" -SourceComputerName "SRV01" -DestinationComputerName "SRV03" | Format-Table *name -wrap -auto
GroupName       SourceComputerName DestinationComputerName
---------       ------------------ -----------------------
Branch Office 1 SRV01               SRV03
Branch Office 1 SRV03               SRV01 PS C:\> Set-DfsrMembership -GroupName "Branch Office 1" -FolderName "Data Distribution 1" -ContentPath "C:\Rf01" -ComputerName "SRV01" -PrimaryMember $True -StagingPathQuotaInMB 16384 -Force | Format-Table *name,*path,primary* -auto -wrap
DomainName       GroupName       FolderName          ComputerName ContentPath StagingPath                PrimaryMember
----------       ---------       ----------          ------------ ----------- -----------                ------------- Branch Office 1 Data Distribution 1 SRV01         c:\Rf01      c:\Rf01\DfsrPrivate\Staging          True PS C:\> Set-DfsrMembership -GroupName "Branch Office 1" -FolderName "Data Distribution 1" -ContentPath "C:\Rf01" -ComputerName "SRV02","SRV03" -StagingPathQuotaInMB 16384 -Force | Format-Table *name,*path,primary* -auto -wrap
DomainName       GroupName       FolderName          ComputerName ContentPath StagingPath                PrimaryMember
----------       ---------       ----------          ------------ ----------- -----------                ------------- Branch Office 1 Data Distribution 1 SRV02         c:\Rf01      c:\Rf01\DfsrPrivate\Staging         False Branch Office 1 Data Distribution 1 SRV03         c:\Rf01      c:\Rf01\DfsrPrivate\Staging         False

This example creates a replication topology with an upstream server and two downstream servers.

The first command uses the New-DfsReplicationGroup cmdlet to create a replication group with the name Branch Office 1. The command pipes the output to the New-DfsReplicatedFolder cmdlet to create a replicated folder with the name Data Distribution 1. The command pipes the output to the Add-DfsrMember cmdlet to add the member servers named SRV01, SRV02, and SRV03. The command formats the output of the pipeline as a table.

The second command uses the Add-DfsrConnection cmdlet to add bidirectional connections between servers SRV01 and SRV02.

The third command uses the Add-DfsrConnection cmdlet to add bidirectional connections between servers SRV01 and SRV03.

The fourth command uses the Set-DfsrMembership cmdlet to set SRV01 as the primary member.

The fifth command uses the Set-DfsrMembership cmdlet to set membership for servers SRV02 and SRV03.

Required Parameters


Specifies an array of names of replication groups.

Type: String[]
Aliases: RG, RgName
Position: 0
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName, ByValue)
Accept wildcard characters: False

Optional Parameters


Prompts you for confirmation before running the cmdlet.

Type: SwitchParameter
Aliases: cf
Position: Named
Default value: False
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False

Specifies a description for the replication group.

Type: String
Position: 1
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False

Specifies the NetBIOS name or fully qualified domain name (FQDN) for the Active Directory Domain Service (AD DS) domain that contains a replication group. If you do not specify this parameter, the cmdlet uses the current domain.

Type: String
Position: 100
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: True (ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters: False

Shows what would happen if the cmdlet runs. The cmdlet is not run.

Type: SwitchParameter
Aliases: wi
Position: Named
Default value: False
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False



